A computer system is not an easy thing. It is difficult to cope with it, especially if you do not have basic knowledge. When you do not understand what components are responsible for what, why you need to use this or that driver, how the PC as a whole works. Problems arise when working with him. We often encounter errors and malfunctions that hinder our further work.
And so, on one “beautiful” day, you saw on the screen of your monitor: “The disk structure is damaged. Reading is impossible. " What to do in this case, not everyone knows. And even those who have already encountered a similar problem can fall into trouble, discovering a new cause of the problem. The main thing - remember, immediately in no case do not agree to formatting. Otherwise, you will lose all personal files.
What happened?
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, - « . », . CHKDSK. , . , . , .
- , , . , , Win+R. «chkdsk c: /f/r» , .
, , , . , - «», .
. . , . , iCare Data Recovery. , . , , . Deep Scan Recovery. . , , , .
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«» . «». - «». , .
« . ». , , , ? , . . , . , . . . , chkdsk.
« . ». ? . iCare Data Recovery , . , . , .
. « ». devmgmt.msc. « » « USB». . «».
If you have a window that says “Disk structure is damaged. Reading is impossible ”, as you already know how to fix it. In general, the option of damage is not so much. This is either physical damage to the cable or the device itself, or a software failure. If none of the above methods saved you, then it will be easier to take the hard drive to the service center or buy a new device.