Mycoplasmosis in rats: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

In our article we will talk about one known rodent disease. Will be told about mycoplasmosis in rats. In the article, we consider the symptoms of this disease, as well as how to treat it. In addition, the causes of the disease and animal care during the illness will be described.

What is this ailment?

Mycoplasmosis in rats is a fairly common infectious disease of various rodents. Often, unfortunately, the disease leads to the death of the animal. The bacterium Mycoplasma pulmonis causes this disease. Surprisingly, it is very difficult to find a rat that would not be its carrier. Most often, this disease affects old individuals, as well as rats with weakened immunity, which were kept in the wrong or uncomfortable conditions. This disease can be transmitted by air, from animal to animal in direct contact, as well as from a person who previously interacted with a sick rodent.

treatment of mycoplasmosis in rats

Stages of the disease and their brief description

There are two stages of mycoplasmosis in rats. The first is latent. That is, no clinical signs were revealed in the rodent. The rat behaves like an absolutely healthy animal. In this case, the disease can be determined only by means of laboratory studies of PCR and ELISA. In the latent stage of mycoplasmosis, treatment is not used. In this case, probiotics and vitamins are commonly used. It is necessary to carefully care for the pet, keep the cage clean. If you keep the animal clean and feed balanced, then there is a high probability that the disease will not go to the next stage.

At the second stage, the pet already shows clinical signs. You may notice skin lesions and itching. Coughing and rhinitis are also possible.

Symptoms of the disease in rodents. How to recognize an ailment?

symptoms of mycoplasmosis in rats

How to understand that your pet is sick? What are the known symptoms of mycoplasmosis in rats? Experts say that diagnosing a disease is quite easy, since it has characteristic and pronounced signs that are pretty hard to confuse with the symptoms of other diseases. So, at first the rodent that got sick with mycoplasmosis begins to sneeze. Wheezing can be heard during breathing. The coat of the rat becomes dull, groomed and disheveled. In this case, the animal completely loses any interest in food.

In addition to external signs, there are internal symptoms of respiratory mycoplasmosis in rats and mice. One of the main internal ones is the appearance on the surface of the lungs of a large number of abscesses and vesicles. This very often leads to the development of pneumonia. In addition, because of this, females can develop infectious processes in the uterus. There are other characteristic symptoms of mycoplasmosis in rats. For example, discharge (porphyrin) can be observed from the nose and eyes of an animal. If the female has internal organs, then bloody discharge from the genitals may appear. Every day the condition of the animal will worsen, without qualified veterinary care, the rodent may die due to damage to internal organs or from an attack of suffocation.

It is very important to recognize the disease in the early stages, while the animal is not in critical condition. Then he can still be helped. However, if the disease progresses, treatment is not prescribed, and the condition of the rodent is exacerbated by a deficiency of vitamins, ammonia vapors in a dirty cage, cigarette smoke, etc., then the outcome is predetermined in advance. Is it possible to get infected with rat mycoplasmosis? Not. This disease from rodents is not transmitted to humans. Therefore, be calm for yourself, if you have a sick pet, better think about it, as it needs an early treatment.

prevention of mycoplasmosis in rats


Despite the fact that the symptomatology of the disease has been considered above, the doctor should be involved in making an accurate diagnosis, since the signs of the disease can be confused with signs of allergies or other ailments. Moreover, given the high metabolic activity of mycoplasmosis in rats, as well as the high risk of catching a secondary infection, you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian for a long time. The sooner the doctor examines the rodent, appoints the necessary examinations, the faster the diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

Rat treatment

rat respiratory mycoplasmosis

Treatment should be prescribed for rat mycoplasmosis. As a rule, antibiotics are used in this case. However, the veterinarian must determine how to take them and in what dosage, since far from all antibiotics are allowed to rodents. If we talk about permitted, then they include drugs "Doxycycline", "Gentamicin." Of the veterinary drugs in this case, Tilosin or Baytril, as well as derivatives of these drugs, are used.

Penicillin antibiotics are strictly forbidden to rats. These drugs can cause anaphylactic shock and lead to the death of the animal.

If the disease is in an early stage and it is immediately identified, then a drug such as Ciprolet is prescribed. When a young individual with a weakened immune system becomes ill, antibiotics from a number of cephalosporins are usually used. It could be Cephalexin. It will help in the fight against the disease, as well as enhance the effect of drugs medicinal echinacea. To do this, buy this herb in a pharmacy, brew it and drink it with the resulting rodent broth. Drink infusion should be a few days throughout the week.

rat mycoplasmosis

If you are looking for the most effective way to use drugs, then these are, of course, injections. Making an injection with a rat is certainly not easy at all. Subcutaneous injections are injected into the cervical fold. Intramuscularly, you need to stab into the muscles of the hind legs. It is best to inject with a thin insulin syringe. When the manipulation is carried out, it will take another person who will keep the rodent. Do not forget that after the course of antibiotics is completed, the pet must be given probiotics.

How to give rodent medication in tablet form?

Of course, the rodent will not be happy to drink and eat pills, especially if they are bitter. You can first crush the pill, mix with water and put into a syringe. Thus, you can drink the medicine gently. Also, tablet powder can be mixed with baby food (small amount). Just do not use dairy products.

Mycoplasmosis in rats. Sick Rat Care

In order for treatment to be most effective, you need to properly care for a sick animal. A number of activities should be carried out that will contribute to the rapid recovery of the pet. It is necessary to do a general cleaning, while disinfecting the pet's cage. The air in the room in which you will keep the pet should not be too humid, but not too dry. During the treatment period, it is worth cleaning the cell daily, since the smell of ammonia irritates the nasal passages, resulting in increased discharge. If the rat begins to freeze, then you can put a warm heating pad next to it. If you hold two rodents, then if you identify symptoms, you should isolate a healthy individual in a separate cage.

Rat care after illness

care for a sick rat

Even after you have cured the animal, it needs special care. The most basic thing you need to do is to feed the rodent. Since during the illness he most likely lost a lot of weight.

Include in the diet of rats calorie write. During the recovery period, you can give the baby infant formula and mashed potatoes. At the same time, protect your animal from the cold, drafts. Make sure that the rodent does not catch any infection, since its immunity is now very weak.

Rodent Disease Prevention

What should be the prevention of mycoplasmosis in rats? What should be done to avoid infection? Note that to fully protect the pet from infection does not work. You can only reduce the risk of its occurrence. So what needs to be done? It is necessary to ensure that the diet of the animal is balanced and complete. At the same time, the conditions in which he lives should be as comfortable as possible for the rodent. Avoid contact of your pet with diseased rodents.

respiratory mycoplasmosis of rats and mice

Before taking the rat in your hands, be sure to wash your hands with soap. This procedure can be carried out after contact with a rodent. If you follow these recommendations, then you will be able to reduce the risk of contracting this infectious disease.

Little conclusion

Now you know what mycoplasmosis is in rats. In our article, we talked about which bacterium causes this disease, examined the main symptoms of the disease. In addition, treatment recommendations were given. Before using anything, consult your veterinarian.

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