Immediately after the official release of the tenth version of Windows, to the surprise of many users who tested the new OS in practice, the settings related to the color scheme of the interface were not available in the system (such options could only be set in the registry). However, even now you won’t especially accelerate. But how then to personalize the design, how to change the color of windows in Windows 10 or paint additional interface elements in other colors? Many have problems with these questions, so it’s further suggested that you familiarize yourself with several interesting and simple methods that will allow you to make your own settings and circumvent some of the limitations of the built-in Windows tools.
How to change the color of windows in Windows 10: standard scheme
First of all, we will analyze the most primitive sequence of actions that can be applied if you need to change only some non-essential parameters quickly and without much effort. As you know, in all recent OSs there is a special section for personalization, which is also responsible for the user interface design. You can call it either through the PCM menu on an empty area of the "Desktop", or use the options menu after pressing the start button or Win + I combination . How to change the color of windows in Windows 10 using these parameters should already be clear.
To set your own options, use the color item presented in the main menu on the left, then in the right part of the window select a color from a special window and activate the option to use the set color for window titles.
To change the color of the main menu in the same subsection of color changes on additional surfaces, select the check box also on the "Start" menu item. If none of the colors presented suits you, click on the button for additional colors marked with a plus sign, and then set your own shade.
How to change the color of windows in Windows 10 using automated settings?
One of the most interesting tools in the tenth modification is the use of averaged automated parameters. They can also be used to quickly change the background color of a window. Windows 10 will simply install the most suitable color shade or gamut for visual perception, focusing on the current “Desktop” screen saver.
To activate this parameter, use the automatic background selection item. As an additional solution, you can use the application of transparency effects to certain interface elements. But here it should be understood that you will not achieve the Aero effect, for which users love Windows 7 so much, nevertheless, you will definitely get something remotely resembling the Aero theme. Among other things, the problem of how to change the color of windows in Windows 10 and get rid of white headers can be completely elementary solved by using one of the standard application modes. True, the choice is offered only light or dark design.
Background color change: high contrast experiments
According to many experts, in the "top ten" there is another rather interesting tool that allows you to customize the design of the interface. In this case, we are talking about using those high contrast that appeared in the system only after installing the last few upgrades. How to change the window title color in Windows 10, and at the same time change the appearance of all windows? Easy too!
To do this, go to the topics section, and in the right window, click on the hyperlink the high contrast option in the block of additional parameters.
In the settings window that opens, you must first enable the use of the mode itself by moving the slider on the corresponding item to the on state, after which you can proceed to change the color scheme if the template offered by default or selected from the drop-down list does not suit you. Here you can specify the use of colors other than standard (in Windows 10, the parameters you set will be used for absolutely all applications), set the text colors of inactive windows, buttons, selected text, hyperlinks, etc. Pay special attention to the fact that when installing most of the previously described options, the settings are saved and applied automatically. But when using contrast settings, you can first see what the appearance of the system will be after choosing a certain parameter, and only then set the application of the current settings by clicking the button located just below the window in which the colors of the design elements are changed.
Install additional themes
Despite the fact that most of the actions usually do not cause any particular difficulties, many users who do not like the approach to changing personalized settings implemented in Windows 10 (and I must say, absolutely not unreasonably). A simpler and, in a sense, even a cardinal decision to change the image of the system can be called the installation of additional themes. There are a lot of them on the Internet right now (up to the original Aero theme). However, thinking about how to change the color of windows in Windows 10 or change the design of some other interface elements, you need to take into account that simply downloading the theme you like from the Internet will not be enough, because there is no executable installer launch object among the files that could install the necessary components into the system environment and immediately apply the changes made. But there is a way out.
All files and folders just need to be moved from the download location to the Themes directory, located in the Resources directory located in the main system folder (Windows). As a rule, the theme file itself will be presented separately, and the related components will be in the directory of the same name. After moving, the theme will automatically become available for use in the personalization section.
Taskbar, window borders and start menu
Separately, it is worth saying a few words about how to change the color of windows in Windows 10, using standard tools for this, which, however, according to many experts, works somewhat incorrectly and often completely in the wrong direction.
So, first call the "Run" console ( Win + R), and then run the command rundll32.exe shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL desk.cpl, Advanced, @ Advanced in it.
In the settings window, adjust the color saturation, hues and brightness, and when you get the optimal result, click the apply and save options button.
Registry Actions
Finally, the most cardinal method that allows you to completely change the color settings of all interface elements (including the color of an inactive Windows 10 window, which you can not always change with standard methods), is to edit some registry keys, and if they are absent, create your own custom entries. First, in the editor (regedit), go the HKCU branch to the DWM section.
On the right in the work area, find the AccentColor parameter , double-click on it, and then enter the color designation in the hexadecimal representation as the value (you can find such values on the Internet, for example, on the resource). True, even here one may encounter unforeseen difficulties, since far from all meanings “work”. For example, for black, sometimes instead of the standard zero or a value of six zeros, you have to set 010000, some colors represented in the standard RGB scheme are perceived by Windows as BGR, because of which you have to change the first and last pairs of digits in places, etc. .
Inactive Window Operations
To perform operations with inactive windows, the required parameter is usually not presented, but you need to create it yourself by specifying 32 bits in the DWORD type and using the name AccentColorInactive for the name . After its creation, it remains to assign the desired value, as described for active windows just above.
Classic Color Panel Applet Tools
In order not to suffer with the settings of the system itself, it is recommended to use simpler programs designed to quickly set the parameters you need.
As one of the most popular, simple and interesting, you can recommend the Classic Color Panel applet, in which you just need to select the desired colors for each of the presented interface elements and save the settings.
Note: before making changes, it is strongly recommended that you save the current design scheme using the tools of the utility itself (the offer will follow the first time you start the application).