What is a bandage, women who have gone through pregnancy and childbirth probably know. This is a special supporting device for the growing tummy, which reduces the load on the legs and lower back, helps to avoid stretch marks on the skin. It greatly facilitates the life of the expectant mother, who becomes harder every week.
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How to choose a postpartum bandage so that it performs the tasks assigned to it? To begin with, it is worth talking about the types of bandages that can be found on the shelves of specialized stores and pharmacies.
1. The belt. This wide belt of elastic fabric, which is fastened with Velcro, covers the entire abdomen. Such a postpartum bandage has a low price, but is not very convenient to use, because it constantly moves upstairs.2. Bandage pants. Convenient in that they can be used under any clothes, well pulled, adjustable. There are models in which fasteners allow you to go to the toilet without removing the bandage.
3. Corsetry underpants. Create a more rounded and feminine figure. They have bone inserts, due to which the tightening occurs in all the necessary problem areas. The waist of this model is high, it is worth considering when buying.
4. Bermuda also helps to fight with excessive deposits on the legs, as they reach almost to the knee. Fastening such a brace will not cause trouble - it has a side clasp.
There is a universal bandage that can be worn both before childbirth and after. This option saves a decent amount and deserves special attention of women.
When choosing a postpartum bandage, it is best to try it on before you buy, if possible, and focus on your feelings. An inconvenient bandage will lie dead weight on a shelf, and you can forget about the quick restoration of the figure. Of course, the postpartum bandage will not solve all the problems at once, but it will become a serious assistant in the struggle for a beautiful figure.It is also important how to wear a postpartum bandage so that it benefits. Wear should be regular, but not around the clock, but with short breaks. Each bandage is accompanied by instructions for its use. Also, a gynecologist can help in this matter. Wearing a bandage should not cause inconvenience, it should not tighten your stomach too much - these are the basic rules for use.