"Letter" is a developmental technique for children aged 5 to 14 years. Specialists in the field of psychology, speech therapy and defectology have developed this technique specifically for children and their parents. On this program on many sites you can see a variety of reviews. The "letter" is a really useful technique for many children. However, what is a “developmental technique”?
The essence of any developmental technique for children
As a rule, developmental techniques are developed specifically for children of different ages. Some of them can be used even for babies up to 1 year old. Development systems introduce children to the world around them, help to pronounce words correctly, quickly read and count. Developing methods are aimed at improving the performance of children.
Systems for the development of babies up to a year give them a basic knowledge of the world. They introduce various objects and forms. The child is given elementary tasks in repeating the sequence of objects.
There are also techniques that are aimed solely at developing the creative qualities of the child. Children are developed by dancing, singing and various scenes. However, such occupational systems do not improve logical and abstract thinking and receive negative reviews. The "letter", on the other hand, develops a child in all spheres of thinking.
Developing techniques can be designed both in the format of video courses and in printed materials. Books with educational techniques are designed for parents. They provide practical recommendations on how to teach a child to read or write. And parents, in turn, already following these recommendations, act as a teacher for the child. Video materials can be presented for both adults and children. Some methods are educational cartoons that kids watch without parents.
The "letter" is a developing technique, reviews of which overwhelm the Internet. In many forums you can find a huge number of discussions of this program. Adherents of the system convince that it helped their children to develop, while opponents argue the opposite. However, whatever the developmental methodology, the result depends only on the parents. How correctly mom understood the recommendations, and how accurately she and the child performed tasks in the system, will affect the student's academic performance. No program will teach a child to write and read without the participation of relatives.
Parents who with great accuracy followed all the recommendations given in the developmental methodology, of course, write positive reviews. The "letter" is just a guide with practical recommendations for teaching children. And the high accuracy of the implementation of these recommendations clearly guarantees a good result.
This program provides a huge number of tips for completing tasks. In addition, for each child, you can choose an individual program of classes. For example, for children from 4 to 5 years old, it is recommended to perform only one or two exercises per day. While students - at least three tasks. In addition, the program can change the sequence of exercises. One of the simplest and most effective systems for the development of children is the “Letter” program (a developing methodology). Negative reviews about it are almost impossible to find, because it is suitable for all children.
Who is this technique for?
All children are different, and the pace of development of each child is individual. Some babies from an early age are given little effort to read and write. Others, in turn, slopes lag behind peers. This may be due to various factors. S. Yu. Shishkova, the author of the “Letter” methodology, in her book describes how each stage of the baby’s life in the womb affects its further development. It turns out that a calm pregnancy and light childbirth have a very positive effect on the further development of the child after birth. And if, nevertheless, something went wrong, then the “Letter” program can help, the reviews of which speak for themselves.
In any case, if your child is 5 years old hyperactive and restless - this technique is for you and your child. If the kid is left-handed or the retrained right-hander, if it is difficult for him to get elementary school and he is at least somewhat behind his peers, then the “Letter” should definitely help you. Real reviews of this technique indicate that any problem with poor performance of the baby can be solved.
What is the "Letter" method directed to
Many parents write positive reviews about Shishkova's “Letter” and argue that this methodology contains not only exercises for the child’s mental development. The lessons in the program are structured in such a way that the student alternates physical activity, mental and breathing exercises. At first glance, it seems that the physical health of the child is in no way connected with mental abilities. However, this is by no means the case.
Every mother knows how fine motor skills affect speech development. The centers responsible for speech and fine motor skills are located very close to the brain. Thus, with the development of the fingers, the neighboring center responsible for speech also develops. And she, in turn, affects the development of thinking. But that is not all. Scientists have long found that exercise significantly improves the brain of a child. This is explained very simply: physical activity provokes the growth of new cells and blood vessels in the brain. Increasing brain activity - this is what the “Letter” is designed for (a developing technique). Reviews of parents about her can be found on many sites. Parents write that after the physical exercises described in the program, the child becomes more attentive and collected.
Breathing exercises affect the executive functions of children. Aerobic gymnastics increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, and accordingly, brain activity increases. Such exercises are used even for adults. After all, everyone knows that if a person really wants to sleep, you need to draw more air into your lungs and try not to breathe for as long as possible. When you exhale, you should hold your breath again. Having done this action several times, a person notices that the desire to sleep has decreased significantly. That is why such exercises are used in the developmental method “Letter”. Shishkova (reviews about the author of the method say that she is a really good psychologist) claims that breathing exercises very well stimulate the brain in children, and the speed of completing tasks increases.
In addition, children are very active by nature. They quickly tire of one kind of activity. It seems that the child was carried away by an interesting game, but it wasn’t there! After 5-7 minutes, he already takes up another matter, and so all day. On the Internet, you can find reviews of the "Letter" by Shishkova, in which parents claim that this system is suitable for such restless children.
