The AMD A8-4500M was a hybrid processor designed to create mid-range mobile PCs, which also included the northbridge of the motherboard and a high-performance graphics accelerator. All this made it possible to create laptops to solve almost any possible task at a very, very affordable cost.
The AMD QUAD A8-4500M is designed to be installed in an FP2 socket. This is a 904-pin processor socket, which AMD has specially developed for mobile computers. It is impossible to meet him as part of a stationary personal computer: such components do not exist. In 2012, this platform was relevant, and already in 2012 it was replaced by the mobile socket FM2 with the same number of contacts.
AMD A8-4500M SOI ( « ») 32 . «» «» 3- TriGate 22 . «».
AMD A8-4500M . «» . 2. 192 , — 4 . - .
- 8-4500
№ / | | 1- | |
| |
1. | № 1 | 16 | 64 | 2 |
2. | № 2 | 16 |
3. | № 3 | 16 | 64 | 2 |
4. | № 4 | 16 |
: | 192 | 4 |
AMD A8-4500M. «3». , 1600 . : , . . . , 2 , . , 2 1 , 2 . — . «», . 32 . - .
8-4500 35 . 100 0. 1,8 , — 2,8 . . .
, 4 . 4. , 2. 2 . «» 2 — 4. «». AMD A8-4500M. APU With Radeon - «». Radeon HD7640. «» , . , . , , ( ). .
«» , . . «», AMD A8-4500M. APU — -. " ". . . , , ( 15000-16000 , ). «».
AMD A8-4500M . . «», .