Difficult children: why do they become so, and how to properly educate them?

Very often, young mothers complain that they can not find a common language with the child . At the same time, everyone compares the already grown baby with the newly born baby and is envious of those mothers who, not knowing the worries and problems, calmly raise their children. However, such a comparison is stupid, because for a certain age their habits are also characteristic, therefore it is necessary to learn to distinguish the ordinary activity of a child from the developing "problem." In relation to the naughty kidsmost often used the expression "difficult children". They may not listen to their parents at all, be too independent, harmful, stubborn, but do not forget that these are just kids. With proper education, even difficult children become the most ordinary, quiet, affectionate and loving kids.

difficult children

Problems of this nature most often arise in young parents who are still learning how to raise their first child. The slightest mistake, and the baby is already starting to behave badly. And in this situation, we can say that it is the parent, not the child, that is to blame. It is always necessary to remember that it is our communication with children that can cause both positive and negative results. It is natural that the crumb, who constantly hears only the cry of his own mother, sooner or later becomes indifferent to him. As a result, an embittered teenager grows out of a normal baby, who in the future will raise his children in the same way. Therefore, difficult children are nothing more than the result of parents' improper upbringing.

raising difficult children

Raising the voice on her child, the mother often justifies her behavior by the fact that she is afraid to accustom the baby to such behavior. On the one hand, the fear is really understandable, because if the child does not hear “no,” but receives permissiveness, he will be able to behave in absolutely any way and very quickly get used to it. However, the situation is twofold, and you should learn to see the line when you can raise your voice for a child, and when it is better to let him do what he wants.

Let's imagine that your baby stopped listening and does only what his heart desires. First of all, you need to understand that raising difficult children is a painstaking and long process, so be patient. What positions are suitable in a similar situation, we will tell below.

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  4. Do not protect him from everything in the world. Very often, the mother tries to protect her child from any problems. It is advisable to do this when the child is still very small, but the grown up baby needs to make some nonsense and mistakes. This is an experience that will definitely come in handy in the future. Giving your child a detailed briefing for each action, you risk raising a person who is not able to make independent decisions.

communication with children

Difficult children are re-educated very quickly if done correctly. Let your child feel your care (but not excessive), and then everything will be fine and seamless.

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