How long can I terminate my pregnancy with pills, for how many weeks?

The news of pregnancy does not make every woman happy. In some situations (due to health or based on the financial situation of a young couple), the appearance of a new family member becomes an unpleasant fact. In this case, women prefer to terminate the pregnancy using modern drugs (medical abortion). However, when applying this method, a huge number of questions arise. For example, what week can you terminate the pregnancy with pills? To understand this topic, you need to understand the very principle of the work of such drugs.

how long you can terminate a pregnancy with pills

What is pregnancy termination with pills?

If we talk about ways to stop bearing a child, then everything depends on the period during which the woman is in position. If a firm decision was made to get rid of an unwanted baby, then surgical abortion is most often performed. However, not everyone wants to go on a similar procedure. In some situations, termination of pregnancy with the help of tablets is allowed, but this is possible only in the early stages.

By and large, the drug provokes a miscarriage. That is why there is a great risk of complications if this procedure is not performed correctly or it is performed at home, and not in a specialized institution. Before taking pills, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will help determine the fact of pregnancy and its duration. After this, it is necessary to take tests and make sure that the patient does not have any contraindications to the use of the selected drug. In addition, only a doctor will be able to say exactly how long you can terminate a pregnancy with pills in a particular case.

After that, the prescribed drug is taken on an empty stomach (exclusively in the presence of a physician). A few hours after this, you must definitely see a doctor. If everything is done correctly, then the woman should begin prolonged menstruation.

terminate pregnancy with pills on term

If we talk about how many weeks you can terminate a pregnancy with pills, then, as a rule, this period is no more than 48 days. After this, abortion can only be performed by surgery. In some situations, this procedure becomes more secure.


The question of how long you can terminate a pregnancy with pills directly depends on the chosen medication. Today, for this type of abortion, the following drugs are used:

  • Mifepristone This drug is indicated for abortion for up to 42 days of delayed menstruation. If a woman is healthy, then she tolerates medication well. In addition, this drug is considered the most effective among other means.
  • Pencrofton. The composition of this drug also includes Mifepristone. The medicine is used solely to terminate the pregnancy in the early stages (tablets).
  • "Mifegin." This French-made product can be used for up to 6 weeks delay. The main distinguishing feature of these tablets is their high efficiency. According to studies, they work in almost 100% of cases.
  • "Mitholianus". This drug is considered more aggressive, because after taking it, the tissues of the uterine cavity are rejected by the body along with the embryo.

Speaking about which pills interrupt pregnancy in the early stages, many people recall Postinor. Almost every girl heard about this tool. However, it must be remembered that this drug is used exclusively in the first hours after unprotected intercourse.

interrupt early pregnancy with pills

The package with "Postinor" contains 2 small tablets. The first of them is taken no later than 72 hours after intercourse, and the second - 12 hours after that. If you take these pills after 72 hours, then in this case the drug will not work.

Medical termination of pregnancy

If we talk about the features of this procedure, then everything directly depends on how much time a woman is in position. Of course, the shorter the duration of her pregnancy, the faster, more effective and painless the effect of the drug will be. Over a longer gestation period, the chances of ending it are greatly reduced. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the state of your body.

If we talk about how long you can terminate a pregnancy with pills, then it all depends on the specific situation, the patient’s health status and the chosen drug. However, according to doctors, it is best to think about this method of getting rid of a child no later than 3-4 weeks. Experts attribute this to the fact that during this period there is a complete hormonal restructuring of the body, but the fetal egg has not yet fixed on the walls of the uterus. Due to this, medical abortion brings minimal harm. In addition, drugs help block hormonal changes. In this case, muscle contractions of the uterus occur, which subsequently pushes the fetal egg out of the body.

Is it possible to interrupt early pregnancy with pills?

If you terminate the pregnancy with pills for a period of more than 6 weeks, then in this case the drug may work, however, the woman will have quite serious health problems and the possibility of further bearing children. At the same time, the effectiveness of this tool in late pregnancy is only 65%.

If it happened that after using the drug the woman is still in position, then in this case, for medical reasons, in no case should you leave the child. This is especially true for those who took Mifepristone. This drug can cause serious mutations and abnormalities in the fetus.

Indications for medical abortion

Speaking about how long you can terminate a pregnancy with pills, it is worth noting situations where specialists recommend an abortion. First of all, after passing an ultrasound, the doctor can detect an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, almost all experts advise to have an abortion, since otherwise such a pregnancy can threaten not only the life of the fetus, but also its mother.

until how many weeks you can terminate a pregnancy with pills

Contraindications to medical abortion

In some situations, doctors categorically do not recommend such procedures to take aggressive drugs. First of all, it is worth abandoning such a decision for those women whose gestational age is already more than 7 weeks. Also, the drug may not work or have a negative effect if the patient has an intrauterine device installed. The fact is that this product can shift and seriously damage the walls of the uterus in the process of fetal output.

Features of medical abortion for a period of more than 6 weeks

If a woman still decides to take the pills, provided that she has been in a position for quite a long time, then in this case you need to be prepared for quite serious complications. Moreover, in addition to unpleasant pain, weakness, dizziness, and other symptoms, severe bleeding may develop. Therefore, in no case should you risk your health. Surgical abortion is better than risking your life. Consider some of the characteristic symptoms that appear in women at later stages of pregnancy when taking aggressive drugs.

What week can you terminate the pregnancy with pills?

Stomach ache

And in this case, the woman experiences almost the same sensations as at the stage of the birth of the child. The pains are very strong and resemble contractions. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove a fetal egg from the uterine cavity. As a rule, such symptoms last about a day. After that, their intensity decreases. If the so-called contractions last more than 36 hours, then in this case you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Heavy discharge

You need to understand that normal menstruation includes those that are most active for 1-2 days after taking the pills. After that, women have only scanty discharge of a brown tint, the duration of which can be from 5 to 10 days. If heavy periods last more than 48 hours, then this indicates uterine bleeding. This symptomatology is very dangerous, so you need to immediately contact an ambulance.

Scanty discharge and fever

If the blood is very sluggish, then this symptom is also a certain pathology. In this case, you should definitely talk to your doctor. Usually, after taking the drugs, the temperature can reach 37 °. However, if the temperature has exceeded 38 °, this also indicates that very serious reactions are occurring in the body, which can lead to complications.

what pills interrupt early pregnancy

So, is it possible to interrupt early pregnancy with pills? Yes, it is possible, but no later than the 6th week.

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