How and by whom to counter Anti-Mage? Items and Heroes

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How to counter Antimaga

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. , . . , , . ?

Who counteracts Antimaga

, . , . . , . 3-5 . , .

What is the counter-hero of Antimaga

, . , - , . «» , . , .

, , Outworld Devourer. , . . OD AM .

, . , . Legion. , .

Void. . , Void, , . .

Lycanthrope. , . Lycanthrope, . , , .

, , Doom. , . . Doom , « ».

Riki. . Riki «», . , .

Who counters Anti-Mage in late

. , , , . . , .

, , Silver Edge. , . , .

– Orchid. . , Orchid.

For characters with a lot of HP, it is advisable to purchase Blade Mail. The item will increase armor, mana and return some damage to Anti-Mage. Sometimes attack the enemy with Blade Mail. AM dies from its own damage.

The alleged enemy of Anti-Mage will benefit from the item Butterfly. The character receives dodges, and the enemy misses. Even one attack passed by can decide the outcome of the battle.

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