Primus “Bumblebee”: for tourists and hunters

Primus “Bumblebee” is an irreplaceable thing in the campaign. Light weight, small dimensions, good technical characteristics - what else does a tourist, a fisherman or a hunter need in order to always have a mini-stove for cooking at hand?

Primus Bumblebee

Imagine: after a day's passage in the rain, when there is not even the smallest dry sliver around to make a campfire, and in your backpack there is a beautiful Bumblebee primus! Light the burner, and after a few minutes, the boiling water for tea is ready. And while you are warming yourself with hot tea, the stove will cook something more substantial.

So, the bumblebee primus: features and specifications.

Dimensions: one hundred thirty six by one hundred fifty eight millimeters. The mass excluding fuel is one thousand seven hundred grams, the capacity of the fuel tank, depending on the type of primus, is from eight hundred to nine hundred and fifty milliliters. The time of continuous burning at full refueling is from three and a half to six hours. Conventional motor gasoline is used as fuel, and depending on the octane rating and other characteristics, including the volume of the tank, the time can be different. The largest diameter of the dishes installed on the Bumblebee primus is two hundred and forty millimeters, and you can heat two liters of water to ninety-five degrees Celsius in just ten minutes.

Bumblebee Primus

True, only on condition that the ambient temperature will not be lower than plus sixteen degrees Celsius. The most stable device "Bumblebee" operates in the temperature range from minus thirty to plus forty degrees Celsius. This is more than enough for ordinary tourists or lovers of hunting and fishing.

The primus was developed back in the Soviet Union, and deservedly gained popularity in the widest circles of the population, because then the passion for tourism was truly massive. Why did the designers give their brainchild the name "Bumblebee"? Primus, most likely, was associated with the creators with this representative of Hymenoptera due to the small size and peculiar low buzz during operation. Perhaps this buzz strongly reminded romantic designers of a buzzing bumblebee in flight.

Soviet industry produced several modifications of the primus, differing in the volume of the fuel tank and some design features. This model of portable primus turned out to be so successful that it generated a whole wave of imitations, which after the collapse of the Soviet Union turned into a shaft. Newly Independent States Launch Their

Buy Primus bumblebee

"Independent" primuses. In Ukraine, the Primus Motor Sich produces a plant of the same name in Zaporozhye, and in Kyrgyzstan the Bumblebee of local production is called Dastan. True, as far as the quality of independent primuses correlates with the quality of the Soviet "Bumblebee", history is silent.

You can buy a Bumblebee primus in any travel equipment store or order it online. The second case will probably be even preferable. You don’t have to waddle to the nearest store, besides “Bumblebee”, as a specific product, is not sold in any supermarket or “Rospechat” kiosk. You just need to go online and type the appropriate text in the Yandex or Google search line - and you have the widest choice, from "used" to new ones.

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