Any mother who is breastfeeding her baby should think about her diet. After all, the body of the baby is unprepared for many food products and undesirable negative reactions can appear on them. This article will describe whether it is possible to eat prunes during breastfeeding, name its benefits, give an approximate nutrition for a lactating woman, and list allergenic foods and give useful recommendations on the diet of mom.
The benefits of prunes
Prunes contain many organic acids and trace elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and magnesium. It also contains vitamins B, C, A, PP and contains pectin, fructose, glucose and fiber. It has a laxative, antibacterial, choleretic and diuretic effect, is useful for the cardiovascular system, improves digestion and much more.
Breast-fed prunes
Due to the laxative effect, the use of prunes is recommended in cases of frequent constipation in the mother and child. But if there is no such problem, in order to avoid provoking diarrhea, this product should be canceled or eat in small portions. Also, all of the above vitamins and minerals will be very useful for mom and baby. Like any new product, prunes during breastfeeding should be introduced into your diet gradually to determine the presence of allergic reactions to it in the child. If these are not observed, over time, bring up to 3-4 berries per day. In addition, prunes contain a lot of calories, which is another reason that you should not get too carried away.
Prunes for breastfeeding. Recommendations
Subject to the recommendations below, prunes will benefit you and your baby, not harm.
- Try to eat this dried fruit grown at home, not purchased. Or buy it in a trusted place.
- Buy fresh prunes with an attractive look.
- Wash or steam with boiling water before use.
- Do not combine with other products, the reaction of the baby to which has not yet been tested.
Mom's nutrition with gv baby
A nursing mother needs more vitamins and minerals, and she should adhere to some restrictions. Such as a complete cessation of smoking and drinking any alcohol, reducing the amount of strong coffee, tea,
grapes, legumes, fatty, smoked and fried foods. Products necessary for mother with guards are: dairy, low-fat meat of fish and poultry, vegetable and butter, bread from coarse or bran flour, vegetables and fruits, green or
herbal tea, crackers, cookies, and also 35 water g per kg of weight.
Products that cause allergies in a breastfed baby.
It’s no secret that the baby’s health directly depends on what the nursing mother eats . Some foods may cause allergies. Therefore, you should be careful about the following foods: strawberries, citrus fruits, raspberries, milk, eggs, papaya, crayfish, honey, crabs, mackerel, caviar, chocolate, peanuts and much more.