WordPress Shortcodes: Case Studies

WordPress shortcodes are a powerful but still little-known feature of the content management system. To show ads on your blog, just type in the word adsense. With the post_count command, you can instantly find out the number of posts. There are many similar examples. Feature sets can greatly simplify the work of a blogger.

wordpress shortcodes

Simple Shortcode Example

A novice user needs to learn how to create and use special commands, as well as be able to use ready-made options. To do this, you need to understand what WordPress shortcodes are made of. As an example, take the line [my_shortcode id = 1 color = white] Some suggestion [/ my_shortcode]. In this entry, the user invokes the option bound to the shortcode. The line consists of two parameters.

, id color. . . , PHP. : my_shortcode(array('id'=>'1', 'color'='white'), '- ').

. : [my_shortcode id=1 color=white]. , . , . , ID.


. . HTML- : [showcase]. . : [showcase id="1"].

: [url href=" "][/url]. WordPress 2.5 , Shortcode API. . Shortcode API .

how to insert shortcode in wordpress

WordPress HTML . . , , , . , – . .

, PHP-, . WordPress functions.php. function hello() {return ', !';}. , . , add_shortcode()» «hello().

: add_shortcode('hw', 'hello');. . HTML- [hw]. , .

, . .

wordpress shortcodes plugin

WP Shortcode by MyThemeShop

-. WordPress 24 : , , , . . , «+». .

. , . , .

Shortcodes Ultimate

. WordPress. . . 50 , CSS.

. , , , .

Fruitful Shortcodes

. . WordPress.

, , . . . - «».

wordpress setup


. . HTML JavaScript-. . adsenseAd.

. [sc:adsenseAd]. .

Shortcoder – . . .

Easy Bootstrap Shortcode

. , WordPress. , . . .

-, . , . . : , , , , . .

wordpress php shortcodes

WP Canvas – Shortcodes

. , , , , , . .

, HTML-, . . . .

Arconix Shortcodes

6 WordPress. , , , . . . , , .

Simple Shortcodes

WordPress. . : , , , . .

, .

wordpress not working shortcode


«»? functions.php WordPress PHP : function twitt(){return '<div id="twitit"><a href=" =Currently reading '.get_permalink($post->ID).'"title=" !" ></a></div>';}add_shortcode('twitter', 'twitt');.

HTML-. [twitter]. , .

" RSS"

. WordPress. , . : function subscribeRss() {return '<div class="rss-box"><a href=" "> </a></div>';} add_shortcode('subscribe', 'subscribeRss');.

themes for wordpress

Google AdSense

. Google . , , . , [adsense].


, . HTML- [rss feed=" " num="3"]. URL RSS-, – .

, , HTML- [liste num="5" cat="2"]. ID 2. , WordPress . .

, . . HTML- [postimage size="" float="center"].

, WordPress . . WordPress functions.php add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);. .

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