Child development at 2 months: height, weight, nutrition, what should be able to

At two months, the baby becomes more mobile and sociable. He knows how to smile at his mother, informs his family with various sounds about his condition, waves his hands and feet. Scientists have proven that a baby at this age learns to fix his gaze. A baby's development at 2 months is more emotional than physical. He is trying to subjugate all his moving parts of the body, shows clear progress in all areas, and this is impossible not to be surprised. It is about this age that the article will be discussed. It will help parents understand and understand what a child should be able to do in 2 months of development.

In the first year of life, a child

Physiological development

In the first year of life, an active physical change in the baby’s body is observed. What is the weight and height of the child at 2 months of development? The kid can gain from 600 grams to 2 kilograms. Breastfeeding children gain weight, as a rule, quite a lot, because it is very difficult for a mother to control how much crumbs consumes milk for each feeding. For this child, you need to weigh before and after meals, but few of the parents do this. At 2 months of child development, his weight is approximately 5100 grams, while in boys it varies from 4300 to 7000 grams, in girls from 3900 to 6600 grams. The average height of babies is 57 - 58.4 cm. In boys, it varies between 54.4 - 64.4 cm, and in girls 53.4 - 61 cm.

The baby’s sleep is quite long, but during this period the waking time begins to increase. Now the child can already play about 1.5 - 2 hours. You need to learn to understand when the baby is tired, and at the first sign immediately put him to bed. A feature of the development of the child during this period is that he quickly overworkes. Many mothers, observing the baby, determine the most optimal time for wakefulness in duration, after which they immediately put him to bed.

The amount of nutrition should be approximately 1/5 of the weight of the child. For this age, frequent attachments to the chest continue to be relevant, but many children by 2 months old themselves create their own regime of "food-sleep-wakefulness."

During this period, the gastrointestinal tract adapts to a new type of diet, not responding so much to changes in the mother’s diet. If the baby is breastfed, then the stool may be absent for several days. It is important to ensure that the absence of bowel movements does not cause discomfort or anxiety in the child. You should also pay attention to the consistency of the stool. It should be soft mushy.

Proper hygiene and care

Psychological development of infants

It is interesting to observe the development of the child at 2 months. He already knows how to focus on bright and interesting things. He recognizes mother and sets her apart from the whole environment. In this period of development, children are characterized by the first manifestations of character - they can cry sharply when mom leaves the room or simply disappears from sight.

Crying is the main way of communicating with the outside world and with family people. The baby has a set of diverse emotions that he learns to express. His psychological adaptation to the world is coming to an end. Now he begins to actively interact with him.

Hearing and sight

All children are born short-sighted, but with each month of their life they can see further. The development of a child at 2 months of life is proceeding rapidly. He can fix his gaze on bright and new objects. He sees at a distance of about 1-2 meters, but it is difficult for him to keep track of moving objects that are far away. If you bring the toy at a distance of about 20 centimeters, the child will watch it with interest.

You should pay attention to how the baby watches his hands, how he plays with them, examines them. Soon he will understand that these are his pens, and will learn to manage them.

With the baby you need to play and do

The baby’s hearing also develops, he actively listens to his mother’s voice, turns his head to the sound, smiles in response to his mother’s voice. A great way to develop hearing in a baby is to let him listen to calm music, as well as talk to him.

Skills and abilities

What can a child do in 2 months of development? What skills does he already have? So, a baby at this age can:

  • Lying on your stomach, raise your head and hold it for a few seconds.
  • Confidently keep the head upright.
  • Lying on his stomach, tries to rise on his hands, knows how to tear his chest from a horizontal surface.
  • When approaching him, the mother responds with a deliberate smile.
  • It is able to hold and swing a rattle clasped in a hand.


Most of all at this age, the kid likes to play with his own pens. He watches them, learns to manage them. He already knows how to grab items, but does it involuntarily. That is, he takes everything that he can get into his pen: a diaper, his own fingers, a rattle, and so on.

A baby in 2 months can raise its head

Parents should know that the frequent laying of the baby on the stomach is the key to a harmonious and proper development. He learns to hold his head, trying to raise his chest in his arms. This develops coordination and allows you to keep muscles in good shape. You should not put the child in clothes that fetter his movements, many pediatricians also believe that it is not necessary to swaddle children.

Activities with a child

It is necessary to deal with the baby, no matter what age he is. The main game, which is suitable for the development of a baby in 2 months, is tracking items. Therefore, at this age they are very interested in musical mobiles. They simultaneously develop both hearing and vision. Hanging toys over the bed help the child develop coordination, as he will try to reach them.

When the baby is awake, it is necessary to try to sing songs to him, talk with him, tell tales. The child will see the face and lips of the mother, and this is important. Understanding the meaning of what has been said will come later.

