Bags thoroughly entered the life of a person as a necessary accessory. Modern society cannot be surprised by the variety of shapes, sizes and colors (bags for all occasions).
Sometimes it’s even difficult to choose which company to give preference to. The market for these products is so large ... Each brand has its own style, unique to it alone.
Redmond can satisfy even the most demanding customer request, its bags are interesting, high-quality and very diverse. And now in more detail.
Models Redmond
Redmond uses quality materials and fittings to manufacture its products. Excellent modern design and practicality distinguish Redmond bags from products of other companies. The company offers women's, men's, travel products, suitcases. Also in the Redmond collection are accessories - wallets, purses, business card holders, elegant caskets, which are also of high quality and a large selection of colors.
The Redmond chain of stores is located in many large cities of Russia, if there is no such chain of stores, then you can purchase any model you like in the online store. At the same time, consider it in detail and read the detailed specifications, you can also find out the price without any problems. Also, promotions are held in the Redmond online store, discounts are made, which can be used when purchasing a particular product.
Women's products
Women bags are the most sought after and well-bought Redmond bags. They are presented in different sizes, shapes, colors. Products are made both from genuine leather and from artificial material.
A variety of shapes and colors allows customers to make their individual choices. Also, each client is given the opportunity to pick up a purse and a business card holder, as well as some other accessory.
Any woman, whether she is a fashionista or a business woman, will be able to "complete" her image with a flirty, classic or business bag. Recent products combine classic style and fashion trends. A wide range is presented for young people. An incredible amount of original, always youthful models of handbags and, of course, backpacks are presented for girls.
Prices depend on the model of the product, accessories and the material from which the product is made. Leather bags, of course, are pretty decent. But if you compare with other manufacturers, then the price is acceptable.
For example, the cost of a leather product varies from 3600 rubles to 10 thousand rubles. Bags made of artificial leather can be bought for 900 rubles. But the material and price do not impair the quality of the product. At first glance, artificial leather, which is made using new technologies, cannot even be distinguished from genuine leather. Therefore, any woman can choose a handbag in accordance with the amount that she has.
Men's products
Redmond men’s bags are conservative in style from women’s. The men's collection features classic men's bags and briefcases. Although they also correspond to the latest trends in fashion.
Business bags for important papers fully meet their purpose, they have a special compartment for documents. These products look very solid. The colors of the model are dominated by black, brown, blue colors. They are suitable for both presentable men and young men.
Like all products of this company, the male line can be described as follows: it is stylish and solid. Men, unlike women, primarily value the practicality and convenience of things. Men's bags with these qualities meet 100%.
Leather bags
Leather models are, of course, classics of style. Redmond leather bag is a godsend for those who value quality, comfort and versatility. The products are made of good quality leather. They are very practical, durable and resistant to water.
Products are presented in both classic and vibrant colors. They look very presentable, emphasize the success of their owner. There are leather bags in both the women's and men's collections. Their cost is slightly lower than that of other brands.
Travel items and suitcases
Redmond produces a wide range of travel bags and suitcases. For people who like to travel in comfort, these products will truly be a godsend. The increased durability of products, beautiful design and sufficient lightness allow you to be mobile on business trips and trips.
Redmond bags (travel) are made of new generation textiles, which are not only very durable, but also easy to clean, maintain their original color for a long time and look stylish. Travel products (male and female) have a unique design and color. Everyone can choose the size and shape of the bag to their taste!
Customer opinion
Redmond bags have proven themselves in the Russian market. Many appreciated them, due to which they are very well bought, and also recommended to friends and acquaintances.
These Redmond bags, reviews about which customers leave on the official website, are very popular. Many buyers note that the products are really very practical, durable and look stylish. Women say that they like a large assortment of goods and an abundance of colors. The color of the product can be matched to the wardrobe, thereby creating your own personal, unlike any other image. Bags with time of operation do not lose their shape and color.
A lot of reviews were left about travel bags and suitcases. People appreciate in them that they are very light and mobile. They are easy to care for, so they serve for a very long time. Customers especially like four-wheel suitcases, as they are easier to transport. Male buyers prefer travel bags and briefcases, noting their practicality.
Thus, Redmond handbags, regardless of purpose (whether women, men or travel) are highly appreciated by customers. They are made of good quality materials, they have an interesting and diverse design. In addition to all of the above, the products have a pretty good price range that can satisfy any customer.
By the way, another positive point is that bags can be easily purchased through a network of online stores.