A small kitten, like a child, is prone to various diseases. A growing body must receive a complete set of nutrients, vitamins and minerals so that all systems develop and function normally. Today we want to consider such a common violation as rickets in a kitten. And it concerns not only abandoned to fate, homeless creatures, but also offspring of thoroughbred animals. You can see them immediately, since they stand out against the background of peers.
From the first days
An experienced breeder can instantly identify rickets in a kitten. It will look weak, the coat will be dull, and there may also be loose stools and vomiting. Such crumbs will poorly gain weight, often sleep and lag behind in development. If your cat first gave birth to offspring, then a lack of experience may prevent it in time to recognize this disease. However, there is an optimal solution: if the pet’s condition is causing concern, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor. Rickets in a kitten correct well only at an early stage, so do not waste time.
From theory to practice
There is an opinion that this ailment is a consequence of a lack of the sun, so with the onset of spring the state of the body will return to normal. However, in reality, this is not quite so. Let's take a closer look at what rickets are. This is a formidable chronic disease that is associated with a violation of the quality of bone formation and the skeleton as a whole. There are usually two reasons for this: a lack of minerals in the diet and metabolic disorders, which lead to developmental delays.
We come close to what rickets are. These are malformations of the musculoskeletal system and related disorders associated with a lack of calcium, vitamin D or phosphorus in the diet. If the cat did not eat well during pregnancy, then the appearance of such a deviation cannot be called a miracle. If in the first months of life you do not take care of the crumbs well enough (this applies to nutrition), then the result is likely to be similar.
At what age does it manifest
It is very important to inspect the offspring daily. This is the only way to notice rickets in a kitten in time. The symptoms are bright enough, so don’t miss if you know what to look for. The most favorable time for the development of this disorder is the age from two weeks to six months. Right now, growth is going so fast that any shortage of minerals can make itself felt.
Conclusion after inspection
On the basis of what can a kitten be diagnosed with rickets ? Symptoms can be very bright or blurry, so it’s better to take the baby to the vet additionally. First of all, the lag in growth and development should alert. If the disease progresses, then curvature of the spine and hind limbs will develop. Gradually rickets in a kitten leads to lameness. The thickness of the joints, as well as the ribs becomes noticeably greater. Finally, by the age of six months, we can diagnose a lag in the schedule of tooth changes and a large volume of the abdomen, which is difficult to explain, given poor appetite and growth.
There is an exit
Indeed, you do not need to despair, but you should not waste time either. Rickets in cats is treated very successfully, if only the lesions did not have time to completely spread to the whole body. For example, bending of bones and lameness will remain for life. Therefore, your task is to level the symptoms at their initial stage.
A rickety kitten without treatment will die. Further, the disease will begin to progress so rapidly that you do not have time to do anything. However, now there is every chance to save his life, so contact your veterinarian for an appointment. Today, experts have accumulated good experience in combating rickets, which means you have every chance.
Once again, I would like to emphasize what causes kittens rickets from. First of all, this is a low quality of feeding a cat during pregnancy. The maternal organism cannot give the crumbs as much calcium as they need. Phosphorus deficiency is added to this. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the moment that an excess of minerals will also lead to rickets.
Breach of breeding rules, interbreeding of close relatives and frequent breeding (more than once a year) also lead to the appearance of weak offspring prone to this pathology, so choose a pet from a trusted breeder.
Rickets is much easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, I would like to give some recommendations to the breeders. First of all, review the diet of a pregnant cat. Now it’s important not only that she is full. It is very necessary to maintain a balanced diet high in calories, vitamins and minerals. It is best if it is a professional, high-quality feed, and not the soup or milk that we are used to giving our pets.
During lactation, you must also follow the correct diet. It is very important not to add a large amount of artificial vitamins and minerals to food, since in nature cats eat quite uniformly.
First lures
If the kittens sleep peacefully near their mother, then they do not need to give anything extra. Feeding should be administered no earlier than three weeks, and then if the kids began to show anxiety. But in the case when the cat dies during childbirth or she simply does not have milk, the obligation to feed you will fall on you. Then you need to purchase milk substitutes and add phosphorus and calcium to them.
After the kittens have grown up, it is necessary to arrange for them sunbathing. Be sure to give them the opportunity to play on the lawn near the house or just on the balcony. Fresh air and sunlight will benefit them. Premium feeds let you not worry about the lack of minerals in your diet.
It entirely depends on what stage the development of the disease is at. The sooner you go to the doctor, the faster and more effective the assistance will be provided. Immediately make a reservation that nothing can be done with severe defeats. In other cases, maintenance therapy will be prescribed. This is calcium for intramuscular injection, "Dexamethasone", sometimes analgesics and necessarily a complex of vitamins containing D, E and A. The duration of treatment also depends on the severity of the disease.
To summarize
Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. When purchasing a future pet, be sure to inquire about the breeder, find out in what conditions a pregnant cat lived, go to visit and look at the behavior of the kids. After the baby crosses the threshold of your home, arrange for him to play more often in the sun and coordinate a diet with the doctor. Then rickets will not be afraid of him, and the kitten will grow into a beautiful cat.