Grape snails at home: content features

The grape snail has long been considered a delicacy. The French and other gourmets are especially fond of eating it. However, not everyone knows about how simple grape snails are to keep at home. Naturally, for this it is necessary to create a certain microclimate for the living animals represented. However, you will not need any special items or expensive equipment.

grape snails at home

First of all, you need to take care of the place where your pets will live. To do this, you will need a terrarium of certain sizes. The dimensions of the tank depend on the number of snails grown. The main thing is that it should be closed, as these animals crawl well along the walls and can simply run away from their own home. Grape snails are grown at home quite simply and quickly.

The height of the terrarium should be at least 50 cm. For care, you need to purchase a regular manual spray gun. Also take care of the containers in which there will be water and food. The fluid should always be fresh. Do not allow the water in the tank to run out. Grape snails grow well at home. In order for them to crawl about, you can additionally decorate the container with moss or some wooden driftwood. At the bottom of the terrarium should be a special substrate or coconut filler. Its thickness should not be large (about 5 cm).

grape snail at home

In order for the grape snails to feel comfortable at home, it is necessary to constantly moisten the soil. No additional lighting is needed. But the temperature should be at least 20 degrees. Periodically, all containers must be washed and cleaned. As for the soil, you need to change it every 6 months.

At home, a grape snail feeds on foods such as vegetables, fruits, lettuce, dandelion leaves and clover. They can even eat grass intended for cats. It should be noted that the presented animals are very susceptible to infection with parasites, so all food should be washed very well. In addition, a certain diet should be followed. For example, adult snails can be given food once every 3 days, and young growing individuals need to be fed daily. Leftover food from the terrarium must be removed.

grape house snails

In addition to conventional products, grape homemade snails need special calcium supplements. If you can’t buy them at the store, just chop the eggshell. Naturally, it needs to be pre-processed.

As for the reproduction of snails, then everything is quite simple. The main thing is to choose healthy individuals for mating. Naturally, it is better to buy them at a pet store. If all the conditions necessary for them are created, then you can simply watch how small clues appear in your terrarium, as they breed themselves. The full growth cycle of these animals is 2 years.

That's all the features of the content of grape snails. Good luck

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