What to do if a cat vomits?

All owners of pets can observe vomiting in cats. The gag reflex in these animals often causes excess absorbed food and hair to enter the body. But in some cases, this process can be a symptom of a dangerous disease. Many people wonder what to do if the cat vomits. If this happens regularly, the owner needs to monitor the state of her health and take appropriate measures. In specific situations, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. This article will discuss the main types and causes of vomiting in cats.

Physiological reasons

From a physiological point of view, vomiting is a natural defensive reaction of the body. Poisons, toxins and foreign bodies leave the stomach with it. When a cat vomits, its body gets rid of excessive amounts of food. There is no danger of so-called hungry vomiting. It is often observed in animals that receive food 2 times a day strictly by the hour. Often these cats feel nauseous in the morning.

Sometimes a cat vomits after eating. This in most cases stems from the fact that she quickly swallows or takes it in large quantities. To avoid this, it is advised to reduce the amount of food and give it in small portions. Another reason for vomiting in these animals is considered to be getting rid of wool, which got into the body during licking.

cat vomits foam what to do

Curiously, cats sometimes feel sick during pregnancy. This is facilitated by hormonal restructuring and stretching of the uterus of the nursery, which is in an interesting position. There are situations that these pets vomit during transportation by car, plane or other form of transport. There are special medications that help cats travel the distance without experiencing these problems.

Health problems

In certain cases, the gag reflex in cats can signal serious illness. It can be caused by:

  • Poisoning. A pet may well enjoy something on the street. The owners, without thinking about the consequences, also sometimes experiment with the diet of the animal.
  • Sore throat. It can provoke infections or the ingress of sharp objects into the body.
  • Infection with worms.
  • Kidney and liver disease.
  • Diabetes. Surprisingly, cats can get sick too.
  • Digestive system problems.
what to do with cat vomiting

If the cat vomits for one of these reasons, the owner should seek help from a specialist.

Manifestations of vomiting

Attentive owners are able to notice a deterioration in the health of their pet even before vomiting occurs. The disease can be indicated by lethargy, belching, bad breath, stomach problems. It is recommended to pay close attention to the following manifestations.

  • Smell and color of vomiting.
  • The time intervals between calls.
  • Does the cat have an appetite.
  • Is the animal thirsty?
  • Are there signs of poisoning?

Feed vomiting

If a cat vomits food, the exact cause of this phenomenon can be established only in a veterinary clinic. There is no reason for concern if this process occurred once, and a short time after the meal, the animal’s nose remains cold and wet, and the cat itself does not lose its activity.

cat vomits white foam

Urgent specialist assistance is needed:

  • If the cat vomits for more than a day.
  • She began to refuse food and drink.
  • The animal has worsened health.
  • In the vomit there is blood, bile or mucus.

Cat vomits after eating

Why it happens? The cat vomits undigested food for certain reasons:

  • The body of the animal is trying to cleanse itself of poor-quality food. Usually in such cases, vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by infections (inflammation in the intestines, gastritis, etc.) can also provoke a vomiting reflex.
  • Feeding a pet a budget food that is poorly absorbed by the body.
  • Lack of moisture. If the cat does not drink much liquid, she may feel nauseous right after eating
  • Big break in food.
the cat is sick

Vomiting foam

Some owners are interested in: in the event that the cat vomits with foam, what to do and where to go? Veterinarians commonly call this process "vomiting on an empty stomach." It occurs due to the fact that food, leaving the stomach and going into the intestines, leaves behind gastric juice. A special protective mucus is produced containing protein, which prevents the process of self-digestion in the stomach. Its mixture with gastric juice forms a kind of foam.

In most cases, when a cat vomits white foam without any impurities, this process does not pose a danger to its body. However, this fact may indicate a violation in the functioning of the biliary system. A pet can also be torn with foam as a result of the ingestion of wool, spoiled or very rough food in its body. If the gag reflex is systematically repeated, you should seek the help of professionals.

Vomiting with blood or bile

Blood in the contents of vomiting directly indicates the presence of serious diseases in the animal. Its light red color usually indicates damage to the esophagus, mechanical injuries of the pharynx, and wounds in the oral cavity.

cat vomits after eating

Blood impurities of a dark red or brown hue mean that bleeding is observed in the cat's stomach. It can occur due to exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer, intoxication of the body, ingestion of sharp objects in the animal’s stomach. If the cat vomits blood, a close examination of the oral cavity and pharynx is necessary to identify foreign objects.

The presence of bile in the vomit signals problems with the biliary system, liver damage resulting from intoxication. Bile secretion can be observed with prolonged vomiting, when spasms do not go away, and the pet’s stomach has completely got rid of its contents.


Since the cat's vomiting reflex can cause a large number of reasons, the specialist prescribes the course of treatment only after the final diagnosis is made. It is established on the basis of a detailed study of the anamnesis, which includes the results of studies and analyzes. Often, vomiting of domestic animals is accompanied by dehydration, so their body during the uncontrolled course of vomiting is supported by droppers.

what to do if the cat vomits

The emetic process of an infectious nature is treated with the use of antibiotics. The course of treatment may also include drugs that protect the stomach, and antiemetics. Foreign bodies are removed from the cat's body in certain cases by surgical intervention. At home, only healthy, adult animals are allowed to be treated. If the cat vomits for more than a day, the owner should not be delayed with a visit to the veterinarian.

Preventative measures

A large number of cases of vomiting in cats can be prevented if you listen to certain recommendations for caring for them:

  • Feed your pet should be a quality ready-made feed or balanced natural food. If the animal eats leftover food from the host’s table, this can lead to disturbances in the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • The pet needs to be given a vaccine against infectious diseases every year.
  • Twice a year it is recommended to poison the worms in cats.
  • As necessary, they need to give a special paste that helps dissolve and remove wool.
  • Small objects cannot be left unattended on the floor.
  • Needles, threads, buttons and other small items should be kept away from the eyes of an observant animal.
  • A preventive examination of the pet should be carried out annually in a veterinary clinic.
cat vomits food

A competent owner should know the reasons why his cat is vomiting, and come to the aid of his pet. With good care and balanced nutrition, an affectionate purr will always delight its owner with active behavior, excellent appetite and good health.

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