Ashera is the largest breed of cat

Cats are the most common pets at this time. Big and small, angry and cute, of different colors and characters, in general, for every taste. Now let's talk about what is the largest breed of cat.

A lot of controversy goes into this regard, among large cats such as Asher, Maine Coon and others can be distinguished. But we will talk about one breed.

the largest breed of cat

Ashera is the largest cat. The breed was bred relatively recently (about seven years ago) by an English biotechnology company called "Lifestyle Pets", but immediately became popular among pet lovers. These creatures, seeming simply huge, conquered everyone with their large size and amazing character. We will tell you more about them and point by point.

Origin and appearance

Asher belong to an exotic hybrid breed. She appeared as a result of mixing an Asian leopard, a simple domestic cat and an African serval. The weight of such a pet can reach fourteen kilograms, and the length quite reaches up to one meter. The appearance of the breed resembles the sphinxes, but due to its color they also look like leopards, which brings a touch of exotic to your home. Another advantage of these wonderful creatures is that they are hypoallergenic, so they will become the best friend of any person.

the largest breed of domestic cats


It is important to note that this is not only the largest breed of domestic cats, but also the most expensive. Therefore, perhaps their only minus is that these representatives cost about twenty thousand dollars, and not everyone can afford such a wonderful beast, despite their great desire.

The nature of the predatory beast

Despite the fact that Ashera is the largest breed of cat, her representatives are quite playful. They have high intelligence, wonderful temperament. These pets are gentle, and they do not need additional special care, it should be the same as for the usual cats. They are fed with ordinary food, but you can still walk them, for this you need only a leash. They are sociable, so they will get along with other pets, if they are in the house. A playful character will bring joy to your children or to you when such a pet rubs against your feet. Another favorite pastime of these pets (as, however, for all cats) is sleep.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that, despite the awesome appearance (after all, the largest cat breed in comparison with the usual representatives of a kind seems simply huge), Ashera is an ideal pet.

biggest cat breed

Pet purchase

If you decide to make yourself such a friend, then you have to stand in line. Despite the enormous cost of this cat, many want to buy them, so everyone who wants to sign up for the whole year ahead! In addition to appearance, another reason for the high cost and queues is that the company grows only about a hundred representatives per year.

Now you know what the largest breed of a cat is, how it looks and what it likes to do. Maybe one day Asher will appear in your house.

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