A good shaver model is a sign of not only great taste, but also a high status of a man. Today, a domestic shaver “Berdsk” can serve as a successful purchase. Customer reviews say that the goods of this Russian manufacturer are offered on the market in a large assortment and bring satisfaction to each user.
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When buying an electric shaver, it is worth remembering: experts recommend choosing a model of the manufacturer who offers consumers the products assembled at their enterprise. A product released under a license will most likely not be able to have the necessary quality due to savings on component material.Types of Electric Shavers
All modern models of electric shavers are divided into two large groups. The first of them includes devices with a grid system. The second includes rotary type models.
Mesh shavers can shave longer bristles. However, they do not injure the skin of the face. This becomes possible due to the use of blades and a protective net in them.
As for the rotor system, many generations of men are familiar with it. After all, razors of this type were produced in the USSR. The principle of operation of these devices is based on the fact that the hairs on the face are shaved off by rotating heads, in which the blades are located. The main advantage of such a system is its effectiveness. Such shavers are great for those who need to cope even with unevenly grown bristles.Not by number, but by mobility
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«» , , «». , «-8», 9, 9, 3114. , . «» .
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«». , «-3231», 3232, 3234, 3235. . , 220 , .
, «». , «-2350», 2352, 2353, 3340, 3341 3342.
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, , – «-2350», 2352, 3340 3342, , 110 220 .
2353 . . 220 . , , 12-14 .
«-3341». - , . 110 220 . 12-14 , .
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Shaving heads of a floating design, which are provided in the Berdok-9 electric shaver, are able to smoothly and evenly shave the hairs on the face. Quite qualitatively, this process occurs even in such inaccessible places as dimples above the upper lip and on the chin. The razor heads have 72 grooves in the fixed knife. Six self-sharpening elements are provided at the movable knife.The model of electric shaver under consideration is equipped with a built-in cutting unit, a reliable collector motor and a removable electric twisted cord.
Like all other models of the manufacturer, "Berdsk-9" is equipped with a rotary cleaning system. On its surface there are several round discs that shave the hairs with small vibrating knives. This ensures a smooth shave even in the case of unevenly grown bristles.
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What attracts men to the Berdsk-3114 electric shaver? User reviews confirm the presence of many advantages in the model. This rotary system, and an acceptable price (about 1200 rubles), and the presence of 3 floating heads, and a trimmer, and self-sharpening steel knives. In addition, the motor of the device has a fairly decent power equal to 3700 rpm. In this case, the device is low noise. Among the shortcomings, users highlight the ability of the device to work only from the network and the difficulty of cleaning it.Berdsk-3341
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This wonderful device is popular with customers due to the presence of double-track knives in its design. This is what makes the Berdsk-3363 electric shaver good. The reviews of men indicate that the knives of the device can increase the intensity of shaving. This is due to their large area.
What else attracts consumers to the Berdsk-3363 electric shaver? User reviews speak of its retractable shearing unit. Pleases men and the shaving system. Thanks to it, the removal of bristles becomes better, because a device equipped with such a system remarkably follows the contours of the face. Among the advantages of the model, buyers call floating heads and the ability to work from the network in the range from 110 to 220 V."Berdsk-2364A"
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, . «-3364»? , . 100 240 . , .
. «-3340» , , , , . . , . . 2400 .
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