High blood pressure during pregnancy: treatment, possible consequences

A pregnant woman regularly visits the office of a gynecologist. She knows firsthand that her condition requires monitoring weight gain, changes in abdominal volume and blood pressure. The latter procedure is mandatory. High blood pressure during pregnancy is a serious threat to the full formation of the baby and to the health of the mother. Therefore, the use of a tonometer is required not only in the clinic, but also at home.

Adverse effects

Every woman should know about the danger of high blood pressure during pregnancy. Only in this case, she will begin to more carefully and responsibly relate to her health. Such an ailment can provoke the most adverse consequences:

  1. The walls of blood vessels gradually begin to narrow. Because of this, the body will produce less oxygen and nutrients, which are so necessary for the developing embryo.
  2. High blood pressure during early pregnancy can trigger an arbitrary miscarriage.
  3. Another adverse effect is a slowdown in the growth and development of the fetus.
  4. With an increase in pressure, the well-being of the future mother deteriorates sharply: her blood can flow from her nose, get sick and dizzy. Such a malaise will not bring anything good to her or her baby.
  5. Galloping indicators on the tonometer can provoke the development of adverse pathologies, most often of a neurological nature.
  6. The most adverse effects of high blood pressure during pregnancy are placental abruption. In this case, the appearance of profuse blood loss is possible, which is a threat to life, both for the mother and her baby.
pregnant woman has a headache

In the period of development of a new life, it is very important to learn to listen to your body. Any ailment may adversely affect its further development.

High pressure causes

A woman can be an absolutely healthy person throughout her life, and during pregnancy she will experience such ailment as high blood pressure. Why is this happening? There are several reasons for this:

  • Hereditary factor. Scientists have long proved that if there is hypertension in the family, then the risk of developing high blood pressure during pregnancy increases significantly.
  • This disease affects women who are overweight to a greater degree. During conception and the formation of the fetus, the load on the body increases, it becomes difficult for the heart to cope with overwork for it. In this case, high pulse and shortness of breath will join the high pressure during pregnancy.
  • Any bad habits can become provocateurs of hypertension: smoking, alcohol, other types of use of toxic substances.
  • Staying long under stress is the most common reason for poor health.
  • The constant use of harmful foods increases the level of cholesterol in the blood. And this is another clear harbinger of hypertension.
  • A common reason is a sedentary lifestyle, which is prohibited in this state.
  • Some diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, thyroid or adrenal gland malfunction, can also become provocateurs.

In some cases, pressure can "jump" without a good reason. The reason for the deterioration in health is the increased load on the body and a change in hormonal levels.

In some cases, hypertension may be temporary. For example, pressure will increase with changing weather conditions or changing climates.

Rules for using a mechanical tonometer

The patient can check her health status on her own. A visit to the doctor is not a prerequisite. It is recommended that a tonometer be always in her home for these purposes. Currently, there are several types of devices with different operating principles. If a mechanical device for measuring pressure is in the hands, then use it as follows:

blood pressure monitor

  • Bring the arrow to 0.
  • Bleed excess air from the camera. Put it on your arm just above the elbow.
  • Actively squeeze and unclench the pear until the arrow reaches the maximum permissible value.
  • Release the pear. The arrow will begin to slowly return to its original position.
  • Remember the number at which the heartbeat began to be felt and the number at which the sound stopped. This is the upper and lower pressure value.

It is important that during the procedure the patient’s arm is stationary.

Terms of use of an electronic tonometer

Using an electronic tonometer is much easier. This requires:

  • Bleed the camera. Then, put it on your arm, slightly above the level of your elbow.
  • Click on the button.
modern blood pressure monitor

The device itself will take a measurement and show the patient the result of the study.

Pressure rate

How to find out high blood pressure during pregnancy or not? It is required to measure indicators with a tonometer and record the result.

  • Pressure is normal in the range from 110/60 to 140/90 mm. Hg. from.
  • The upper indicator is more than 140 - high blood pressure.
  • Lower indicator less than 110 - low blood pressure.
  • The lower indicator is more than 60 - lowered heart pressure.
  • The lower indicator is more than 90 - increased heart pressure.

