Often, a problem arises for pet owners: how to wean a cat to crap in the wrong place? It is not very simple to solve, especially if the animal has already entered adulthood. Therefore, you will have to make every effort, be extremely attentive to your four-legged friend, and even, perhaps, visit the veterinarian. Since weaning a cat to shit in the wrong place is sometimes not possible without the use of special equipment, it may be necessary to purchase sprays at the animal pharmacy both to scare away the nook he had chosen for the toilet and to attract a cute fluffy to the tray.
Cleanliness of the tray is the key to cleanliness of the apartment
One of the primary reasons for the cat’s dislike of a certain place for performing his “affairs” may be the tray itself. Either it was simply inconvenient, or the owners rarely clean it, or they do not wash it as thoroughly as the cat would like, or she does not like the filler. Therefore, some efforts should be made to ensure that the tray is always filled with dry and fresh filler, washed very well without the use of bleach and odorous agents. It is best to fill the toilet with ordinary dry sand first - all cats like this filler, without exception. How to wean a cat to crap in the wrong place? It is necessary to track him at the moment when he darted to his favorite place and scratched his claws, to catch and put him where he needed to. Often cats do not like mesh and tray trays. You can cover it with newspaper and sprinkle with filler. Gradually, the filler can be discarded.
How to wean an adult cat to spoil anywhere
Often, adult cats begin to "mark" their territory. This is due to nature. And you can deal with this only surgically - castration or sterilization. There is still the possibility that the pussy suffers from some kind of disease and in this way tries to draw the attention of the owners to its problem. Especially often this happens if the pet had no problems with the toilet. Therefore, you need to show the cat to the doctor. And neurosis can cause the cat to suddenly “deteriorate”. Since weaning a cat in the wrong place can be done in this case, reassuring the animal with the help of special medications or equipping it with a special house over the tray, thoroughly washing the room, then you should not hesitate - urgently need to get down to business! But those places where urine or feces were found should not only be washed with bleach, but also rubbed with garlic - cats really do not like this smell!
If the cat is crap
What should the owners do if the attitude of a previously clean animal to their toilet suddenly changes? As stated earlier, the cause of this inappropriate behavior must first be determined. Animals can respond to repairs in the apartment, a change in diet, the emergence of a new person. If the causes as such cannot be detected, then you should talk with the animal. No need to laugh, it is calm human speech that often gives a positive result. Aggressiveness towards the pet can only exacerbate the problem. It is possible at a time when the cat is about to "obscure" in the place not designated for this, to hit next to the floor with a newspaper folded into a tube or with a wet rag - cats hate loud noises. And then put her in the right place and pet, reassuring. Often this is enough.