Why does the child often blink his eyes: causes and treatment

From birth, a person has various reflexes that help us protect vital organs. Blinking of the eyes is one of these reflexes, due to which moisturizing and purification of the cornea from dust occurs, and fatigue is relieved. But if you notice that the child often blinks his eyes, while squeezing them tightly, this is an occasion to contact the doctors as soon as possible - a pediatric ophthalmologist and a neurologist.

Causes of frequent blinking in a child

If the child often blinks his eyes, the causes may be of an ophthalmic or neurological nature. Unfortunately, parents will not be able to independently determine why these signs appeared in the child. It is very important to get the advice of a narrow-profile specialist, since such a condition can begin due to serious nervous or eye diseases that are successfully treated and corrected in the early stages, but if they are neglected, they cause serious complications.

Ophthalmic causes of frequent eye blinking

the child squints his eyes

If the question arose about why the child often blinks his eyes, the reasons can be found in external factors. But sometimes this speaks of various pathologies of the organs of vision.

The reason may be the following:

  • Overdrying of the cornea of ​​the eye. In this case, it is advised to reduce the time spent in front of the TV, computer and phone. The doctor prescribes moisturizing drops.
  • Visual overstrain. Very often, eyes can get tired with prolonged use of the computer, reading books. Visual muscle overload occurs. Blinking, the child relieves this tension. In this case, special drops that the doctor will prescribe can help.
  • Decreased visual acuity. If the child began to blink more often and squint, this can begin due to a drop in vision. This can lead to muscle spasm inside the eye, lack of vitamins, problems of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Also, blinking can be a sign of myopia or farsightedness that has begun. An accurate diagnosis will be made only by an ophthalmologist after examination and the results of prescribed tests.
  • The presence of a foreign body (dust, villi, speck). In this case, tearing and runny nose are added to blinking.
  • Eye microtrauma. If the corneal mucosa is damaged, the child will be bothered by pain and discomfort, redness of the eyes and tears.
  • Infectious diseases of the eye (conjunctivitis, blepharitis). There is tearing, severe redness, purulent discharge, pain.

If you find any of the above signs in your child, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the lack of treatment can lead to complete loss of vision.

Neurological reasons

baby scared

If the child often blinks his eyes, the reasons may be neurological in nature, requiring the advice of a neurologist.

The reasons for the frequent blinking of the child can be:

  • Stress and childhood fears. Very often this condition is observed in schoolchildren and in children who recently began to go to kindergarten. Addiction to new people, conflicts with peers and teachers, excessive severity of parents - all this can lead to the appearance of frequent blinking. Due to the constant tension of the nervous system, poor sleep, aggressiveness, and closedness of the child can be added to this.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Nervous tic - involuntary twitching of the muscles of the face and body. This is always a signal that the baby’s nervous system is overloaded. This condition occurs with severe neurological and psychological problems. It happens hereditary. As a rule, it manifests itself along with poor sleep, poor appetite, fatigue, and increased anxiety. Even rare manifestations of the tick should not be ignored, as this is fraught with serious consequences.
  • Traumatic brain injury and concussion. Disorientation, vomiting are added to the symptoms.
  • Heredity.
  • The fact that the child often blinks his eyes can occur when taking medications.
  • Some diseases and the presence of worms in the body can provoke frequent blinking.

Ophthalmic Blinking Treatment

Bury the eyes of a child

If the child often blinks his eyes, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

Many parents, noticing such a state in the baby, believe that the blame for everything is the long use of the computer and phone. But this is not always the true reason. Therefore, it is very important not to self-medicate, but to contact a medical institution for advice and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

  • So, if a child has an overdry of the eye or tension, the doctor prescribes special drops and recommends limiting the use of gadgets.
  • If upon examination a foreign body is found in the eye, it is carefully removed. So that the inflammatory process does not start, anti-inflammatory drops and lotions from a decoction of calendula or chamomile can be prescribed.
  • With microtrauma, the doctor initially examines the eye and cornea. Based on the results of the check, optimal treatment is prescribed.
  • With a decrease in visual acuity, the child undergoes the required examination. Corrective methods like special glasses may be prescribed.

Causes of frequent blinking in preschool children

Sometimes parents notice that a child at 3 years old often blinks his eyes. At a young age, the nervous system is still very unstable, so any external stimuli can have a strong effect on the child. Frightening and unhealthy emotional conditions in the family and kindergarten can lead to neurological causes of blinking.

A long viewing of cartoons, touching the face with unwashed hands - all this can be the cause of this condition.

