Often, the first months of a baby’s life are complicated by various unpleasant phenomena. Having discovered gaziki and colic in newborns, what should inexperienced mothers do? First of all, it is necessary to calm down, since most often incomprehensible symptoms are caused by natural causes. In this case, you can alleviate the condition of the baby without asking for professional help.
Gadgets in newborns: causes
You can not start the fight against negative phenomena without identifying the sources that caused them. A symptom such as gas in newborns can have very different causes. Often the problem is improper feeding of the baby, in which he loses the necessary substances. A reaction to a maternal diet is not ruled out if the infant is fed breast milk.
Another possible explanation is antibiotics. At the same time, both drugs that are prescribed in crumbs and the means by which a woman was treated during pregnancy or is being treated are a threat. Finally, colic in the tummy of the newborn can be caused by increased excitability, stress hormones contained in breast milk, an unhealthy psychological situation.
Should parents solve the problem on their own or consult a pediatrician? It is absolutely worthwhile to show the baby to the doctor, since seemingly harmless manifestations can turn out to be a symptom of the disease. Self-medication is possible only after consultation with a specialist.
What symptoms appear?
How can mom find out what a newborn’s gadget is tormenting? There can be several signals, but one of them is always present - crying. It is characterized by a sudden onset, intensity, duration. A cry is often accompanied by a discharge of gases, which indicates discomfort in the intestines. After that, the cry should temporarily subside.
Be sure to feel the tummy, one of the signs is its swelling, density. Pay attention to the restless behavior of the child, in which he constantly turns and turns, squeezes his legs, bends. An alarm is a refusal of food, the baby does not take a bottle or chest, quickly stops eating.
The above symptoms indicate not only gaziki and colic in newborns. What if the child has loose stools and sudden weight loss? See a doctor as soon as possible, because such symptoms often occur in serious diseases. You also need to worry if colic is observed more than four times a week, lasts more than three hours.
How to feed the baby correctly?
If the above symptoms do not indicate a disease, their elimination begins with a review of the baby's feeding system. It is useful to consider the following recommendations.
- The best cure for gas in newborns is continuous feeding. Rapid weaning of a baby is fraught with the fact that he gets only front milk, rich in activating gas formation substances. Rear milk, in which the necessary immunoglobulins are concentrated for the child, practically does not get into his body.
- Air permeation at the time of the infant's capture of the breast nipple is a possible source of the problem. The correct method of feeding is pressing the baby to itself so that the head remains above the chest. It is important that the sponges cover almost the entire areola.
- If the baby is on artificial nutrition, excessive bottlenecking can cause an improper bottle nipple. In such a situation, the cure for colic in newborns is the replacement of feeding devices. The nipple, which has a small hole, which contributes to the slow flow of food, is recognized as optimal.
Special diet for lactation
Products entering the mother’s body penetrate the bloodstream into the breast milk. It is especially important to control the diet for the first months, refusing food that poses a threat. First of all, legumes, cabbage, apples, bananas are excluded from the menu. Caution is required when adding almost all varieties of fruits and vegetables to the daily diet, if they are raw. It is forbidden to use carbonated drinks.
How to deal with gas in newborns with proper nutrition? Inexperienced mothers are often convinced that high-quality lactation requires milk. In fact, this product has no effect on the process, abuse of it can lead to allergies, problems with stool in the baby.
The amount of sweet in the diet at the beginning of the lactation period also needs to be significantly reduced. Under the ban is not only chocolate, sweets, but also harmful flour (cakes, pastries).
If breastfeeding is practiced
Not all infants in the first months of life receive breast milk. If with artificial nutrition there are gaziki and colic in newborns, what should I do? It is possible that the source of the problem is the wrong mixture, which provokes a negative reaction of a fragile organism. Often eliminate alarming symptoms allows the transition to another product.
Another possible option is that the mixture is suitable, but it is not prepared correctly by the parents. It is worthwhile to carefully study the instructions, follow them exactly.
Massage will help
Changes affecting the diet of mother and baby, unfortunately, do not provide quick results. The solution may be the right massage for colic in newborns, which is easy to do at home. The procedure has a strengthening effect on the abdominal cavity, normalizes the intestines, eliminates excessive stress.
