Красные дни календаря. Как мы отдыхаем в 2014 году

The article “Red days of the calendar” will tell you about the weekend of 2014, which will be provided in connection with the holidays, so that you know in advance about what awaits you in the next 12 months. The information that is presented to you below is official and will not be changed.

Red days of the calendar

Red days of the calendar from January to March 2014


On New Year's holidays, Russians have to walk for a week. The authorities decided that starting from the first day to the eighth day inclusive, people need to relax and go to the "New Year holidays" in order to gain good strength before the new working year. Recall that on December 30 and 31 of the current year 2013 they were declared workers, which had not happened before. That is, the day off itself - a holiday - for the Russians will begin on the first day of January. This week also marks the Orthodox holiday - Christmas, celebrated on January 7.


2 February 3, 2014 falls on Sunday and, therefore, there is no need to wait for a long weekend. In addition to the festive day, the Russians have to rest the next day, the 24th.


In the first spring month of 2014, Russians are waiting for the day off on the 10th day, which is provided in honor of the women's holiday - March 8. Three days were declared festive at once - from March 8 to 10 inclusive.

Red days of the calendar from April to June 2014


Public holidays this month do not exist. April 1 - Day

Red days of the calendar in November

fool ": everyone can play their colleagues and make fun of their loved ones.


1 4 . . - 9 11 . 1941-1945 . .

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Red days of the calendar 2014

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23, 24

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1 (9, 10 – )

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4 3

12 15


1 4


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