The mid-range motherboard for the LGA 1155 socket from a leading manufacturer of computer components is about the ASUS P8H77-V LE. Its technical specifications are more than enough to complete a high-performance personal computer, which can become a graphic station, a workstation, a gaming computer, an entry-level server, or even a print server.
Board positioning. Component base
LGA 1155 Z77, . H61. .
LGA 1155 . , P8H77-V LE «» H77 . , Core i3 ( 2 /4 ) Core i5 ( 4 /4 ) Core i7 ( 4 /8 ). , «».
. . . Digi+, ASP1105. .
ASUS P8H77 - V LE:
ASUS P8H77-V LE. 305 226 . . , — .
, , , — , .
. , . USB, .
, ASUS P8H77-V LE H77. . :
- 32 .
- PCI Express 16 3.0.
- — 6,7 .
- — 65 .
, , «», — , . ( ) .
LGA 1155. Core «» . Pentium Celeron . H61. Core i7 Core i5 «» Z77, .
ASUS P8H77 - V LE :
- PS/2, , .
- USB 2.0 USB 3.0.
- — LAN.
- 6 .
- PCI Express 16.
- PCI Express 1 .
- 3 PCI.
ASUS P8H77-V LE UEFI. . , , — . . — BIOS, , , UEFI.
ASUS P8H77-V LE. , . . , . — . , . . — 100 .
ASUS P8H77-V LE is a partially outdated solution, but it allows you to build very, very productive computers. At the same time, the cost is significantly lower than that of more recent products based on LGA 1150 / LGA 1151. But the difference in performance between them is not so significant.