The birth of a baby is a significant event. Young mothers are so happy that all difficulties seem to them absolute trifles. But this confidence disappears immediately after leaving the hospital, when the parents find themselves face to face with the baby. While you were in the maternity hospital, everything was under the control of doctors and nurses, but when you ended up in your own home, it turned out that in order to verify the full health of the child, it was necessary to pass the first tests in his life.
And then immediately the thought arises: "How to collect urine from an infant, a boy and a girl?" With a stronger sex, everything is more or less clear, since the anatomical feature allows you to come up with a lot of ways, but with little princesses it is much more complicated. Many parents puzzle over how to collect urine from the girl. 3 months is the age when the baby lies almost all the time, so young mothers face a difficult task. Without using any improvised means, this is difficult, but real.
Collection without special funds
You probably already noticed the features of the functioning of the intestines and kidneys in your baby. There should not be any problems with the regimen, because from the very first days of being at home everything becomes clear - as a rule, the bladder is emptied almost immediately after eating, regardless of whether you are breast-feeding a baby or eating from a bottle.
Within 10-15 minutes after the baby ate, you must carefully watch her to understand how to collect urine. The girl has 3 months, or even longer - up to 6 months, the location of the organs is such that during urination over a horizontally lying body you will see a small fountain, but its height is enough to substitute a low container and collect urine.
As soon as the child begins to strain even a little and it becomes noticeable that the baby wants to use the toilet, you need to quickly and without too much fuss (so as not to frighten the child), bring any suitable container to the place between the legs. Therefore, for mothers who do not use diapers for babies, this method is most convenient.
How to collect a urine test in a girl at 3 months old is more understandable than in a baby who is only a week old, since the child is already holding her head confidently by this time, and some especially quick-tempered even try to sit down. And if the baby has sat down, then the scope for imagination is endless. Many resort to the help of strong dads. The father can carry the baby for a long time right on the pot, talking with the offspring until the necessary action occurs, and then it remains only to pour the contents of the sterile pot into boiled dishes. Mom, of course, can also do this, but there is a double benefit: the baby will talk with dad, and mom at this time will either do household chores, or just relax.
Urine collection
The simplest advice on how to collect urine from girls is to buy an urinal. Having visited any pharmacy, you can purchase such products. They are inexpensive, and the task is facilitated many times. It looks like a bag with Velcro that holds it on the crotch. Moreover, each sex has its own type - the boy has one design of the urinal, another is created for girls.
Important recommendation for this purchase: buy several at once. Firstly, since the baby is spinning, on the first attempt it may not be possible to fasten this “apparatus” as it should. Without experience, this is not easy. Secondly, you can never immediately determine whether the whole urinal or not. You can, of course, consider it more carefully, but no one can give a 100% guarantee - this is a matter of honesty to the manufacturer.
General collection rules
How to collect urine - in theory, everyone knows, but in practice it is not always possible to do everything right. This knowledge will be useful to any mother, as a situation arises periodically when you need to know how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is the age when additional examinations may be required, in which it is necessary to take tests. There are general rules.
First of all, this, of course, hygiene. It is necessary to wash the baby only with special baby soap. In liquid form, it will be either an ordinary solid piece - it does not matter, but it should be a quality product that will not cause allergies or irritation to the skin.
The girl must be washed from the bottom of the abdomen towards the back. After that, do not lubricate the skin with any means - neither creams nor emulsions. Sprinkle diaper rash, if suddenly they are, is also not worth it. This can always be done after the analysis has been completed. It is enough to get slightly wet with a napkin and remove excess water.
Sterile capacity
The container in which you will collect urine should be sterile. It can be a special plastic container, which is sold in a pharmacy, or any other jar. From the reviews of experienced parents, we can conclude that the container is suitable for any mashed potatoes, only before use it must be thoroughly processed with detergent and put in the microwave for 1 minute with water. Treat the lid from the jar with boiling water.
Urine collection - morning exercise
The third basic rule is that all procedures are done in the morning. And reception of analyzes usually falls on time from 8 to 10 hours. If suddenly your child did “his own business” much earlier, then it is easy to get out of this situation by placing a container of urine on the refrigerator door at the very bottom. Nothing will happen to the contents in a few hours.
If suddenly the results of the analysis turn out to be bad, the main thing is not to panic right away. Re-retaking will be easier, because you know how easy it is to collect urine from a newborn. It often happens that hygiene measures could not be carried out correctly, or simply the analysis was performed incorrectly. Before you believe the frightening words of the pediatrician, you need to consult a pediatric urologist.
It is very important to master this skill and know how to collect urine from a girl. 3 months is an interesting age when the baby already hears and understands everything, therefore, the mother during the procedure should speak in an affectionate voice and smile. Then this event will not cause unpleasant emotions in the baby. Mom’s nervousness and panic will certainly affect the baby, and she will experience discomfort.