Pregnancy after a miscarriage is a difficult topic for every woman who has experienced such a huge stress. Therefore, she has a lot of questions, how to approach the next pregnancy, so that it ends successfully, what needs to be done at the planning stage, what kind of examination to pass and which of the tests to be taken, etc. Some women seek to conceive a new baby as soon as possible, while others are afraid to do so.
To begin with, a woman must understand what factors lead to a miscarriage and what needs to be done to prevent this. Statistics show that one in eight women has a miscarriage. Moreover, only registered cases reflect the statistical analysis. Indeed, often a woman may not know that she had a miscarriage. For example, take him for the onset of painful menstruation. Sometimes a miscarriage may occur even before the delay begins. The cause of abortion at short periods, most likely, could be the chromosomal abnormality of the fetus. In addition, such factors may include factors related to immunity, infectious diseases, abnormalities in the development of the uterus, thyroid disease, and the use of prohibited drugs during pregnancy.
Doctors recommend a full examination in the case of miscarriages in the short term if they are repeated more than three times. In addition, the cause of this phenomenon is rather difficult to establish. The approximate list of analyzes necessary in this case includes:
tests for latent infectious diseases;
ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
general analyzes;
blood sugar test;
blood coagulation test;
a blood test for the concentration of hormones;
genetic analysis;
blood biocompatibility check.
Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage must be planned, as a number of rules and recommendations must be followed so that this unpleasant situation does not happen again. Of course, pregnancy a month after a miscarriage is too premature a step. Doctors recommend taking a break of at least six months.
If you are planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, first of all, you must pass all the tests and the required examinations. It is advisable that even before pregnancy, a woman begin to drink vitamins, but not complex. Without fail, the future mother needs folic acid to protect the future baby from deviations in the development of the nervous system. The rest of the medications must be prescribed by a doctor, as they can significantly harm your health. An extreme danger for short pregnancy is an excess of vitamins A and D, as they can provoke a miscarriage.
Try to keep your nutrition as complete and balanced as possible. Do not go on a diet or exhaust yourself with excessive physical exertion - it is better to take care of yourself. Be sure to exclude alcohol and cigarettes. If you drink coffee, then try to temporarily exclude this drink or at least limit its amount.
If you do not have immunity to rubella and chickenpox, it is advisable to get vaccinations against these diseases. In addition, if you are planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, you need to exclude the risk of infection with toxoplasmosis, so you should not try raw meat, eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, clean the cat's toilet.
Pregnancy after a miscarriage is not easy, but quite possible. Be sure to pass all the necessary tests, undergo the necessary examinations, undergo treatment, and then under the vigilant supervision of doctors, your pregnancy will pass safely and without complications.