Doom 4 is a continuation of the legendary Doom series, originating in the distant 1993. After the release of the third part in 2004, the developers went into a lull and took up other projects. But more recently, the announcement and the first gameplay videos of the new part appeared. In fact, the fourth part of the game is a completely new project, only indirectly intersecting with the main theme of the series. In this article, you will learn the basic information about the game, as well as the system requirements of DOOM 4 on the PC.
What is the game about?
The first announcement of the new part took place in 2008, but the project will get to release only in May 2016. So what did the creators work on for more than 8 years?
DOOM 4 . , . - .
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Doom 4, , . : , , . , , , .
. Core i7 . 8 . geForce GTX 770 3 .
Doom 4 PC , . , .
Doom 4 . , . - . , , .
, DOOM 4 PC , . Doom - , .