"Edas 306": reviews (for children syrup). Homeopathic medicine "Edas 306"

Sometimes it seems to parents that it is simply impossible to reassure their child, especially before going to bed at night. Very often, children begin to show increased activity at a later time, frolic, indulge. And no baths with herbs, reading books and cartoons do not soothe them. Then the homeopathic remedy “Edas 306” can come to the aid of parents. Today we will find out what problems it is prescribed for, in what quantity and how to take it correctly, and also we will find out the feedback about this syrup from parents and doctors.

edas 306 reviews for children

What ailments can be useful?

Syrup "Edas 306", the instruction of which is always available in the package, can be prescribed for the following negative manifestations:

- nervousness, irritability, anxiety;

- sleep disturbance;

- increased excitability.

This product is a clear liquid of light yellow color with a characteristic odor of valerian. The medicine is available in dark glass vials. The volume is 100 ml.

edas syrup 306

The composition of the drug

Homeopathy for children is the most harmless way of treatment, since all medicines are of natural origin. 100 grams of the syrup described in this article contain the following elements:

- Passiflora red and white - 2 g;

- ambergris grisea - 2 g;

- lumbago meadow - 2 g;

- tincture of valerian - 4 g;

- sugar - 64.8 g;

- purified water - 25.2 g.

All of the above components of the drug "Edas 306", the instructions for which are clear and accessible to everyone, are really natural. Now we will figure out how each element of this drug affects.

Exposure to individual components of the drug

1. Passiflora is red and white. This plant is prescribed for agitation, insomnia. It is also able to cope with various diseases of the nervous system associated with increased emotionality.

2. Ambergris grisea. This element will come in handy with severe anxiety, anxiety, increasing in the evening, as well as with a melancholy state. If a person has a tendency to hysterical reactions, then this plant will also help to cope with this situation. Additional problems that this element can solve: fainting, involuntary twitching of muscles, weakening of memory, difficulty thinking, poor sleep with restless dreams.

3. Backache meadow. This plant is able to eliminate unstable emotional background, tearfulness, a sharp change of mood, moodiness, sadness, gloom, indecision, slowness (which is often observed in schoolchildren). It will also help with sleep disorders with trouble falling asleep.

edas 306 price

4. Tincture of valerian. This plant is familiar to many, unlike the others. It helps with such problems: spite, irritability, anxiety, despair, and depression. If a person has sound illusions, or, for example, it seems that he feels that someone is nearby, so that such negative situations are eliminated, you need to take Valerian, which is contained in the drug "Edas". All of the above symptoms are characteristic of neurasthenia, sleep disturbances. In the smallest inhabitants of our planet, this can be observed due to past illnesses or during teething.

How to use this drug and in what doses? Here the instruction will come to the rescue. Syrup for children is prescribed, by the way, not only to calm our little flowers of life. It can be applied to adults. Below we will consider in what quantities this medicine is given to people of various age categories.

Mode of application

Syrup "Edas 306" must be taken three times a day, preferably after a meal:

  • adults - 1 dessert spoon ;
  • babies from 1 to 3 years old - 0.5 teaspoon each;
  • children from 3 to 15 years old - 1 teaspoon each.

Before giving this drug to your children, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. If he gives his recommendations, then you can drink.

Side effects

Edas syrup does not cause any third-party actions. After all, homeopathy for children is a treatment with herbs that do not cause any negative points at all. Therefore, this drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. But still, before you purchase it, you need to consult a specialist.

sedatives for children up to a year

The effect of the drug on schoolchildren

Nowadays, the pace of life is so fast that, it seems, we constantly do not have time to finish something. And our kids also suffer from this. Pupils are given a lot of homework, they are loaded with a huge amount of information in the lessons. Then the children do not have time to come home, as it is already necessary to go to training or dancing. Because of this pace of life, children begin to have problems: they become embittered, tearful, inattentive, eat poorly and sleep. How to help your child in this situation? Here comes the help of the drug Edas 306. Reviews for children syrup on the basis of the application has earned mostly either positive or neutral. Negative feedback is not observed.

What do schoolchildren parents write about this drug? And they share such observations: after the start of using this homeopathic remedy, the children cease to be annoyed by all the little things, the nervousness disappears, the children no longer cry out at night, do not turn and do not cry.

