How to insert music into PowerPoint: instructions for versions 2003-2016 and tips for setting up playback

Properly selected soundtrack added to the presentation helps the listener to better understand its content. Therefore, you need to know how to insert music into Microsoft PowerPoint and, just as importantly, set up the playback order. This article will tell about this.

Adding Music to PowerPoint 2003

This version of the program from the Microsoft Office suite has long been outdated, but at the same time it is actively used by some users who do not want to learn newer editions because of their unusual interface. To insert music into slides in PowerPoint 2003, you need to:

  1. In the list of standard menus in the "Insert" section, move the cursor to the "Films and Sound" item.
  2. In his submenu, select one of the items: "Sound from file \ image collection".
    insert in powerpoint 1

  3. In the Explorer window that opens or in the sidebar, select the desired audio recording.
  4. In the window that appears, click on one of the buttons: "Automatically" or "On click". They activate the automatic and manual music playback modes after the slide appears.
    adding audio

Note: it appears in other versions of the program.

After that, a small picture in the form of a speaker will appear on the slide sheet. This completes the addition of your audio to the presentation.

Adding Music to PowerPoint 2007

The algorithm for how to insert music in PowerPoint 2007 is as follows:

  1. Switch to the slide on which she should be present.
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab and in the "Clips \ multimedia" block, click on the button that says "Sound".
    insert in powerpoint 2

  3. In the menu that appears, click on one of the 4 items: "Sound from file / clip", "Sound from CD" and "Record sound". The latter can save the user from the need to tell material and provide this work to the machine.

This completes the procedure for inserting audio into a slide.

How to insert music in PowerPoint 2010

Since the interface and capabilities of this version of the program almost completely repeat the 2007 modification, there are no differences in the way how to add your own audio file to the presentation.

insert in powerpoint 3

Adding Music to PowerPoint 2013 and 2016

The methods of how to insert music in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 and 2016 are completely identical to each other and come down to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the "Insert" section.
  2. At the end of the toolbar, click on the "Sound" button.
  3. In the drop-down list, select "Audio files on the computer."

Play setting

After you can insert music into PowerPoint, you need to configure it correctly. In each version, this is done a little differently. This is due to differences in the design of programs.

For Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Select a picture of the inserted audio on the slide.
  2. Click on it with RMB and in the menu that appears, click "Animation Settings".
  3. In the panel that opens on the right, click on the small button at the end of the line with the name of the inserted file.
  4. In the menu that opens, select "Effect Parameters". It will open a dialog box called “Sound: Playback”, consisting of 3 tabs: “Effect”, “Time” and “Sound Settings”.
    effect parameters

The tab "Effect" consists of 2 subunits. The first allows you to configure the moment from which playback will begin: from the beginning or the exact time. With 10 or 30 seconds, for example.

The second sub-block sets the moment when the audio playback ends: by clicking, after switching to another slide or after a certain sequence number. Slide number 50, for example.

effect parameters 1

The second tab sets the moment the playback starts: after the previous item, by a mouse click, immediately after the slide appears on the screen or after a delay. There you can configure the number of repetitions of the file using the drop-down list of the same name.

effect parameters 2

The third tab controls the volume of the sound, the display of the icon of the inserted audio during the full-screen display and displays the path to the inserted file in versions 2003 and 2007. In other versions, it is replaced by the inscription "Contained in the presentation".

effect parameters 3

The settings for playing music inserted in other versions are almost identical to PowerPoint 2003. The only difference is in the way the additional panel is called up: tab "Animation" => "Settings for animation".

call additional panel

Play music throughout the presentation

Sometimes an audio file is required to play an entire presentation. PowerPoint has a tool to implement this requirement. The universal algorithm is as follows:

  1. Call the Sound: Playback dialog box for a repeatable audio file.
  2. In the first tab in the "Finish" subunit, put a checkmark next to "After ... slide" and enter a number larger than the total number of slides in the text box.
  3. In the second tab, from the "Repeat" drop-down list, select "Before clicking Next."
    play the entire presentation

  4. Click "OK" and check the settings, starting a full-screen view.

In versions 2007–2016, the same procedure is done using the “Options” or “Playback” tab, which appears after highlighting the icon of the added audio. To do this, click on the drop-down list next to the line "Play sound" in it and select "For all slides" in it.

reproduction of the entire presentation 2007-2016

Resolving a migration problem in 2003 and 2007

The problem is as follows. If you insert music into PowerPoint as usual (by specifying the path to the audio file on the hard disk), then when you transfer to another computer, the inserted audio will not start.

To prevent this from happening, you need to create a presentation correctly. This is done as follows

  1. Create a folder in the root of the system partition of the hard drive.
  2. Create or save a blank presentation in it.
  3. Add to the folder all the audio files that will be used in the document.
  4. Open the presentation and use the audio from the folder during editing.
  5. Save all changes.

After that, you need to copy the entire presentation folder first to the flash card, and then to the system partition of the computer for demonstrations.

When creating a presentation in PowerPoint 2010–2016, this algorithm may not be used, since all music files are integrated into it like pictures.

To summarize, we can say that there is only one way to insert music into PowerPoint and, depending on the version of the program, only the names of the menus that contain the desired command to insert are changed

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