The most long-awaited, funny, romantic, magical holiday is, of course, the New Year. A moment of farewell to the old, past and meeting with hopes for a happy future. In the New Year, it is always believed that all troubles and sorrows will remain in the past, and only joy and good luck are ahead. This holiday is always associated with mischievous laughter of children, congratulations of relatives and friends, cheerful conversation at the festive table, funny games and quizzes, incendiary dances and splashes of champagne. And all this turns into colorful fireworks and salutes that illuminate the New Year’s sky.
New Year's entertainment has always been special and was remembered by us for life. Often they depended on whose year we are celebrating by horoscope, on previous family events, on the composition of invited guests, and much more.
If by the New Year you already had time to think over the holiday menu, bought all the necessary products, invented original outfits and costumes for yourself, your spouse and children, a Christmas tree and a house decorated, you should now pay special attention to what your guests will have fun all evening. Indeed, according to the old belief, as you meet the year, that is how it will be. Therefore, it is so important that everyone has fun and good on this night.
New Year's entertainment at home can be completely different. This may be a prepared concert, in which not only the owners of the house will take part, but also guests who have expressed a desire to show their original number. Perhaps - it will be an ordinary evening in the form of a “spark", on which there will be presenters. Funny musical breaks with dancing and singing karaoke will be replaced by pronouncing toasts, holiday speeches, holding mobile competitions.
New Year's entertainment can be prepared in accordance with any tastes and requirements of invited guests.
For example, if guests are difficult to climb, there is a fun game that you can play while sitting at the table. All participants are given leaflets and pins. Each on his piece of paper writes the name and surname of any person known to everyone, a multi-hero, star, president, athlete, in general, one whose name the whole world knows, and without showing a note to other players, attaches it to the back of his neighbor. Everyone does it. As a result, it turns out that everyone who sits at the table has a note attached to the back with a name that will have to be guessed by its real owner. He has the right to ask leading questions to find out who he is. Other players can only answer with “yes” or “no.” If he receives the answer “yes”, then one can ask another question, well, otherwise you will have to look for another person.
New Year's entertainment, during which you will have to move actively, can also cheer up your guests. For example, the game "Holy Place". Here, for playing in a circle, chairs are installed. Participants sit on them, which should be more per person than the number of chairs. Everyone, except the driver, takes seats on them and begins to change from right to left, from one chair to another, in a circle. Anyone who drives should be ahead of one of the participants and take a seat in a particular chair. As a result, the one who will be able to get out of the chair, and will drive.
New Year's entertainment for children can be prepared so that both children and adults can participate together in certain games. So it will be much more fun, and the whole company will be together, and not separately celebrate the New Year.
For example, the game "Snowball". Each of the participants (there can be from two to 5 people) is given a box with a riddle in their hands, which is very strongly wrapped in white thread. On a team of leading participants begin to unwind the thread. The one who first gets to the box, reads the riddle and correctly guesses it, becomes the winner and receives a New Year's gift for victory.
To make New Year's entertainments original and memorable, we recommend preparing a themed New Year's party. It could be a Latin American carnival; a wig party to which all guests come in a variety of fancy wigs; romantic night by candlelight, etc. If your friends also take part in the preparation of the holiday, then it will certainly work out.