A pet in a house is always happiness. However, there are times when an atypical and strange behavior an animal upsets its owners. For example, if a cat suddenly begins to refuse food and drink. This phenomenon can be caused by many reasons. A problem of this kind, its origins and methods of solution is described in sections of the article.
A sharp change in the behavior of the pet - a cause for alarm?
The appearance of strange tendencies in the lifestyle of a four-legged friend, as a rule, makes the owners feel uneasy. This is especially typical for cases when the cat does not eat. The excitement that arises from the owners of the animal is completely justified. After all, a sufficient amount of food is necessary for a full life and good health. If the loss of appetite is accompanied by lethargy and fatigue, while the pet is not interested in either the outside world, people, or relatives, most likely the reason lies in the disease.
These can be parasites, problems with the stomach, intestines, liver, severe infections and other dangerous ailments. They require immediate medical attention.
However, do not worry in advance. Sometimes a cat wants to eat in normal mode, and then refuses food due to emotional distress, and not physical ailment. In any case, you should first observe his manner of behavior and only then draw conclusions.
Most likely explanations
There are several common conditions that can lead to loss of appetite in a pet. This is primarily a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Problems of this kind are inflammatory diseases, as well as the appearance in the pet's body of uninvited guests (worms or other parasites). Sometimes a cat does not eat and does not go to the toilet due to a delay in the chair, which causes him physical inconvenience. In this case, an enema sometimes helps (the owner can put it at home). However, if constipation has been observed for 3 days or more, it is better to take the animal to the hospital. It is extremely undesirable to engage in its treatment outside the clinic.
When a pet, despite loss of appetite, does not show lethargy, but there is a gag reflex and an intestine is emptied in the wrong place, it is possible that worms torment him. After the examination, the veterinarian will advise the owner of the cat funds that relieve this problem. Having cured, the animal, as a rule, pounces on food with a vengeance.
This is understandable, because his body has spent a lot of effort to fight parasites and is recovering.
Non gastrointestinal conditions
However, malfunctioning of the digestive system is not the only reason why the cat eats poorly or is not able to eat food at all. This phenomenon can be caused by other factors:
- The acquisition of a new feed, which is simply not to the liking of a furry pet. Perhaps the animal does not tolerate this product.
- The presence of viruses and infections in the body. An alarm is a hot, dry nose.
- The cat ate a toxic substance or poisoned with stale food. As a rule, in such conditions there are constant vomiting, a strong separation of saliva and frequent, loose stools. Such cases require immediate hospitalization. If a pet swallows a cleaning product, a poisonous plant, fertilizer, or a rodent-killing drug, only the veterinarian should decide on the treatment.
- Age-related changes in the body. For example, animals of advanced age sleep a lot, their need for food decreases.
- A blockage in the stomach or intestines with a lump of wool. At the same time, the pet suffers from nausea. Fortunately, a piece of fur is often removed along with vomit. However, sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention to pull out a foreign object.
- Change in the content of hormonal substances in the cat's body. For example, after castration, during the period of gestation of calves, estrus.
- Emotional upheaval, excitement: when a baby is born in the host family, a change of residence occurs, rearrangement, purchase of another pet. Cats are very sensitive animals. Any environmental factors: noise, unfamiliar odors, aggression, vanity, the presence of strangers in the room, can adversely affect the nervous system and health.
- Dirt accumulated on the plate, the animal is not comfortable with its shape or location.
When is it really worth worrying?
Many owners who encounter a similar problem begin to panic and ask the question: the cat does not eat, does not drink, what should I do?
Of course, in some cases, such an alarm is justified. If the pet owner notices a combination of loss of appetite with other signs of ill health and the strange behavior of the animal, you need to urgently go to the hospital. For example, when a pet suffers from diarrhea, stool retention, nausea, trembling in the body. Or he begins to hide, when trying to stroke - he shudders sharply, screams, scratches, purrs loudly. It must be remembered that an experienced veterinarian should not draw conclusions about the condition of the pet only by external signs. A series of tests should be done to pinpoint the cause of the problem. Blood sampling, examination of internal organs with an ultrasound device, x-rays may be required.
The most dangerous types of diseases
The phenomena that explain why the cat eats nothing include factors that pose a threat to his life, for example:
- Gastrointestinal obstruction. This is an extremely serious condition that can result in death. Alarms: an increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity, severe weakness, vomiting, constipation. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
- Anorexia is a persistent, long-term refusal of food. He appears in young animals that were subjected to shock, aggression, heard screams at him.
- Failures in the liver. They are accompanied by nausea, a change in color and shape of the stool, severe lethargy.
- Tumors Due to cancer, the cat is not able to eat food, despite the fact that it retains interest in it. Such cases are typical for the later stages of the disease.
- Diseases of the genital area, including after surgical interventions.
- The consequences of insect bites, such as ticks. Such a phenomenon leads to the loss of the ability to move and even to death. If the owner is too delaying a visit to the hospital, such animals, unfortunately, have to euthanize.
Owners need to remember that a long reluctance to eat food in combination with a general deterioration is a reason not to postpone a visit to the veterinarian.
