Staphylococcus aureus: difficulty in treating infection

The name Staphylococcus aureus microbes was obtained because of the yellow color, which can be examined under a microscope. Due to the fact that bacteria feed on dying tissues and decaying food, they are the causative agents of purulent processes.

Staphylococcus destroys fats and proteins contained in tissues, and creates for itself a nutrient, putrefactive environment. Infection enzymes overwhelmingly affect the immune system, which allows them to quickly move around the human body, causing blood poisoning. The bacterial product is the strongest toxin.

You can most often catch an infection in hospitals, clinics, and maternity hospitals.

In almost 100% of cases, Staphylococcus aureus appears on the skin in the form of barley, boil, carbuncles, boils, etc. Bacteria cause a number of lesions in humans: abscesses, cholecystitis, appendicitis, meningitis, peritonitis, pyoderma, pneumonia, eczema, sycosis, panaritium, dermatitis, blepharitis, osteomyelitis, etc.

Staphylococcus aureus causes the occurrence of secondary diseases with influenza, smallpox, wound infections, suppuration after surgery. In children, staphylococcal sepsis or pneumonia are very dangerous diseases.

Bacteria are detected in mixed infections. Staphylococci are found together with streptococci with diphtheria, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, acute respiratory diseases, flu.

Bacteria are very resistant to high temperatures, light, drying, and chemicals.

Staphylococcus aureus produces an enzyme called coagulase. Infection, getting into the vascular bed, with the help of an enzyme produces blood coagulation. Microbes penetrate the microthrombi, due to which staphylococcal sepsis develops, an infection can affect any organ, causing an inflammatory purulent process. Bacteria can lead to the development of inflammation of bone tissue (osteomyelitis), penetrate into the chest (the main cause of purulent mastitis), into the upper respiratory tract - into the sinuses, ear cavity, sink into the lungs, causing staphylococcal pneumonia.

The most common toxic disease caused by bacteria is food poisoning. Half of Staphylococcus aureus secretes enterotoxin, a toxic substance that causes abdominal pain, vomiting, and severe diarrhea.

The main accumulation of staphylococcus in a healthy person is the nasal cavity, larynx, armpit and perineum, scalp and gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria usually capture axillary areas, nasal passages. Very often the carriers of infection are medical staff, patients with atopic dermatitis, drug addicts. .

By the age of five, bacteria appear in the nose in 40% of children, and in 20-50% in adults who are not associated with the hospital.

After hospitalization, staphylococcus strains become carriers of about 30% of patients taking antibiotics treated for infectious diseases and diabetes. Bacteria appear during menstruation in 30% of women

The presence of staphylococcus is determined by analysis of feces, as well as biological material taken from the nose, oropharynx, paranasal sinuses. This is done if there is a suspicion of carriage of bacteria or infection, during periodic examinations of medical workers of maternity hospitals and surgical hospitals. If it is revealed that Staphylococcus aureus is absent in the analyzes: the norm is observed.

Treating an infection is a very difficult task. After analysis, a dermatovenerologist prescribes a comprehensive treatment with antibiotics and sulfa drugs. The complexity of the treatment is that Staphylococcus aureus leads in the ability to develop resistance to antibacterial agents and antibiotics.

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