Fluid stool in infants. Should I worry?

Baby food, sleep and stools are the problems that worry young mothers the most. Note that loose stools in infants are quite common. Is this normal? When to sound the alarm? This is what we will talk about in this article.

loose stool in infants

Which stool is considered normal?

Due to the fact that infants eat milk, and their intestinal microflora is still imperfect, the mushy stool is considered normal. On the contrary, solid feces can cause a lot of problems, including constipation. If the baby is mainly breastfed, then his stool should resemble a thin sour cream in consistency. As for artificial feeding, it can be somewhat more dense.

How many times a day should a baby have stool?

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question. Crumbs up to a year can defecate several times a day, everything depends entirely on the amount of food eaten and the work of the digestive tract. At the same time, if a month-old baby does not have loose stools, the baby feels great (not lethargic, not capricious, there is no high temperature or heat), then there is no reason to worry.

Chair in the first week of life

The first two or three days after the appearance of the crumbs, the so-called first-born feces (otherwise meconium) are born. It formed even inside the womb. After this, the baby may not defecate at all for a couple of days. This is due to the fact that colostrum is normally absorbed by a small organism, and there is simply no waste toxins. However, by the end of the first week, normal feces should form.

loose stool in a month old baby

Why does loose stool appear in infants?

Often, mothers begin to worry that the crumb stool does not differ in a normal (mushy) state. According to experts, loose stools in infants are not always explained by microbes or infections in the body. Most often, the reason lies in the nutrition of the mother or baby. Due to the fact that the intestinal flora is not yet fully developed, absolutely any deviations from proper or habitual nutrition (the use of mixtures, the introduction of complementary foods, and a violation of the diet by the mother) affect the digestive tract itself. Even if loose stools in infants are accompanied by mucus, most likely the cause is again in the diet. In this case, you should only consult with a specialist pediatrician who will tell you the recommended diet and, if necessary, prescribe bifid medications.

temperature liquid stool in a child

When is a situation considered dangerous?

Lethargy, temperature, loose stools in a child - these are the symptoms in which it is necessary to immediately seek medical help from a doctor! If you didn’t start complementary foods, ate the usual foods, most likely, the cause of such unpleasant problems lies in the infection. A specialist must mandatory inspect the baby, appoint a series of tests and give recommendations. In no case should you hesitate, since these symptoms often indicate very serious malfunctions in the body's crumbs, including a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Be healthy!

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