Natural coral is an organic compound consisting of calcium carbonate, impurities of magnesium and iron oxide. It grows very slowly - about seven centimeters per year. Shallow-water corals are located at a depth of about three meters, and deep-sea corals can be located at a depth of more than three hundred meters. Despite this, they are successfully mined in the required volumes.
The color of coral depends on the amount and composition of organic compounds. The most common are white, pink and red. Porous corals are much cheaper than deep-sea ones. The most valuable is black coral.
Researchers and experts claim that in nature there are more than 3,500 species of coral, having 350 shades. But do not think that they are all used to make jewelry. Most of them serve as raw materials for lime production. Jewelers, in particular, value black coral, which is mined in India and China, pearl silver ("angel skin") and white. The most popular and often used are considered a noble red and pink look.
Unfortunately, the high price of natural corals often leads to their fake. Most often on sale you can find plastic beads "under the coral" or tinted, but inexpensive stone. Be careful when buying! Plastic or colored glass is colder, heavier and harder than coral.
Coral bracelets and beads can be turned - in this case, the product is carefully selected from small pieces. In addition, they can be pressed. Typically, this method is used for the manufacture of large round products.
Coral beads were an adornment in ancient times. Particles of pink coral are found by archaeologists during excavations of burials from the Paleolithic. The ancient Greeks were convinced that pink coral brings happiness and longevity, removes disaster from man and makes him wiser. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, coral beads were considered a symbol of integrity. The Indians of Mexico to this day believe that such an ornament can drive away evil spirits that cause fever.
Corals are shrouded in many legends, folk beliefs and signs. It has long been believed that coral beads completely relieve headaches and sore throats. And for travelers, such jewelry is simply necessary, because they protect their owner from natural disasters and violence.
Jewelers really appreciate corals and love working with them. Coral beads are a classic of jewelry, although you can often find bracelets, rings, earrings. Real jewelry with coral inserts is not uncommon.
Today, the most famous center for working with corals is Torro del Greco - an Italian town near Naples. Here you can buy corals both in kind and as original souvenirs - in the form of decoration on intricate caskets, dishes. And, of course, this city has a huge selection of coral jewelry .
Coral beads (photos are located above) - one of the most popular jewelry. Coral plantations are destroyed much faster than they have time to grow. It is becoming increasingly difficult to buy products from valuable deep-sea coral every year. There are more and more fakes. And in the mid-70s of the last century, artificially grown corals appeared - the brainchild of the Swiss company Pierre Gilson.