Rotavirus during pregnancy is not at all a rare occurrence. Of course, the expectant mother should take care of herself, but this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, today we will talk about the main ways of infection, especially the prevention and treatment of expectant mothers. I would like to immediately reassure women: rotavirus is not a danger to the fetus, and with a competent approach, it is treated quickly enough.
general description
Intestinal flu, or rotavirus, develops according to its classical pattern during pregnancy. This is an infectious disease that is caused by a viral pathogen. The disease is very insidious and extremely contagious. It affects the intestines and leads to severe diarrhea. The very name of the virus sometimes surprises the layman, because its effect does not extend to the oral cavity. In fact, it came from the Latin rota, that is, the wheel. The shape of the carrier under the microscope is very similar to it.
A person should know at least in general terms what his body had to face. Rotavirus develops sharply during pregnancy, so the sooner you diagnose and prescribe competent treatment, the better for you.
The causative agent is a representative of the Reoviridae family, each of which has a similar antigenic structure. They were revealed relatively recently. Only in 1973, doctors discovered it when examining the contents of the small intestine. Since then, a systematic study of these pathogens has begun.
Source of infection
How does rotavirus develop during pregnancy? The answer to the question will give us information on how to protect ourselves from this ailment. The fetus in the mother’s womb does not suffer, but the consequences of infection can indirectly affect it.
The source of infection is the same for everyone, pregnancy does not make any adjustments. However, forewarned means armed. The main source of infection is the contact-household route. Let's look at the most common transfer methods:
- Contact with a sick person. While the incubation period lasts, it is almost impossible to determine that it is infected.
- When using low-quality products, poorly washed vegetables and fruits, as well as water from dubious sources. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor what she eats.
- Through infected surfaces.
- Dirty hands.
Infection mechanism
How does rotavirus develop? This is another key to how to protect yourself. The scheme is classical, rotavirus is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Once in the body, viruses multiply rapidly. The incubation period in a pregnant woman lasts 1-2 days, after which pathogens begin to stand out together with feces. They are easily spread by domestic means and begin their activity in a new organism. Therefore, if a case of infection has already been noticed in the family, it is necessary to observe increased caution, disinfect the bathroom and wash hands thoroughly.
Diagnosis of the disease
Rotavirus during pregnancy is mild, natural mechanisms of protection of the expectant mother are triggered. However, all classic symptoms are observed. If you notice some of the above symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor, because only an experienced specialist should weigh the method of treatment, who will weigh the pros and cons. So, the symptoms are:
- Watery diarrhea every hour. The disease itself is not dangerous for the fetus, but it provokes severe dehydration of the mother, therefore this condition requires correction.
- Heat.
- Profuse vomiting.
In the most severe cases, a strong heartbeat may be observed. It is not difficult to diagnose the disease, however, to complete the picture, it is necessary to take into account the totality of symptoms and the results of fecal analysis.
Features of diagnosis and treatment in the first trimester
It is sometimes difficult to identify rotavirus in early pregnancy. The expectant mother at this time often does not yet visit the doctor, and writes off vomiting and diarrhea as a manifestation of toxicosis. There is no treatment and medical control, which can lead to disastrous consequences for the mother's body. Another extreme is the self-administration of drugs, most often antibiotics, which is also strictly prohibited.
Your actions
What to do if you suspect rotavirus during pregnancy? How to treat this ailment? These are questions that should be asked by your doctor. Therefore, be sure to ask for help on time. Only a specialist can prescribe the right recommendations and treatment. If the situation is difficult, then hospitalization is possible. In fact, even with a mild form of rotavirus, it is advisable to go to hospital. Here the patient is isolated, they will provide her with separate dishes and care. A sick pregnant woman needs rest and comfortable conditions. It is extremely undesirable to carry the virus on the legs, so as not to lose strength.
What is dangerous intestinal flu
At first glance, rotavirus does not pose any threat to the mother and fetus during pregnancy. The consequences are reduced to minor inconvenience, pain in the abdomen and bed rest. Viruses do not cross the placental barrier and cannot harm the baby. Only possible dehydration is dangerous, which is natural at high temperature, vomiting and diarrhea. This is an extremely undesirable condition. When dehydrated, the fetus suffers from hypoxia, and the mother's body can decide to take extreme measures, that is, provoke premature birth. However, properly selected treatment and adherence to all doctor's recommendations will allow you to completely remove symptoms in just 2-3 days. The fifth is recovery.
Pregnant woman treatment
The main difficulty is that most drugs can harm the fetus and therefore should not be used. It is especially difficult for a doctor to make an appointment when rotavirus occurs in the first trimester. During pregnancy, treatment should be as safe as possible. In the first 12 weeks, medication is strictly prohibited. Expectant mother should not even take herbal supplements on her own without first consulting a doctor.
The second and third trimesters of pregnancy are distinguished by the fact that at this time the placental barrier works. Therefore, the list of approved drugs is much more extensive. The treatment regimen primarily includes drinks designed to restore the water-salt balance. It can be a Regidron or just a plentiful drink. You can use fruit drinks and mineral water without gas, fruit drinks. You need to drink often and in small sips, so as not to provoke vomiting.
In addition, adsorbing drugs are prescribed, most often Smecta. It is recommended to take Linex capsules or Hilak Forte solution to restore bowel function.
Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, especially during pregnancy, you need to wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet, riding in public transport and staying in crowded places. Do not forget to carefully process vegetables and fruits with hot water. Use boiled water and regularly do wet cleaning.