Also, some mothers pay attention to the following situation: usually with such mood disorders, they believe that the fault is a lack of vitamins and acquire the necessary organic substances, but they soon notice that there is no effect from them. Then they turn to a neurologist for help, and then the specialist advises trying a homeopathic sedative for children “Edas 306”. And after 1-2 weeks, happy parents do not know how to thank the doctor, because he gave the right advice, direction, and this drug really became an assistant for mom in the fight for well-being and good mood of her child, who is studying at school.

Even the children themselves note this fact: this sedative for children 5 years of age and older is characterized by them as a bitter medicine. However, everyone drinks it with pleasure. And the result is really obvious after some time: in the house there are fewer tears, tantrums, neighbors do not come running and do not scream so that the parents can calm their children.

edas 306 instruction

Is it possible to give crumbs the drug "Edas 306"?

Sedatives for children up to a year should be prescribed only by a doctor. Mom herself should not go to the pharmacy and purchase various medications, such as Glycine, Phenibut, Pantogam. After all, all such medicines have chemistry.

Before moving on to any drug that can eliminate the restless state of the crumbs, you need to try other methods: before going to bed, give the baby a glass of warm milk with honey or herbal tea with chamomile and mint; when bathing in the bath, add a decoction of plantain, a series of.

homeopathy for children

If none of the proposed methods help, then you need to look for another way out, but it is better that these are drugs not of artificial origin, but natural. And one of these drugs is the Edas 306 syrup. Reviews for children syrup from moms and dads gets mostly positive. Parents of little tots after the appointment of this remedy note the fact that the children improve their sleep, they stop crying for no reason, their activity decreases slightly.

However, parents should know that any medicine that is sold in a pharmacy should be prescribed only by a doctor, especially if it concerns a one-year-old baby. Therefore, self-medication in this case is inappropriate.

Pediatricians about the tool "Edas 306". Reviews

For children, and especially their parents, this sedative can become a real lifesaver. However, there is such a nuance: valerian, which is part of the syrup, is harmless to an adult, but can it be given to infants and children of kindergarten age? Here the opinions of the doctors are divided. Some pediatricians consider this component safe, while others recommend that Valerian should not be given before the child is 12 years old.

Be that as it may, all children's doctors agree on one thing: it is undesirable to use medications to treat a one-year-old baby, it is better to look for other methods to calm and put the baby to bed. Well, for older children, this tool can really be a salvation. Manifesting himself not as usual (crying, screeching, screaming, arousing), the child inadvertently makes his parents worry about this. Therefore, experts advise mothers and fathers to take this drug with their child.

And doctors also give such practical advice: if guests with children will come to you soon, then you should take care of the internal state of your son or daughter in advance. So that the evening does not end in hysteria, loss of adequacy, it is better to start giving this syrup to your offspring two days before the event.

instruction syrup for children

The drug "Edas 306": the price of the drug

This product is manufactured in the Russian Federation. Its cost varies depending on the region, the margin of the pharmacy itself. You can buy the medicine “Edas 306”, the price of which, by the way, is quite acceptable, on average for 150–250 rubles of the Russian Federation for 1 bottle.

Where and how to save?

It is necessary to store the drug in a dry, dark place (for example, in a closed bedside table on the top shelf) at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. Keep away from children, so that they do not inadvertently take a jar of syrup, spill its contents or, even worse, do not drink it. The shelf life of this medication is 2 years, at the end of this time period, you can not use the drug.

Special recommendations

The use of strong drinks or coffee, smoking - all this reduces the effectiveness of the drug "Edas 306". If a person suffers from diabetes, then use this drug only as directed by a doctor. This homeopathic remedy does not affect the ability to drive a machine and work with mechanisms. And for children, this is a wonderful soothing syrup that does not cause allergic reactions, is well tolerated, there is no getting used to it.

Now you know what “Edas 306” is. Reviews (for children) syrup is mostly positive, as you could read in this article. Based on them, it became clear that this tool is completely harmless, as it is made from natural ingredients. In addition, it also has an excellent effect: a bad mood is replaced by a good one, sleep becomes strong and healthy, anger, apathy, and anxiety disappear. Doctors advise parents of hyperactive children to use this tool with them. Then not only the kids will be calm, but the whole family will live a normal, quiet, serene life.

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