Treatment of frequent blinking for neurological reasons

family hugs

If the doctor determines the cause of frequent blinking neurological problems, the treatment will differ from the above:

  • The most important recommendation in this case will be to ensure a comfortable environment in the family with no scandals and screams, because the children's psyche is still very unstable.
  • A very important part of the treatment will be the establishment of a regimen and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, and high-quality, good rest.
  • With epilepsy and head and brain injuries, the treatment is selected by the doctor individually, based on the condition of the child and the results of the tests.

Treatment for nervous tic

In nervous tics, sedatives may be prescribed. But not always therapy may consist in taking medications. Corrective treatment is often prescribed:

  • Massage.
  • Taking a bath with relaxing aromatic oils (in the absence of allergic reactions).
  • Acupuncture.
  • Classes of light yoga.
  • Walks in the open air. As places advise to choose quiet parks, forest zones.
  • Special gymnastics, which can be carried out together with parents, especially if the cause of the tick was conflict situations in the family.
  • It is recommended to observe the child, find out in which particular situations a tick occurs, and exclude irritants. If health problems have arisen, for example, due to poor relations with a teacher or educator, it is worth thinking about transferring the child to another class or group.
  • You can not focus on eye tic. The child may begin to experience even more, which will aggravate the situation.
  • You should unload the daily routine of the child.
  • The state of a nervous tick can significantly lower the child’s self-esteem, it is very important to create a pleasant atmosphere in the family, spend as much time with him as possible, listen to him and show how much they love him.
  • If the above methods did not help, and the condition worsens, it is advisable to use sedatives and antidepressants.

There are exercises that can stop a nervous tick:

  1. You need to close your eyes very tightly, and then open them wide. Perform several times. It should immediately stop when there is pain or increased tick.
  2. Quick light blinking (approximately thirty seconds).
  3. Massage the eyelids in a circular motion. Perform with clean hands to prevent infection.
  4. Closed eyes are rinsed with cold and warm water in turn.

These exercises can only be started with the consent of your healthcare provider to rule out possible complications.

Folk remedies for the treatment of frequent eye blinking

Immediately, we note that the use of any folk remedies is possible only after consultation with your doctor and in the absence of allergic reactions.

If the child began to blink often because of neurological problems, you can use herbal preparations, which have a calming effect. They include plants such as mint, motherwort, calendula, valerian, chamomile. You can put lavender flowers (fresh or dried) in a bag and hang near the crib.

To extract a mote from the eye, it sometimes helps to rinse the tea with a decoction using a cotton swab.

Frequent blinking due to allergies

It happens that when asked why a child often blinks, an allergist can give an answer. Since sometimes the cause of this condition is allergy. To the symptoms are added sneezing, tearing, squinting and redness of the eyes.

In this case, after determining the causes of the allergic reaction, the treatment is prescribed by an allergist. As a rule, antihistamines and, if possible, elimination of the allergen are recommended.


baby with mom

To prevent vision problems, you need:

  • Do not let the child spend a long time at the computer.
  • In order to avoid infectious diseases of the eyes, the rules of personal hygiene should be observed - do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, do not wipe your face with someone else's towel.
  • Observe visual loads.

For the prevention of neurological problems, it is advised to observe the daily routine, but the main thing is to create an atmosphere of kindness and love in the family.

Nutrition as an eye disease prevention

vegetables and fruits

Prevention of any eye disease is also the nutrition of the child. Eating some fruits and vegetables improves eyesight, relieves fatigue from the eyes and generally has a very positive effect.

Products used to prevent visual impairment include:

  • Carrot - a source of provitamin A. Nourishes the organs of vision.
  • Pumpkin helps with impaired vision.
  • The eggs.
  • Broccoli.
  • Walnuts.
  • Blueberries help restore visual acuity.
  • Apricots
  • Melon.
  • Oranges and kiwi reduce the risk of eye diseases.
  • Fish fat. Helps to cope with dry eyes.


mom hugs baby

If you notice that the child began to blink frequently, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If frequent blinking was short-term, it is worth observing the baby and, when symptoms recur, contact a medical institution. This condition should not be allowed to drift, because insignificant, at first glance, signs can be symptoms of serious diseases.

It is very important that the child grows up in a comfortable, kind environment, surrounded by loving people. Try to spend more time with the baby, talk, learn to listen to him. You should not discuss the problem of frequent blinking with strangers in the presence of a child, as this may close him, which will aggravate the situation.

During adolescence (during adolescence), the symptoms of frequent eye blinks may intensify or resume again.

Do not self-medicate. If the child often blinks his eyes, the reasons and treatment should be discussed with your doctor. Subject to all his recommendations, improvement comes very quickly.

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