Ischemic stroke of the brain: causes, symptoms and possible consequences

One of the most complex diseases is ischemic stroke of the brain. It is due to clogging of the vessel, which provides part of the brain with nutrition. According to data, up to 80% of strokes occur as a result of damage to the vertebral or carotid artery.

What is a disease?

Ischemic cerebral stroke also has a second name - cerebral infarction, which is probably more popular among ordinary people. This disease is caused by a violation of blood circulation as a result of embolism, thrombosis, or a decrease in cerebral blood flow. A lot of people die from ischemic stroke every year.

Why does a stroke occur?

Clogging of the vessels responsible for cerebral blood flow is the main reason for the development of the disease. As a result, the brain ceases to be saturated with nutrients and oxygen. According to statistics, ischemic stroke is a fairly common occurrence.

The second variety is hemorrhagic stroke. It causes a rupture of one of the vessels of the brain. The disease is fraught with hemorrhage and as a result of a hematoma. This type of stroke is much harder and in most cases causes death.

Quite often, ischemic stroke of the brain occurs with atrial fibrillation, hypertension and atherosclerosis. In these cases, the onset of spasm prevents blood flow to the brain.

Each disease has certain risk factors. So, let's look at what can cause a stroke.

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is age. The older the person, the higher the likelihood of undergoing this disease.
  2. Heart disease
  3. Arterial hypertension
  4. The presence of diabetes
  5. High blood cholesterol

Some of the people have several of these diseases, each of which negatively affects the work of the whole organism. It is worth noting that all of the above factors are calculated on a special scale that allows assessing the possible risk of stroke for several years to come.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

Ischemic stroke of the brain due to fuzzy, growing signs:

  1. Dizziness
  2. Weakness
  3. Amnesia
  4. Violation or complete lack of sensitivity
  5. Violation of the vestibular apparatus and motor activity
  6. Speech impairment

If a person has the above symptoms, an urgent consultation of a specialist is necessary. Before the ambulance arrives, lay the patient on his side. It is strictly forbidden to take independent actions and give medicines.

Ischemic Stroke Treatment

The resulting ischemic stroke of the brain treatment must be carried out strictly in a hospital. In severe cases, the patient is observed in the intensive care unit. Medical staff monitor blood pressure, maintain breathing and maintain optimal body temperature.

Through drug treatment, blood circulation in the brain is restored and the development of blood clots is excluded. But all these actions have an immediate beneficial effect only when carried out no later than 3 hours after the attack. Otherwise, all manipulations will not have the desired effect. Using special drugs to support the functioning of the brain.

After the treatment, a course of speech therapy classes, a complex of vitamins and drugs are prescribed. The rehabilitation process consists in medical gymnastics and massage, which restore lost motor activity.

What to expect after a disease?

Ischemic stroke of the brain, the consequences must be prevented in advance, so as not to aggravate the patient's condition. So what do doctors pay attention to?

  1. The development of pneumonia. This disease can be caused by poor ventilation. To prevent it, the patient must be turned over carefully every 2 hours (without sudden movements). If the general state of health allows you to put a person on the bed for several minutes. Practicing breathing exercises will reduce the risk of pneumonia.
  2. Dehydration. The patient needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily.
  3. Thrombosis. As a result of slowed blood circulation, blood clots may develop. To prevent this disease, the doctor prescribes special drugs. Passive gymnastics will not be superfluous.
  4. Pressure sores. For the prevention of pressure sores, it is recommended to wipe the sick person with alcohol (cologne, vodka) diluted shampoo and water several times a day. It is recommended several times a day to process the anus and genitals with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If pressure ulcers have already appeared, it is necessary to use special ointments - Iruxol, solcoseryl, etc.

It must be remembered that the sooner a diagnosis is established, the faster the person will receive the necessary treatment. In a conversation with a doctor, specify the time of the onset of the attack and the subsequent symptoms. This will have a significant impact on further inpatient care.

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