Such deviations from the norm can negatively affect the state of health and well-being of a person.


In order to feel high blood pressure during pregnancy, it is not necessary to have a blood pressure monitor at home. The characteristic symptoms suggest a deterioration in health:

  • The most distinctive feature that all hypertensive patients are familiar with is a prolonged headache. To a greater extent, it is felt in the neck and temple.
  • A feeling of dizziness appears. The patient begins to feel weak throughout the body, as if his legs were becoming cottony.
  • Another characteristic symptom is nausea.
  • A person may notice that his visual acuity has decreased. You have to spend a lot of time in order to focus your eyes on a specific subject. Some visual defects appear - black dots or rainbow spots.
  • High blood pressure can cause redness on the face and décolleté.
  • In rare cases, there is pain in the abdomen, characteristic of dysbiosis.
pressure measurement in pregnant

It is important to know that high blood pressure during pregnancy in the later stages and in the early stages of gestation is very dangerous. It is required to immediately inform the doctor about this.

Drug treatment

What to do with high blood pressure during pregnancy? Immediate treatment is required. The most effective way is to take medications.

beautiful tummy

There are several types of medications for treating hypertension that can be taken by pregnant women:

  • Magne B6 is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. This vitamin is recommended for all expectant mothers, since a deficiency is noted during the gestation period.
  • "Dopegit" - it is recommended to take with hypertension that appeared before the 28th week of pregnancy.
  • If high blood pressure has occurred since the 39th week of pregnancy, then Atenolol will help to cope with this ailment. The drug has a serious side effect - a decrease in heart rate. Therefore, it is required to take it under the strict supervision of specialists.
  • "Verapamil" is an emergency aid in case of deterioration of well-being.

Waiting for a baby to be born is not at all a condition when you can self-medicate. It is necessary that the drug was selected by an experienced specialist.

Hypertension Drinks

The patient must necessarily diversify her diet with drinks that contribute to lowering blood pressure. This group includes:

proper nutrition during pregnancy

  • Herbal tea with the addition of mint or lemon balm.
  • In black tea, you can add a few drops of valerian.
  • In folk medicine, tinctures of mountain ash, motherwort or hawthorn are widely used.
  • Beetroot or cranberry juice.

Many women are most often tormented by headaches during sleep. In this case, it is recommended to pour mint or lemon balm leaves in a fabric bag and hang it over the head of the head.

When urgent hospitalization is required

In most cases, high blood pressure during pregnancy is treated at home. But, there are a number of cases in which the patient is subject to urgent hospitalization.

pregnant drinks tea

  1. On critical dates: up to 12, from 28 to 32 and after 39 weeks. During these periods, increased blood circulation can adversely affect the full development of the baby.
  2. Severe headaches accompanied by nausea and weakness.
  3. Inadequate blood circulation.
  4. Excessively high blood pressure - more than 160.

Doctors strive to treat hypertension at any time strictly under the supervision of specialists in order to protect the health of mom and her crumbs.

Preventative measures

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a very dangerous symptom. Therefore, it is recommended to do whatever is necessary in order to prevent its development. In total, several preventive measures can be distinguished:

  • A woman should always be in a state of silence and tranquility. Stress and overexcitation will negatively affect her well-being.
  • It is necessary to ensure a good rest. It takes 8-9 hours to sleep. If this time is not enough, then you should diversify your day with daytime sleep.
pregnant sleeping

  • Physical overwork is required to be avoided. But light loads will bring only benefits to the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take short walks and visit the pool. Important! This can only be done in the absence of contraindications.
  • Your life should be filled only with positive emotions, leaving no room for negativity: watch a pleasant movie, chat with positive people.
happy woman

Be sure to completely eliminate the use of coffee, strong tea and alcohol.

  • Do not "eat for two." Normal weight gain is from 10 to 16 kilograms for the entire pregnancy.

It is recommended to regularly monitor your pressure - take measurements three times a day on two hands. Indicators need to be fixed. The diary of your own research must be shown to a specialist during the consultation.


The period of pregnancy is a very crucial stage in the life of a woman and the organism growing inside her. To reduce the risk of developing pathologies and chronic diseases, do not allow an increase in blood pressure.

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