Intensive development of the baby falls on the first year of his life. Every day, parents notice changes in his facial expressions, sounds, skills. To help the baby know the world best in a playful way. A large selection of different techniques and finished materials at first can be confusing. There are also whole developmental programs from birth. It seems that one is more effective than the other. How do newly-made parents understand what the modern world offers today? What activities and games are relevant in a given period? In this article you can find answers to these questions and learn a lot of interesting things.
Child development stages
The first important stage in the life of each child is the first month of life, when it is still customary to call it a newborn. The second stage is up to three months of life, when the baby begins to actively move, roll over. Following is a very important period of up to six months. At this stage, the child develops the ability to crawl, hold the toy in his hand. The kid actively makes various sounds, reacts to the adult's voice and tries to conduct his dialogue. To help the baby know the world in all its bright colors, it does not require much effort. Everything an adult needs can be at hand.
The third stage is the age of up to twelve months. By this period, the baby already knows a lot of new things, and even greater discoveries await him. The adult should help the child utter the first word, take the first steps. And in order for this to happen, there are several tricks that are easy to use in the process of child development.
Once in a children's store or by going to an online store page, it is best to focus on the gradation of sections by age. Toys and other children's products should not only be of high quality, affordable and safe. They must teach the child something at this stage of development.
First three months
How to develop a child from birth and how much is necessary in the first days of his life? Time with a newborn flies unnoticed. It seems like one day is like another. This is because global changes are taking place in the life of the baby and his mother. At this stage, the question of how to develop a child from birth is not in the first place for parents. Indeed, to teach him colors and sounds at this time will not be relevant at all. What is the main thing in the first month of a baby's life? Maintain a sense of intimacy and presence near the baby. Therefore, pediatricians recommend that during periods of wakefulness the baby often touch him, stroke, hold in his arms, talk in a soft and calm voice.
From the second month of life, the baby has more time when he is awake. And this is a good reason for new discoveries. How to develop a child from birth and what should you pay attention to? Mom can notice how the baby begins to respond to loud sounds. If he cries, the sound of a rattle can distract the baby for a while. It will be better if the toy is multi-colored, two or three colors. In the future, this will allow continuing developmental lessons on the study of flowers.
The development of facial expressions in the baby of the first three months of life occurs imperceptibly for others. Everything is very simple, he distinguishes the smile and the faces of those who are nearby. If mom is happy, the baby answers her the same.
Music Development
The child begins to respond to voices and sounds from birth. Mom can notice clearer movements after the first month of life, when the baby begins to turn her head to her voice. How to develop a child’s reaction to sounds and voice from birth? There are several ways:
- Mom’s voice, which the baby hears most often. You can sing songs, talk about what someone is doing what at the moment, what he is doing. The main thing is to monitor the timbre of the voice and the pace of speech. The voice should be calm, soft, melodic. The baby thus cognizes the mood of the mother, learns and imitates. In the future, the child will copy the parents' speech and imitate them, pronounce words in the same style.
- Instrumental music, the sounds of nature contribute to calm, immersion in another space where the imagination develops. If this is music without words, then it should be calm, quiet, without sudden changes. It is worth turning on the music when the child is in a good mood. It helps to relax and reduce the anxiety that is characteristic of the baby in the first three months of life.
- For babies aged three months and older, when their waking hours are longer, musical instruments can be suggested as educational toys. Do not immediately buy a drum or harpsichord. A small bell, children's little maracas, rattles that are comfortable to hold in your hand, will be the first guides to the world of loud and sonorous sounds. Some educational toys and rugs combine several of these features.
Recommendations of pediatricians
During a monthly examination with a pediatrician, the doctor must give recommendations on how to develop a child from birth by month. For babies of the first three months of life, it is extremely important to feel the presence of a loving parent. Therefore, in recent years, more and more doctors have been advocating that mothers do not refuse to sleep together with the baby, at least in the daytime. This develops in the child a sense of confidence that he was not left alone, he is needed and is protected. In the future, this will affect the child’s relationship with adults, their relationship.
In the third month of life, it is recommended to undergo the first course of massage. It will allow you to develop muscles and joints, strengthen the skeleton. After such classes, the kids begin to roll over faster, sit down, and then crawl. This is an important stage in the development of the child.
Fourth month
The inquisitive baby is becoming more active and at this time he needs to have time to do a lot of things. He studies himself, so his hands go into his mouth as often as anything that is near. At this stage, suitable educational games for children from birth (in particular, for a four-month-old baby) are:
- Developing mats that will encourage the baby to roll over and reach up for the toy. The best place for this is a clean floor.
- The crib can also become a place for developing activities, at a distance of 30-40 cm from the baby you can hang a baby mobile or rings, for which you can grab your hands. The safety of the material from which they must be made is an important point. If it is plastic, then such products are easier to care for. Textile educational mobiles will not cause harm, the baby will be able to crush them in his hand.