Massage is indicated for babies before eating, in no case should you start it immediately after feeding. The procedure involves circular movements made in accordance with the clock. The duration of massaging the tummy is about three minutes, it is important to start it with warm hands, after paying attention to their thorough cleansing. Stroking should be careful, but palpable.
If gaziki and colic in newborns, what to do after massage? The child's legs are carefully bent at the knees, pulled to the body, briefly held in this position. This simple action contributes to the discharge of gases, the optimal number of repetitions is three.
Doing gymnastics
Exercise can not be performed immediately after feeding the crumbs. Be sure to wait a while. An excellent result is provided by the exercise "bicycle" if you access it regularly. To perform the action, you need to put the child on the back, carefully move his legs, simulating riding on this vehicle.
How to release gas in infants through gymnastics? It is necessary to turn the child on his stomach, leave him in this position for a while, stroking his back.
There are certain contraindications to massage and exercises, so you should not do it without consulting a pediatric doctor.
How to use dry heat?
If the above actions do not eliminate the gas and colic in newborns, what should I do? The multilayer diaper is heated with an iron, laid out on a sore spot. Heat retention is promoted by a folk remedy - flax seed, enclosed in a linen bag. When heated, it does not cool for a long time. There is also an alternative - warm potatoes.
Full relaxation of the tense little pean is facilitated by its immersion in a warm bath. Bathing can be combined with massage, light gymnastics, this will enhance the effect. Finally, contact with the skin is useful, for which a child without clothes is laid out on the mother’s exposed stomach. A simple action helps to eliminate stress, soothes. Spreading is useful for preventive purposes.
The possibilities of traditional medicine
Dill water for newborns from colic is a treatment tool that has been tested for years. Fennel tea, which also helps to reduce gas in the intestines and eliminate spasms, can be called its pharmacy analogue. It is allowed to use for medicinal purposes and other herbs: cumin, anise. An effective antispasmodic is recognized as a pharmaceutical chamomile.
The above products are brewed like tea. It is better to start their use with a nursing mother, this will help to make sure that the baby is not allergic. If a negative reaction to the healing drink is not observed, dill water for newborns from colic can be given directly to the baby. However, it is still worth consulting with a specialist beforehand.
Another remedy that often appears in the recommendations of traditional medicine is freshly squeezed carrot juice. A woman who is breastfeeding should drink one glass a day. As with other unofficial recipes, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic.
Is it worth grabbing on drugs?
What else helps with colic in newborns? There are drugs that are helpful in resolving this problem:
- Plantex medicine is based on plant elements, it can be used from birth. The advantage of the product is a convenient packaged form, it simply dissolves in water before administration.
- The drug "Espumisan" shows excellent results with flatulence. If it is prescribed to a child, it can be diluted with water. The medicine is taken several times a day.
- The "Bobotik" remedy is not suitable if the baby is not yet a month old, for children older than 28 days it is suitable.
- Probiotics are products that supply the baby’s body with beneficial bacteria. They are prescribed if the baby does not extract the necessary substances from breast milk.
Any of the drugs listed above should not be prescribed to a child alone, without consulting a doctor.
How to handle a gas pipe?
How to release gas in newborns? Vent pipe - a device designed specifically for solving such problems. Before use, the tool must be boiled, cool. To simplify the input, it is necessary to lubricate the rounded part using vaseline or its analogues.
It is impossible to enter the vent pipe too deeply, as well as hold it for a long time. The best position of the child with the introduction is lying on his stomach, while his legs are bent to the body. Before using the device, it is worth putting a diaper under the baby, the action actively contributes to the release of feces.
How else to help with gas and colic?
Unpleasant symptoms, according to statistics, most often appear in troubled children, which is largely due to the emotional climate in the house. Care should be taken to eliminate negative situations. For the baby to gain a sense of security, to realize the love of parents, mom and dad should often pick him up. Relaxation is facilitated by lullabies performed by an affectionate low voice, conversations with the baby.
If unpleasant sensations provoke crying, you should definitely take the child in your arms, rocking, wearing, supporting upright. Close contact effectively helps calm, relieve stress.
Regardless of what exactly provoked gaziki and colic, it is very important to get specialist advice before treatment. Some remedies can pose a real threat to a fragile organism.