The hardware and software of modern integrated security systems are capable of solving problems of any complexity at various industrial, social and domestic facilities. Very important tools of security systems are video surveillance systems, and the requirements for the functional capabilities of the segment are steadily growing.
Integrated Security Systems
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The most popular face recognition software Face Intelligence (developed by House Control), Face director (Synesis) and VOCORD FaceControl (VOCORD) show:
- High probability of object identification (up to 99%).
- Support for a wide range of camera angles.
- The ability to distinguish persons even in a dense pedestrian mass.
- Variability in the preparation of analytical reports.
Pattern Recognition Basics
Any biometric recognition system is based on identifying the correspondence of the readout physiological characteristics of the personality to a specific predetermined pattern.
Scanning takes place in real time. The IP camera transmits the video stream to the terminal, and the face recognition system determines the correspondence of the image to the photos stored in the database. There are two main methods. The first is based on static principles: according to the results of processing biometric parameters, an electronic sample is created in the form of a unique number corresponding to a specific person. The second method models the “human” approach and is characterized by self-learning and robustness. Identification of a person by video image takes into account age-related changes and other factors (the presence of a hat, beard or mustache, glasses). This technology allows you to work even with old photographs and, if necessary, with x-rays.
Face Search Algorithm
The most common face detection technique is using Haar cascades (sets of masks).
The mask is a rectangular window with a different combination of white and black segments.The mechanism of the program is as follows: the video frame is covered with a set of masks, and according to the results of the convolution (counting pixels that fall into the white and black sectors), the difference is compared, compared with a certain threshold value.
To improve the work of the classifier, positive (frames where people’s faces are present) and negative (without such) training samples are created. In the first case, the convolution result is higher than the threshold value, in the second case, lower. The face detector with an allowable error determines the sum of the convolutions of all cascades and, when the threshold is exceeded, signals the presence of persons in the frame.
Recognition technology
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Another rapidly growing industry is marketing. An interactive billboard, having scanned a person’s face, determines his gender and age, visualizes only that advertisement that will be potentially interesting to the client.
Trends and development prospects
Face recognition systems in the banking sector are in great demand.
Following the results of last year, the management of Post Bank, after installing 50,000 smart video cameras in its offices, managed to save millions of rubles by preventing fraud in the lending and payment segments. Experts say that by 2021 the necessary infrastructure network will be created and any operations at ATMs will become possible only after biometric identification of the client’s face.In the next decade, high technology will open a network of self-service stores: the buyer walks in front of the windows, selects the goods he likes and leaves. The system of recognition of faces and images will determine the identity of the buyer, purchase and write off the necessary amount from his account.
Work is underway to create systems for recognizing the psycho-emotional state. Analysis of human emotions will be in demand in multimedia areas: animation, cinema, the industry of creating computer games.