With a child at this age, you can play facial expressions. For example, make faces, show him his tongue, smoothly shake his head from side to side. But you need to play carefully so as not to scare him.

The main thing for the baby is the attention and care of the mother

You can take a small melodious bell and move it slowly from one baby’s ear to the other. It is important to pay attention to whether the child is watching the sound source or not. All these simple games develop your baby’s hearing, vision and coordination.

For the overall development of the baby, a small ball is suitable, but it must certainly be a bright color. It is necessary to ride it in the field of vision of the baby. Most likely, he will try to reach the ball, or simply will be watching him for a long time. As a result of such a game, he develops his ability to hold his head and turn it from side to side.

It is necessary to give the child to touch various objects and surfaces by touch. Special rugs are sold for this game, but they can also be sewn independently, the main thing is that it consist of a variety of materials.

It is important for the development of the child in 2 months to do massage of the fingers and toes. You can tell him the count of “Forty-Crow”. Such a game is useful for the development of the speech apparatus. Sounds are important to him now, so all toys must swing, rustle, ring, spin, make a variety of sounds.

You should constantly touch the baby, it diversifies the world of sensations and soothes the child.

Daily regime

A child at this age is growing rapidly, so he needs a large amount of energy. He gets it from food and sleep. For the development of the child in 2 months, the regimen of the day is very important. From the very first days of life, it is important for parents to create the right schedule, where sleep, nutrition and wakefulness will occur at a strictly defined time.

During night sleep, the baby grows most actively. It is best to develop a regimen that would prepare him for a long and healthy sleep. Doctors advise bathing the baby just before laying him on a night's rest. Water treatments relieve stress, fatigue and relax muscles. Bathing a two-month-old baby should be no more than 5 minutes, while observing the need for temperature and water composition.

How much should a child sleep at this age? Doctors believe that about 18 hours a day, of which about 5-6 hours should be a night's sleep (continuous).

It is necessary to strictly observe the diet

2 months baby nutrition and development

A healthy baby in 2 months of his life for the correct weight gain and growth per day should drink milk, the volume of which is approximately 1/5 of its body weight. That is about 800 milligrams per day. This amount is distributed by the child independently and randomly. At one time he can eat 50 mg, and after another - 150. It is important to adhere to the rule - 6-10 meals per day.

In addition, if there is a suspicion that the baby is eating less than normal, there is an easy way to check this. It is called "wet diapers." It is necessary to calculate the number of urinations per day. The child needs to be swaddled for one day, and not packed in a diaper. For 24 hours, you need to count the number of wet diapers. If there are 10-12, then everything is fine. If less, then you should contact a pediatrician who will tell you how to provide your child with normal nutrition.

Baby care and development at 2 months

At this age, the baby is still concerned about colic. As a rule, he screams piercingly and presses his legs to his tummy.

Most prone to colic are children who eat milk formula, as they are more difficult to digest. In addition, when he drinks from a bottle, he sucks out the mixture very quickly and swallows the air, which causes bloating. Therefore, artificially fed babies need to hold after eating 10 minutes "column".

Sleep is the key to a child’s health

It is necessary to change diapers every 2-3 hours, and after emptying the intestines, the baby needs to be washed with warm water. You can use wet wipes, but only if there is no way to wash the baby.

Common problems in a baby at 2 months

Common problems during this period are:

  • Colic. To avoid this, it is necessary to spread the crumbs on the stomach before eating, after feeding, hold it with a column for about 10 minutes, and take breaks during the meal so that it has the opportunity to burp the air.
  • Thrush. This problem can develop in a baby with infection with Candida fungus from her mother. Immediately upon detection of white plaque in the crumb's mouth, you should consult a doctor.
  • Prickly heat. It occurs when the baby overheats. Prevention - weather-proof clothing and proper hygiene. To eliminate a rash that has already arisen, it is necessary to add infusion of chamomile or a string in the bathing water.
  • Diaper rash. This problem is associated with a rare diaper change, poor hygiene and rare air baths.
  • A rash on the face at this age is associated with the excretion of the mother's hormones from the baby's body, which come with milk. She goes on her own.


Pediatricians advise walking with the child every day and in any weather (except for days when the temperature drops below -10 ° C). In winter and autumn, you should devote a walk for about 2 hours, in summer and spring - 3-4 hours.


At the first visit to the pediatrician, you should ask him to show the massage technique and exercises for the baby. At this age, exercise and exercise are very important for the proper physical development of the crumbs.

The whole complex of exercises, as a rule, is stroking, extending and bending the arms and legs, kneading movements for the fingers of the legs and arms, the exercise “toad”, and rotational movements of the hip joints. Charging and massaging the baby helps develop and strengthen muscles, removes tone, and properly forms the skeleton.

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