Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Proper nutrition is very useful for a woman in an interesting position, but even it does not guarantee a cure for constipation. A woman during the period of bearing a child can experience a variety of unpleasant reactions of the body, including problems of defecation, which are frequent companions of expectant mothers. Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy are considered an effective and safe method of combating constipation.

How does glycerin work?

The main active ingredient of rectal suppositories is glycerin, which has two main effects on the body:

  • The candle has an irritating effect on the walls of the rectum, causing it to contract and move stool.
  • Glycerin, which is part of the drug, has a softening effect on the stool and facilitates their movement.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed without fear of side effects. They do not have any harmful effect on the mother and the unborn child.

glycerin candles

The main indications for use

The growing uterus exerts pressure on the internal organs, including the intestines, which provokes the development of constipation at any stage of pregnancy. The use of laxatives and enemas is not recommended, as this violates the intestinal microflora.

Against the background of the information received, a reasonable question arises: "Can glycerin suppositories be used during pregnancy?" Specialists respond unambiguously positively. The components of rectal suppositories have a mild effect, are not absorbed into the bloodstream and are completely non-toxic.

The reasons for the appointment of glycerin suppositories during pregnancy may vary depending on the trimester:

  1. The first trimester is accompanied by constipation of various etiologies.
  2. In the second trimester, in addition, the pressure of hemorrhoidal nodes, which interfere with the natural defecation process, is added.
  3. In the third trimester, the pressure of a growing child on the intestinal wall is added to the above reasons, which also causes difficulties with bowel movements.

The use of rectal suppositories is justified if nutritional adjustment or gymnastics have not helped to cope with constipation. It is not worth it to self-medicate in this matter, the attending physician will be able to correctly determine the need for the use of glycerin suppositories during pregnancy.

more water

Possible contraindications

Reviews of glycerin suppositories during pregnancy are positive, reflecting well the fact that the medicine is safe for the expectant mother and her baby.

Despite this, rectal suppositories have several contraindications:

  • The peculiarity of the organism of the future mother, which is expressed in individual intolerance.
  • The development of the inflammatory process in the intestine.
  • The presence of tumor formations of a different nature.

There are not many factors that I can limit the use of suppositories, but only your doctor can determine them. Risking once again is not worth it.

Precautionary measures

Experts note the fact that you can not get carried away using glycerin suppositories during pregnancy, and not only. It is important to remember that internal organs, including the uterus and intestines, are located close to each other. The relaxing effect of the drug can affect the tone of the uterus, especially in the early stages. Women who are diagnosed with a threat of miscarriage are not recommended to use candles.

doctor consultation

Glycerin suppositories during late pregnancy can only be used in accordance with the dosage determined by the attending physician. If suppositories do not cope with the task, then another means is selected that is suitable for the expectant mother. It is important to know that the independent uncontrolled use of glycerin suppositories during pregnancy in the later stages can provoke a premature birth.

Rules for the use of glycerin suppositories

The negative effect of glycerin suppositories during pregnancy is not described in the instructions for the drug. The suppository is introduced into the body rectally, the active components are absorbed into the intestinal mucosa, but do not enter the bloodstream.

A big plus is how many glycerin suppositories act during pregnancy, when you want to get a favorable result as quickly as possible. In most cases, the effect is felt after a few minutes, less likely the expectant mother will have to wait about an hour (exceptional individual cases).

The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the symptoms, most often the doctor prescribes from 1 to 2 procedures per day. Suppositories are used after meals, in a supine position.

Unwanted effects

Any drug during pregnancy should be used only if clearly needed. Glycerin suppositories are no exception.


If the intestines of a pregnant woman are stable, then rectal suppositories cannot be used, hoping for prevention. Glycerin suppositories are prescribed when violations have appeared and it is important to eliminate them.

With prolonged use, especially when exceeding the dosage, an allergic reaction may occur, which is accompanied by irritation, itching. All this suggests that the intestinal mucosa rejects the medicine.

Glycerin can also be addictive, which will subsequently become a problem for natural bowel movement.

Alternative glycerin suppository

If a woman does not want to resort to the use of even safe medicines during the period of bearing a child, then other methods can be used to combat constipation:

  • Change the diet: break the meal into small portions, but eat often.
  • Drink as much water as possible, about 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Add more coarse fiber to your daily diet.
  • Add physical activity, walk more if the doctor has not found contraindications for this.
proper nutrition

However, if the above methods do not help, then the safety of glycerin suppositories captivates, while the doctor can choose suppositories of a different composition (liquid paraffin, with sea buckthorn, etc.).

Whatever the prescribed treatment, it is important to listen to the recommendations of a specialist in order to minimize the negative impact on the health of the future baby.

Reviews about glycerin suppositories during pregnancy

All mothers who have gone through symptoms of constipation during pregnancy agree that suppositories help.

The main thing is that you can’t ignore this problem, it leads to harmful consequences, pain, and the further you go, the more difficult it will be to return the body to stable functioning. If diets, lifestyle adjustments do not help balance the process of defecation, then glycerin suppositories are the main savior of pregnant women.

According to the majority of expectant mothers and doctors, it is necessary to approach the issue comprehensively and from different angles. To reduce the likelihood of constipation, it is important to change your diet, be more careful about the quality of food, drink more water. Simple rules will help to avoid serious problems in the intestines, and suppositories can easily help with small deviations.

candles during pregnancy

Glycerin suppositories effectively help by exerting an effect on the intestines, not allowing feces to stagnate and wander. Attentiveness to your health and strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician will enable the future mother and child to maintain good health.

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