Poor quality food
Sometimes a cat does not eat simply because he is given poor food. Some animals are known to be quite finicky. And if a new food appears in the plate that they don’t like, the pets begin to purr, scream, and demand other products. However, they are in no hurry to approach a bowl of unloved food. It is recommended to return to the previous diet. Sometimes owners share with the animal spoiled leftovers. You can’t do this. Pets taste good food. And if there is soured soup or meat in the plate, the cat does not eat, only drinks water, asks for other food. However, he does not look lethargic and sick.
In addition, in purebred animals, the stomach is usually delicate. Therefore, the owners need to carefully draw up their diet.
Such animals are prone to allergic manifestations. As a result, after eating any new or unusual variety of food, they may experience malfunctioning of the digestive tract, skin itching and loss of appetite.
If the cat is not hungry
Sometimes owners allow their four-legged friends to walk on the street. In this case, neighbors or passersby can treat pets to them, thinking that they are homeless.
In addition, the pet periodically feasts on the contents of the garbage cans. This, of course, is highly undesirable.
If the cat does not eat after the walk, then he is not hungry. In this case, the animal can immediately go to bed when it returns home. Having woken up, it feels normal and starts asking for food again. Such a phenomenon does not mean anything serious, since the pet does not suffer from poisoning, health problems or a viral infection.
Natural causes
Sometimes a pet can refuse to eat because he wants to give his stomach a break.
Perhaps this is how temporary difficulties in assimilating food manifest themselves. For example, an animal has recently consumed unusual, overly fatty, or salty foods. There are times when the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted due to activity (playing, running) immediately after a snack.
Sedentary pets are often overweight. When the cat does not eat for more than a day, this may indicate that obesity has a bad effect on the activity of the liver or heart, causing a worsening of the condition. Normal body weight is the key to mobility, good appetite, as well as the absence of lethargy and disease. This is especially true for elderly pets.
Sexual activity
A similar reason is common. During increased sexual desire, the pet often forgets about food. He drinks enough water, screams heavily. In this case, excessive mobility, poor sleep are observed. Drugs or surgery can help get rid of excessive sexual activity.
In cats, during the gestation of offspring, a gag reflex is sometimes observed, refusal of food. In the early stages, this is considered quite normal, which is explained by the restructuring of the body and metabolism. You should wait a bit. The appetite of a healthy pregnant female, as a rule, quickly returns to normal. After all, it is necessary to provide normal conditions for the growth and development of cubs.
Owners should also not worry if the pet does not touch food shortly before delivery or a few days after it. The main thing is that fasting does not last more than a day.
Water rejection
The distant predecessors of cats lived in hot climates, where there was always little fluid. However, the animal must consume it in sufficient quantities so that all organs and systems work without failures. Otherwise, a serious illness may occur. For example, stone or sand forms in the kidneys. It must be remembered that a pet does not always drink from its plate, sometimes preferring cans, buckets or a wash basin.
In order for your pet to show interest in water, you should find a convenient cup for him. The answer to the question why the cat does not drink is simple: a deeper bowl is required. It is better to put it away from the container where the food is. After all, these animals are extremely clean and squeamish. For the same reason, it is unacceptable to place a plate next to the toilet. It is not recommended to offer the animal only kefir, milk or soups. Water must be present in the diet. Sometimes a cat prefers liquid from a filter or a bottle, rather than from a tap.
What to do when refusing to drink and eat?
If a four-legged friend shows signs of malaise, you do not need to wait for it to pass by itself. The sooner the owner takes the animal to the hospital, the faster assistance will be provided. The veterinarian will carry out all examinations to find out why the cat does not drink and does not eat food.
Treatment is prescribed depending on the disease that caused the loss of appetite.
It often takes a long time to recover. Pills and vitamins are prescribed that support the general condition of the animal and the defenses of its body. If it is poisoning, measures are being taken to remove the poison from the cells and tissues of the body.
It is important for the owner to give the pet all the medicines on time, and also not to disturb him once again. If the cat does not eat and drink due to illness, he just needs care, a good attitude. The house should be calm, silence. You should save your pet from excessive excitement.
To increase the appetite of the pet during treatment, you can put a small amount of mint in the water.
How to prevent the development of the problem?
In order not to decide the question of what to do if the cat is not eating, it is better to prevent such a nuisance in advance. You must carefully choose a diet for your pet, keep his dishes in order. From time to time, it is recommended to examine the animal and, of course, get rid of parasites and not delay the treatment of diseases. It is important to give vitamins and food supplements in order to maintain the health of the pet. The products that feed him must be of good quality, bring benefits. New types of feed should be offered gradually, in small volumes, so that the body gets used to them.
Sometimes, due to worries and anxiety, a cat eats nothing. What to do in this case? It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the animal. Even if the owners will have a change of housing or repair work in the apartment, it is important that such events go most smoothly and not too injure the pet. Noise, loud and sharp sounds badly affect the state of the body, leading to loss of appetite. You should not raise your voice on a cat, even if she is guilty. Screaming, spanking and anger negatively affect the health of this sensitive, sensitive animal.