Aquariums are loved by so many people. For some, their inhabitants are pets who do not require walking them three times a day. For some, an aquarium is part of a well-designed interior. In any case, if you decide to put an aquarium at home - this will be the right choice.
Moreover, the observation of swimming fish has a positive effect on the human nervous system. But there are other inhabitants, also no less interesting. You can, for example, put an
aquarium for turtles at home
. It is not much different from the one that contains fish, but watching animals is much more interesting. Indeed, unlike fish, turtles breathe air, which means that from time to time they get to the surface. But for keeping in captivity, only freshwater individuals are suitable, therefore, no matter how great the desire to settle the houses of a large
marine inhabitant, you will have to limit it to its younger relatives. For example, two species of
red-eared turtles feel good at home
: American and Caspian. In addition, despite the fact that they do not only eat plant foods, they get along well with some types of fish, which will allow you to diversify the inhabitants of your personal reservoir.
Animals kept in aquariums are fed with minced meat, fish and special feeds. They eat in water and on land, so watching them is very interesting.
These are thermophilic creatures, it is necessary to take this fact into account when making an aquarium for turtles. The island on which they will be selected should be under the lamp. This will eliminate the need to heat the water, because the temperature comfortable for most turtles is 25-27 degrees. But only warm water will not be enough. Turtles need both UVA and UVB rays, so you have to buy two lamps or a special full-spectrum lamp. The distance from the lamp to the shell should be about 15 cm.
You will also need a few more devices to make a real aquarium for turtles for your pet. A thermometer is needed to monitor the temperature, because if the water is more than 29 degrees, the turtle can die. When the temperature drops, the pet will also feel uncomfortable. And, of course, a filter for cleaning. At the bottom of the aquarium, you need to pour stones and plant plants so that the turtle feels at home. And she will eat small stones and plants, just as she does in wildlife.
The aquarium for red-eared turtles should be large, because this species loves space, for one individual about 100-150 liters are needed.
They also like to crawl on land, which means they will have to make a convenient way out of the water for them. Many people use special islets on suction cups, but the turtle is still not a cat, and it is quite difficult for her to get out of the water. Therefore, the best option for your pet will be a smooth climb, starting even under water. This will allow the animal to get out to land.
Thinking through the interior of the apartment, you can use unusual elements, and one of them can be an aquarium for turtles. Buying it now is not a problem. There are many companies specializing in their production. Also, an aquarium for turtles can be ordered the size that you need, taking into account how it fits into the interior of the apartment.