We are all used to using Arabic numbers - 1, 2, 3, etc. But still, there is a need to write Roman numbers - I, II, III, and so on. For example, when we indicate a certain age, it is better to record it using this system.
But many may wonder how to enter Roman numerals in Word. After all, they are not on the keyboard. This is what will be discussed in the article. We will consider all possible ways of writing Roman numerals in the Word program. Some of them are very simple and will allow you to write quickly, while others, on the contrary, seem useless, as they take a lot of time.
Using the English layout
, "". . , . , "5" "V", - "X". , . - , - .
, , . , , . ALT+SHIFT CTRL+SHIFT, . , .
, Windows. , , WIN, , .
, "" . , , , , .
. CTRL+F9 - . "321\*Roman", , "{=321\*Roman}". "321" , . , F9, .
, "". . , , , .
, . "" ( ) "", - . " ..." - .
, , , , "". , "" " ".
, "" 2003 . , 2003-.
- I - 0049.
- X - 0058.
- V - 0056.
- M - 004D.
- C - 0043.
- L - 004C.
, , ALT+X. , .
, "" . ALT-. , , , .
-, , -, .
- 73 - I.
- 88 - X.
- 86 - V.
- 77 - M.
- 67 - C.
- 76 - L.
So, we know the code, it remains only to enter it. To do this, holding down the ALT key, begin to enter the code. After you release ALT, the number you need appears corresponding to the code you entered. Please note that the code must be typed on the numeric keypad located on the right.