Exercises according to the “Letter” system include various types of activity: breathing and oculomotor exercises, tasks for coordinating the body, developing fine motor skills, and many other interesting things. All classes are held in a playful way, children happily perform all the exercises in the "Letter" program (Shishkova). Who worked, the most diverse reviews are written about her methodology. Most parents say that children really enjoy learning by playing.
What will help the child "Letter"
This program works in several directions, namely:
- Help with the study of school subjects - writing, reading, mathematics.
- Improving blood circulation in the child throughout the body.
- Fatigue reduction.
- Increased susceptibility to information.
- Increased attention span.
How to organize classes with a child
Properly organized classes with a child provide at least half of the success - the “Letter” method tells us about this. The reviews of many mothers indicate that the disorder creates chaos, especially in the child’s head. To achieve the desired result, the knowledge that the child receives in the classroom under this program should be put into shelves in his head. How to achieve this?
The child must understand the essence of the task
Each exercise must be repeated several times, and it is important that the child understands the whole meaning of it. The student must first mentally work out the task, and only then proceed with the actual implementation - this is what the author of the "Letter" system advises. A developmental technique, the most positive reviews about which, with the help of such exercises teaches children to develop imagination and visual memory.
When adults write, they don’t even think that the text as a mental image already exists in our head. Closing our eyes, we can easily imagine every letter, every word. When the child will do the exercise in the mind with the same ease, the actual implementation of the task will not cause him any difficulties.
Rule one
You need to teach your child to focus only on one specific task - this is what the “Letter” teaches (a developing technique). Negative reviews regarding this system are very similar: the children cannot work using this technique, they quickly get tired and inattentively complete tasks. The mistake of the parents lies in the fact that they do not focus the child on a specific task, the child is sprayed on several exercises and quickly gets tired.
If, for example, a child performs a task with parsing words into letters, then the word should be only one, but it needs to be completely disassembled. If the child switches from the task, do not interrupt or scream at him. In a quiet and peaceful environment, return with him to the exercise. Those who fulfill this instruction write good reviews about this developmental technique. The "letter" should teach any child attentiveness, otherwise it loses its meaning.
Increase the load
Achieving the fulfillment of certain exercises, they need to be gradually complicated or accelerated. The child must strive for something. We must try not to take steps back, but only go forward. Children are very fond of interesting tasks, they like to compete, set records and once again prove to everyone that they are the best. This feature of the child needs to be used. Set tasks for the child - and he will strive to perform them better, this is taught by the “Letter” technique. Parents' feedback on excellent results is a good confirmation of this.
General rules of the "Letter" program
The first thing you need to pay attention to when applying a developmental technique is the regularity of exercises. Every day, you need to allocate at least half an hour for classes with a child. Skipping exercises is strongly discouraged. One day of skipping classes can significantly push the accumulated positive results back.
All exercises must take place in a playful way - this is the main requirement of the "Letter" program. A developmental technique, most of which is positive about parents, teaches parents to be patient with their children. At first it seems that playing is very difficult to teach a child. Of course, I want the baby to become serious as soon as possible and to learn writing and reading as an adult. However, the wishes of the parents do not always coincide with the needs of the child.
During the game, the student does not have the feeling that he is forced to do something. Quite the contrary, while having fun, the child learns to read, write, count. Isn't that awesome?
Surely every baby experiences mood declines. It happens that a little student does not want to study at all. In no case should a child be forced. In the future, this approach may completely discourage the child’s desire to learn. If your child made a “riot on the ship” and categorically does not want to study, do not force him. At this moment, you need to support the child - as the author of the "Letter" method advises. Shishkova, the reviews of which are the most positive, as a psychologist really knows the approach to each child. The words “Have a rest, my good one, and then you will certainly succeed in learning everything” will cheer up the child, and after a while he will ask you to continue classes with him.
The “Letter” program, the reviews of which speak for themselves, teaches not only children, but also parents. If kids learn to write and read, then parents learn to understand their children. Many parents who have already experienced this technique in action say that children have become much more obedient, and adults have begun to understand what their children are missing.
Where to start raising children
The methodology has a huge number of recommendations for raising children. An important role in this process is played by the gender of the child. It would seem that there is a significant difference between the way a boy reads and how a girl reads? If you look from the side, of course, there is no such difference - both children will voice the same text the same way. The difference is in the way of thinking and in the speed of reaction. It is known that boys are slightly behind in development, this is due to the principle of the work of their brain.
What the “Letter" consists of - a developmental technique
This system consists of 20 lessons devoted to the letter or their set. The program also includes several bonuses: learning English, help in mastering the multiplication table, developing fine motor skills in a child, educational secrets and therapeutic stories.
Before starting a child’s lessons, he should be taught basic concepts of where left and right. If the child is confused, you can mark one of the hands with a ribbon or a sticker. In addition, the child should be introduced to the concept of symmetry and asymmetry. Basic knowledge of outer space will be needed to complete the exercises. The course is designed for continuous, continuous classes with the child according to the method of "Letter" (Shishkova). Who was involved, reviews about her program are written mostly positive. Parents argue that the most important thing is to show the child that this developmental technique is very interesting and informative.