The decision to get a dog is rarely spontaneous. Usually, future owners take a long time to prepare for such a crucial step: they carefully select the breed, look for a suitable breeder, and organize all the necessary conditions at home. But it happens that newly made owners instead of a healthy dog get a puppy with a lot of problems. And all due to the fact that the breeder does not provide all the information about the difficulties that may arise in the process of raising a dog. That is why it is worth paying attention to institutions such as dog kennels. Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Novgorod - in all big cities there are places where anyone can get a great pet.
What are the nurseries?
It is worth starting with the fact that dog kennels in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, as in any other city, can be conditionally divided into establishments for purebred dogs and institutions for those whom dog breeders jokingly call dvorterriers. In the first case, the owners of all four-legged are private individuals. Usually, the activities of such kennels begin with the establishment of several thoroughbred dogs, the offspring of which are later sold with all relevant documents. Such kennels guarantee a good pedigree of puppies, their excellent health, physical and mental. After all, dog breeders value their reputation very much.
Thoroughbred nurseries
Let's start looking at specific dog kennels. The city of Yekaterinburg is rich in breeders of thoroughbred animals. You can find any breed: from Yorkshire to Malamute. Conventionally, all nurseries where dogs are breeding can be divided into monobreed (that is, you can find representatives of only one breed in them) and multibreed (where, for example, both dachshunds and lapdogs can be bred). It is believed that if the owner is not sprayed on several options, then the result will be better. But there are a huge number of nurseries that prove that the main thing is the attitude of the breeder.
Specialty institution
Monobreed dog kennels are very popular. Yekaterinburg has such an institution. This is the "Royal family". The kennel is breeding such serious guard dogs as Caucasian Shepherds. According to the owners, it all started with their dog - Tsaro. Now breeders, besides him, have got three bitches of different types of Caucasian Shepherd. This allows you to display puppies in which all the best features of their breed are manifested. The nursery is located on Reaktivnaya street. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, his pupils are real intellectuals, who endlessly delight their owners with strength, endurance and devotion.
Multi Breed Kennel
Now look for multi-breed dog kennels. Yekaterinburg, for example, can boast of an institution called "From Panda Charm." Pomeranian Spitz, Yorkshire, Chihuahua, King Charles Spaniel, Maltese and Sharpei live in it. A motley company, right? But all dogs regularly participate in exhibitions and competitions around the world, from where they return with awards!
“From the Panda Sharm” has existed for sixteen years. During this long time, charming dogs found homes in many cities, laying the foundation for new families. Reviews about the nursery are extremely positive. The owners note that the breeders even helped in the removal of teeth from Yorks (which is a rather problematic process). That is, we can safely say that by choosing this nursery, you will not be mistaken.
Nursery Shelter
But can only purebred pets offer a nursery (Yekaterinburg)? Homeless dogs can also find their home! Typically, such institutions are engaged in the so-called overexposure. The specificity of nurseries for homeless animals is that four-legged animals get there after capture. Then they have very little time to find the owner.
Today in Yekaterinburg they promise to build a new shelter: the old one cannot cope with the load. The worst thing is that all dogs that are not taken to a new house for a certain time are put to sleep. Few people think that the mongrel is no worse than a dog with a good pedigree. This dog will be more faithful and faithful to many pampered pets. She will always remember the good you did to her. You can take a rootless pet in a shelter of the Zoozashchita organization on Uralsky workers street.
How to choose the right nursery?
Today it’s not difficult to find a kennel for dogs in Yekaterinburg. Addresses and phone numbers of breeders of various breeds are in the public domain. The main thing is to determine the breed. For example, you want to get a pug. Just select this breed in the search engines of the nurseries of Yekaterinburg, and you will be offered various options. Suppose the nursery "Super Bison", located on Lunacharsky Street. The same can be done with another breed - the Argentinean dog. It can be found in De Pusch on Lenin 13.
I would like to remind you: in no case should you take a pet without knowing anything about its parents and the conditions in which the baby was kept. In addition, customer feedback must be considered. If there is no opinion, then this is clearly not a very good sign. When the breeder can answer all your questions, the conditions of the puppy are good and his parents are healthy, only then you can safely take your pet.
I would like to end with the fact that it is not at all difficult to find dog kennels. Yekaterinburg is no exception. The main thing is to know what breed you need, and there will always be a suitable breeder. Become your pet the best host. He will be your most faithful friend.