About how to find out that you are pregnant, many articles have been written in women's magazines and on the pages of the vast expanses of the Internet. Nevertheless, even having studied the mountain of literature, it is quite difficult to understand at the earliest stages that you are pregnant. Of course, there are a number of classical signs, however, they do not always manifest themselves quite clearly or sometimes do not appear at all.
Moreover, “signs” are not “symptoms”. They can not be absolutely trusted, but can only be listened to in the future to try to clarify the situation more specifically.
In general terms: cornerstones
How to find out that a girl is pregnant? About pregnancy says delayed menstruation. Medicine is now able to determine the current state of a woman after the first day of delay. But up to this point, a month may pass from the moment of conception.
At an earlier stage, pregnancy tests can help identify pregnancy. They are able to determine hCG - a hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). Tests begin to show results from the sixth day after conception.
How to find out that you are pregnant (at an early stage)?
Signs indicating a probable pregnancy are diverse. To come to a conclusion about pregnancy, you need to find at least half of these signs.
- lack of menstruation;
- nausea;
- discomfort in the lower abdomen;
- fatigue;
- lowering blood pressure and, as a result, dizziness and fainting;
- temperature rise;
- mood swings;
- heightened sensitivity to odors;
- frequent urination
- swelling of the chest, darkening of the halos, nervous tremors in the chest;
- periodically occurring painless cramps;
- blue (pink) lines on the chest and abdomen;
- increased appetite and a change in taste preferences;
- friability of the uterus and cervix (it can be detected during a physical examination at 2-8 weeks after fertilization);
- an increase in the abdomen and uterus (it can be detected during a physical examination at 8-12 weeks after fertilization);
- the appearance in the urine of chorionic gonadotropin (obviously in the analysis or test from 2-3 weeks after fertilization);
These signs are manifested very subjectively and in every woman in different ways. Therefore, a frequent question arises about how to find out that you are pregnant.
Pregnancy often needs to be determined even before the delay of menstruation (as the most reliable sign indicating a possible change in the body).
In this matter one must trust intuition and subjective sensations.
As a rule, the first 5-7 days after conception to determine pregnancy is not possible.
After the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, the hormonal background of the woman begins to change. From this moment, any signs of pregnancy begin to appear . Some women are able to feel pregnancy already from these first changes occurring in their body. However, it also happens that it is impossible to recognize that you are pregnant for a month or even two. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
How to find out if a girl is pregnant :
diagnostic methods for early pregnancy
1. The simplest and most accurate method that helps to determine whether a pregnancy is already a week after fertilization is pregnancy tests purchased at a pharmacy. The effectiveness of such tests is recognized by most gynecologists. They often resolve doubts about how to find out that you are pregnant.
You need to do the test in the morning. You need to choose a test of high sensitivity (10 mIU / ml): they can detect the smallest amount of hCG in the early stages.
2. A more accurate method is a blood test for hCG . In the blood, the hormone content is much higher than in the urine, therefore, the likelihood of early pregnancy detection is much more.
3. Ultrasound . This method is absolutely accurate, but you can access it no earlier than a week of delay. It should be noted that today it has not yet been concluded whether ultrasound is safe for the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, such a method should not be rushed to contact without urgent need.