Fifth month
If the child can already rise on his hands and be in such a position for some time, it is recommended that mom stimulate each such movement. You can put your favorite toy not near, but at a small distance from the baby. Do not help him, let him grumble if he can not take it right away. Some babies at this age learn to sit down. Therefore, the parent may notice that more and more often the child falls sideways, may be in a half-sitting position for some time. The funniest thing for a child is to pull his foot in his mouth. Thus, he can occupy himself for a long time. This is a peculiar way of developing and learning your body parts.
At the age of five months, the baby can be shown various pictures that develop in children from birth a color perception and shape. Therefore, you can start reading children's tales and little nursery rhymes. It is advisable to choose books with pages from thick cardboard. Reading a book develops hearing and attention in a child from birth. Any works of art whose contents are simple to understand and easy to read are suitable.
Sixth month
By this time, parents already have some knowledge in terms of how to develop a child from birth. A six-month-old baby is very mobile and requires more attention. Various games and fun will help direct energy in the right direction. With their help, you can teach your baby to crawl and stand on all fours. If the child is already confidently sitting on his own, then he can be slowly accustomed to moving with the help of a mobile. It is necessary to focus on development and physical readiness. In no case should you force the baby. Any games and activities should be carried out only with good health and mood of the baby.
At six months old, a baby can either learn how to play on her own for some time. If you take it into the process of folding or searching, then it can take from 5 to 15 minutes. You can develop coordination of movements with the help of a simple pyramid. So that all the rings or cubes are on the stand, they must be strung one on top of the other. It can also be a soft constructor or cubes. Experienced parents recommend using toys that are easy to wash or wash. The kid not only learns to touch to identify objects and study them, but also takes every opportunity to send a toy into his mouth. To distract him from this, we can recall the old game "Ladushki". Clapping hands happily, the baby develops hand coordination, as well as a kind of massage.
Advanced parents try to develop a child from birth. As soon as complementary foods are introduced, a new stage begins in terms of studying the taste of new products. If the baby wants to try to take the puree with a spoon and put it in his mouth, do not resist this. This also applies to the use of a special non-spill mug. Some of them have a tube through which the baby learns to drink, drawing in water and swallowing it. This skill will allow you to drink juices and drinks in the future without choking. The properties of the dishes can also be an element of development. So, on sale there are special chameleon spoons that change color with decreasing temperature.
Seventh month
Active crawling and knowledge of everything that can be at hand at the baby, allows you to turn the whole house into a continuous field for the development of skills. In terms of security, it is worthwhile to ensure that fragile objects, sharp corners, hot appliances and doors that can pinch your fingers are not at hand. At the same time, you should not turn the place for moving the baby into a sterile and empty room. Curiosity - this is what allows you to develop the intelligence of the child after birth. As soon as cabinets with various contents become available to him and the boxes, the parent can only watch so that the room does not turn into a dump. Therefore, you can limit its zone to any one department, for example, with pots in which various bowls are embedded. This is a replacement for pyramids and sorters, but it does not require additional cash costs from the parent.
If the baby begins to stand up and move on his own, it is better to use a walker. Children who are quietly awake in the crib while awake can learn the first steps by moving around its perimeter, holding onto the soft sides.
You can continue to study the forms of objects, colors, body parts. If the parent until this time actively interacted with the baby, talked and told him about it in a playful way, then the child will be able to answer the question by pointing to the correct answer with his finger. These can be the simplest questions, for example, “Where is mom?”, “Where is the nose?”. Also at the age of six months, the child learns to imitate an adult, making various sounds. A parent can imitate the sounds that animals make. The simplest syllables in the future will help move on to the first words. For example, "me-me", "mu-mu", "meow", "av." Such educational games from birth allow you to develop memory and imagination.
How to take an eight-month baby
Time flies by, and eight months have passed since the birth of the child. How to develop a baby at this age? It is important to maintain his knowledge and stimulate new skills. The development of the musculoskeletal system is one of the key tasks. Pediatricians recommend by this time to undergo another massage course. If the baby’s bones are ready, then at 8 months he already confidently sits by himself, while holding his back straight, walks, holding on to the support, falling, lands on the ass.
During wakefulness, when the baby feels good and calm, you can captivate him with the display of various educational cards with the image of animals, shapes, flowers. This is how we develop a child. From birth to a year, this technique has its own directions, taking into account age, and in the future it can be actively used by parents as a game.
Nine months to a year
When we develop a child from birth to a year, we believe that a lot of time and money is spent on it. However, do not forget that most of the items are available and are at hand, without requiring extra costs. Even the usual household manipulations are quite capable of capturing the attention of the crumbs. Indeed, for him, this is all happening for the first time.
One of the important everyday skills is communication with adults, it can be developed with the help of simple movements, for example, waving at parting or at a meeting. Some parents note that at this stage, the baby may require more attention from the mother. He already understands when she is nearby and when she is not. Fear of being left without her, even with friends and family, can frighten him greatly. That is why it is important that both parents from birth participate in the process of raising an infant. Developing activities can take the baby and carry away for a long time, but even if at the time of leaving the mother he is busy, in no case should you leave secretly. Adults should teach the child to part with his mother and rejoice when meeting her. The child already understands a lot, it is easy to occupy or distract him, without scaring at the same time parting with his mother.