VLOOKUP Excel - what is it? Learn how VLOOKUP works in Excel

VPR Excel is a function in the corresponding program, which is distinguished by its beauty and simplicity. It has many different applications, it is used in completely different fields: from training to retail. The basic concept of a function is to look for matches in one or more tables. So you can easily find the information of interest by spending a minimum of time.

general information

Excel vpr function - what is it? It is also called VLOOKUP in the English version. This is one of the most common array and reference functions. The experts who make up the BRP ADVICE scale have set the difficulty level to 3 or 7.

eg English excel

The considered function allows you to quickly find in a large table those values ​​from rows or columns that are necessary for the user. This program finds the first parameter independently. The column is specified by the user. There is another function of the GPR, where a person marks a line. She finds a column on her own.

If the user has already dealt with links and arrays, then it will be easy to figure out the actions of the VLOOKUP. In different spreadsheet documents, you can make a footnote on a specific cell. It is set as an example or, on the contrary, is indicated as an exception. In the task for VLOOKUP, a cell is usually indicated in the form of A1, D9, K8, and so on.

Sometimes the link is presented in a different form (R1C1). In a word, a column and a line are marked, at the intersection of which the information necessary for the user is found. The program receives an exact indication of where it needs to look for this data.

Function parameters by example

In the Excel VLOOKUP function, the row number is first indicated, followed by the column designation. Something like this should be something like:

= VLOOKUP (A1; Database; 2; FALSE)


The parameters of the function mean the following:

  1. A1. This is an approximate cell reference. It can indicate any value, depending on the result that the user wants to get.
  2. Database. The name of the area of ​​information to be searched. The concept is not as extensive as the previous one. It can only be used on the first rows or columns.
  3. 2. This is the serial number of the column from where the program will draw information.
  4. LYING. Indicates a search for an exact match. Sometimes other additional parameters of this word are indicated. And the program will search for all matches and determine the nearest values.

Unfortunately, the function cannot work more professionally. The user needs to keep some data in his head (row or column number). Otherwise, he will not be able to find the information he needs.

VLOOKUP Arguments

To talk about how the VLOOKUP function in Excel works, you need to familiarize yourself with its arguments. The first is the desired value. It sets the search parameters that the program will search in the first column of the table. It cannot work with the second and subsequent ones; the function simply will not find this information. Inside the formula, this argument is quoted. Exceptions are function names.

how does excel function work in excel

Another argument is a table. It can be indicated in the coordinate system. And directly in this table, its first column, the function will try to find the element to find. It is indicated initially (see above).

– . , . , , , , . .

– . «1» «0» «» «». , . . , .

The Excel VLOOKUP function will never fail if an incorrect task is noted. That is, only the user is to blame for any violations. There are three common mistakes. First, a person is often confused about the arguments “false” and “truth”. The first is focused on finding an exact match. If you specify "truth", then the function selects approximate.

excel what is it

Secondly, the Excel VLOOKUP formula cannot be indicated so that the search starts from the second or subsequent column. You can find data only by the first. Therefore, if the user enters some other formula that is different from the rules, then the program simply will not be able to recognize it.

And, thirdly, the column number from where the information is needed is often incorrectly indicated. In this case, you need to double-check the data.

When to use the VLOOKUP function?

. , Excel. , . .

: , – . :

  • .
  • . , . , , .
  • . , , .

, , , .


. Excel , . , – .

forward excel instruction

Then in the empty cell you need to enter this formula, where the user sets the search parameters for matches and information. An empty niche can be located anywhere: above, below, to the right. Cells will need to be expanded to find data. Since they are located in their columns, they will require at least two. If there are more search parameters, then the number of cells increases. Then it checks the operation of the function and how correctly the formula is written. To do this, click on "view values." You can identify inconsistencies in the formula.

Feature Recommendations

VLOOKUP in English Excel and in the Russian analogue is applied equally. But there are a couple of tips from professionals. To make the function work better, especially after changing the data, it is recommended to enter the dollar icon between the arrays. For example, not A1, but A $ 1 $. When primary values ​​are driven in, then no characters and spaces between the names of rows and columns need to be set.

excel formula

It is also recommended that you carefully check the table so that there are no extra punctuation marks or spaces. Their presence will not allow the program to normally search for matches, especially when it is only approximate (by the “True” parameter).


The Excel VLOOKUP function (vertical viewing) is easy for an experienced user. But an inexperienced person in the matter will not be hard to get acquainted with the rules of its use. After mastering them, the user will be able to quickly find information, and no matter how extensive the table will be. If you need to use horizontal viewing, then use the function of the GPR.

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