School of Dr. Komarovsky. Overactive child. Consultation for parents

Children always behave more actively than adults, because in this way they explore and learn the world, can fully develop. But there are children who are not just active, but hyperactive. They are stubborn and naughty, always full of energy and often commit rash acts. In this regard, parents often wonder: is it a character trait or a disease? The advice of Dr. Komarovsky will help to understand the difference between norm and pathology.

Hyperactivity syndrome

Previously, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was considered minimal brain dysfunction. This is a frequent impairment of brain function in children, which persists in approximately 60% of adults. In adults, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder most often remains undiagnosed. But recognizing this condition is important because there is a safe, effective, and inexpensive treatment. Early therapy contributes to the formation of normal behavior in adolescence and adulthood.

doctor komarovsky hyperactive child

Activity or hyperactivity

The topic “Overactive child” at the School of Dr. Komarovsky was discussed repeatedly. A well-known pediatrician claims that one should not immediately classify any overexcited and active child as a child with hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder. It’s normal that a child is constantly full of energy, which makes him sometimes stubborn and naughty. Children are tired of long journeys, boredom, dissatisfaction with minute desires, and physical ailments. Those children who have motivated deviations in behavior are not hyperactive. So a truly hyperactive child (Dr. Komarovsky confirms this) is far from everyone.

Signs of hyperactivity

Dr. Komarovsky calls a hyperactive child who is distinguished by impulsive behavior, impaired attention, does not follow the instructions of adults, has difficulty organizing his own activities, and often switches from one case to another. In general, hyperactivity is divided into three primary subtypes, and in order to make a diagnosis, the presence of most signs of the category is necessary. Such symptoms should be present for at least six months.

School of Dr. Komarovsky

Symptoms manifest up to seven years, most often - in four years. When contacting a doctor, the average age is eight to ten years. By this age, study and housework begin to demand independence, focus and determination from the child. Children under seven to eight years old are not diagnosed with the first treatment, which avoids errors in diagnosis. Signs of hyperactivity should persist for several months. Only then can we talk about a specific diagnosis, and not about a reaction to stress or temporary difficulties (a crisis of behavior).

Primary subtypes

How do hyperactive children behave? The behavior may vary depending on the subtype: lack of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, mixed. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a hyperactive child cannot sit still for a long time, often intervenes in the conversation or activity of others, is not able to wait in line, makes intense movements with his hands or feet, gets up sharply, and takes part in quiet forms of leisure with difficulty.

how to help a hyperactive child

Children with attention deficit cannot concentrate for a long time, make careless mistakes, cannot complete the tasks of adults and are not fully assembled when they are completed, cannot follow instructions, often lose things, are too forgetful in everyday life, avoid tasks that require a long mental stress , have difficulties with organizing their own activities, do not follow direct instructions. In the mixed type, there are signs of both impaired attention and hyperactivity.

Causes of Hyperactivity

Previously, intrauterine brain damage was considered the cause of hyperactivity in childhood. Modern data allow us to associate this syndrome with a genetic predisposition. It turned out that about 20-30% of the parents of young patients suffer or suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in childhood. Such parents are more likely to have affective disorders, alcoholism, and antisocial psychopathy.

Prevalence and prognosis

Hyperactivity and attention disorders are more common in boys. Among primary school students, the prevalence reaches 3-10%. In most of them, pathology persists in adolescence. Such adolescents hardly adapt to the team and are more prone to addiction than others. In 60% of cases, the symptoms of the syndrome pass into adulthood.

Komarovsky eugene olegovich

Long-term observations have shown that it is hyperactivity in the adolescent period that usually decreases, but other disorders remain. Patients who in childhood suffered from severe forms of hyperactivity disorder with attention deficit are at high risk of social maladaptation in adulthood. This can manifest itself in behavioral disorders and asocial behavior: accidental sexual intercourse, drug addiction, theft, alcoholism and drug use.

Educational work

At the consultation for the parents of a hyperactive child, the specialist must necessarily explain the essence of the diagnosis, the need and meaning, and the forthcoming treatment in an understandable form. Usually, mom and dad just do not understand what is happening, and begin to blame themselves or each other. After talking with an insufficiently experienced or poorly informed doctor, the situation only worsens, and disagreements lead to new conflicts.

Dr. Komarovsky explains to parents of a hyperactive child that this behavior is due to congenital characteristics, which parents are not able to change by any educational systems. But some symptoms do occur and are exacerbated due to improper upbringing. Parents need to help understand the behavior of the child, explain how the situation can develop further, what can be hoped for and how to behave.

how hyperactive children behave

Child learning conditions

If a child with hyperactivity is difficult to study at school, you need to transfer him to a specialized class. The main reason for the failure of such children is inattention and lack of perseverance in learning, and sometimes - a delay in the development of skills necessary for normal learning. Symptoms of the syndrome can be reduced by prescribing medications, but there is no cure for the syndrome. That is, only learning in conditions that match their capabilities will help the child. With a normal level of intelligence and the absence of delays in the mental development of a child with low academic performance, you can transfer to a weaker school or class for catching up.

Drug treatment

Pediatrician Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich recommends not starting to give the child medications immediately, but trying to normalize behavior in other ways. Only those children really need the medical course of treatment, who are greatly disturbed by the symptoms of hyperactivity in their daily lives. The therapy is quite effective, but it is only symptomatic. Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky notes the effectiveness of drugs to improve memory, lung sedative and vitamin-mineral complexes.

hyperactive child school of doctor komarovsky

How to help a hyperactive child

If hyperactivity is a character trait rather than a disorder, then usually parents can use a few pedagogical rules to normalize the situation. It is necessary to establish contact, and if the child does not respond to verbal treatment, then touch him. The rules of conduct established by parents should be clear, implicit, and enforceable.

For too active children, the regimen is very important. So the child is easier to adapt. Energy must be directed in the right direction, and praise that the child is doing well. Be sure to explain the rules of behavior in public places, at school, with friends, teachers and strangers. In addition, it is important for parents to ensure the safety of the hyperactive child and to do everything to reduce the risk of injury.

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