How to remove shadows from the face in Photoshop. Processing methods

Every person who likes to take pictures has at least once encountered lighting problems. And more often than not, the photographer learns that the subject is illuminated or, on the contrary, too dark, only when he views the photographs. And, of course, the question arises: how to remove shadows from the face in Photoshop?

Most often, the problem occurs on a bright day, when the sun creates a lot of shadows, and it is almost impossible to hide from them. But it turns out that dealing with such a flaw is very simple. This article describes some simple ways to remove shadows from your face in Photoshop.

Simplest option

first option

First of all, you need to open the program itself and the source of the photo, after which a copy is created. This is necessary in order to compare the final result and make sure that everything looks natural. The copy is created as follows: right-click on the image and select the function "Duplicate layer".

That's all, now you can proceed to the main processing. The next step is to click on the "Images" window and select "Correction", then "Shadows / Lights". A dialog box with sliders should appear, with the help of which the black-and-white pattern is adjusted.

When working with this effect, it’s sometimes worth including the original shot so as not to overdo it with the light. You can stop there, the result is already much better.

How to remove shadow from the face in Photoshop SS

adding brightness

After reducing the intensity of the light pattern, the photo may become less attractive due to the fact that it loses its richness and saturation. It’s best to restore your image with a setting such as Levels. This will allow you to naturally adjust all the midtones. The option is located in this way: "Image" - "Correction" - "Levels". For starters, the most interesting sliders are Input Values. Having selected the optimal parameters, you can proceed to the next step.

To increase the saturation of the whole image, go to the "Color Tone / Saturation" menu. But if it is necessary to improve only some part, then this can be done using the Sponge brush. It is called with the right mouse button on the "Lighten / Darken" parameter.

After all the transformations, it is worth comparing the resulting image with the original. If it turns out that the photo is heavily overshot, you can use the "Opacity" slider.

Option 2

second way

Of course, the minus of the first method is obvious. Settings change not only the face itself, but the whole photo, including its tone. If you only need to correct the shortcomings of the black and white pattern, but at the same time leave all the other colors and the light pattern, then the second option will be ideal. Using it, removing the shadows from the face in Photoshop is simple.

For starters, you still need to make copies of the layer, they will need 2 pieces. To do this, right-click on the original and select "Create a duplicate layer." After that, the menu "Brightness / Contrast" opens along the same path as described above.

The brightness increases to such an extent until all the shadows on the face disappear. Do not worry that the rest of the photo has become discolored. After that, a soft brush “Eraser” is taken and all but the shadows themselves are erased. When this step is completed, you can play with the "Opacity" slider to make a natural transition between light and shadow.

Thus, the failed areas of the photo will almost disappear, and all the details of the face will be visible.

How to remove shadows from the face in Photoshop CS6

Many users are wondering if the software version has differences when working with black and white patterns. Not really. Above are methods that work great for any version of Photoshop, no matter how old or new it is.

Only the photographer’s imagination affects the difference in result. Now the question of how to remove shadows from the face in Photoshop is completely open.

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