Oncological diseases are becoming more common. And, unfortunately, not only in humans. Our smaller brothers are no less susceptible to this formidable disease. Veterinarians note that over the past twenty years, the number of animals with tumors of various nature and size has increased at least five times. Perhaps earlier they were simply not brought to the clinic, and the dogs lived out the time allotted to them without medical assistance. Whatever the case, today we have a chance to help pets, and it needs to be used.
At risk
A breast tumor in a dog is diagnosed today in 20% of animals that have reached the age of 10-12 years. The figures are huge, even if we consider that not everyone is given such a deadline. But younger dogs often arrive in clinics with suspected oncology. The quality of treatment will depend on how timely the treatment was. Therefore, the attitude of the hosts to wait, this is fundamentally the wrong belief.
A breast tumor in a dog is found not only in females. Dogs also have nipples on their stomachs, albeit underdeveloped. But this does not protect animals from this formidable disease. Of course, in males it is found about 100 times less often, but almost always with a fatal outcome.
And we move on. Who else is at risk. It is important for each owner to know in order to be prepared to face a disease such as a breast tumor in a dog. Both benign and malignant, they are found in all bitches with functioning ovaries. That is, in the risk zone, almost every female who has entered reproductive age. If you do not plan an exhibition career and professional engagement in breeding, then it will be much better to sterilize your darling before she reaches 6 months of age. Surgery performed at a later age does not guarantee a reduction in the risk of cancer.
Dozens of species and subspecies
Not every breast tumor in dogs is deadly. Today, there are several dozen varieties of cancers, as well as simple tumors. For ease of understanding, they are divided into two groups: benign and malignant. If the first can cause mechanical compression of the tissues and impaired blood circulation, the second gives metastases and, in fact, destroys the body from the inside. Malignant tumors annually cause the death of thousands of animals around the world.
Genetic predisposition
This can be said about people. Some families have a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, and women have undergone surgery to remove this organ from generation to generation. We observe a similar phenomenon in our smaller brothers. Breast tumors in dogs are most often found in toy and dwarf poodles, English setters and cocker spaniels, setters and German shepherds, Yorkshire terriers. The average age is approximately 10 years, but today the number of visits to veterinary clinics with dogs from the age of one to five, with confirmed cancer, is rapidly growing.
One, two, many
Those who kept animals at home are well aware that their nipples are located along the entire surface of the abdomen. There are cases when there are single benign breast tumors in dogs. That is, one of the nipples turns into a hard ball, which rolls under the fingers. But he does not grow and does not bother the pet.
However, most often in about 40% of animals there is a multiple development of tumors. Both rows of mammary glands are usually involved in this process. This can be accompanied by a severe inflammatory process, and in some cases even necrosis. Is it possible to distinguish a benign and malignant tumor? The first is usually probed in the form of a small ball, which is very mobile, and rolls when probed. Usually it has a smooth, regular shape. With a malignant course of the process, it is attached to the wall of the abdominal cavity, which can also be determined by an experienced doctor on palpation. Such tumors grow rapidly, have an irregular shape. On the surface, we see ulcerative lesions, redness of tissues, swelling of the limbs.
Approximately half of all cases that are referred to veterinary clinics are benign breast tumors in dogs. These include complex adenomas and simple adenomas, fibroadenomas and papillomas. What to do with them will be decided by the veterinarian. It is better not to touch some formations, for the treatment of others a course of special drugs is prescribed. But the second half of shaggy patients are those who are much less fortunate. They are diagnosed with osteogenic sarcomas, fibrosarcomas, cystic adenocarcinomas and other unpleasant neoplasms, which in some cases are fatal.
Or what an attentive host should pay attention to. A breast tumor in a dog, the photo of which we present in our article, manifests itself in the form of a small seal. However, in some cases it remains the same size year after year, while in others it is slowly but surely growing. In case of severe malignant neoplasms, the tissues around this place become inflamed and undergo necrosis. If you see that the bump is constantly growing, and even more so, if it is opened, and pus flows from it, then do not waste time in vain. This is the only way to save a dog’s life, if it’s not too late.
Development reasons
Where cancerous tumors come from is a question that modern medicine and veterinary medicine have not yet fully answered. There are many theories that prove the effects of carcinogens and the poor ecology of the city. But this does not explain why all dogs living in this region do not get sick. Some breeds have a genetic predisposition, as we have already discussed above.
More recently, veterinarians have made a new statement. Feeding moldy products provokes the growth of tumors. Of course, this mostly applies to dry, cheap feeds. The manufacturer in this case does not care about the quality of the starting products, and often spoiled and moldy meat and fish meal is used, to which dyes and flavorings are added. To protect your pet from a difficult fate, feed him with natural food or choose only super-premium class products.
The last factor that veterinarians point out as a possible cause of the development of tumors is the vital activity of worms. By themselves, they do not provoke tumor growth, but their presence in the intestine increases the chances of oncology.
Diagnostics First
Having noticed a lump of any size on the belly of his pet, each owner begins to think about removing the breast tumor in the dog. However, first of all, the doctor needs to understand what kind of neoplasm he is dealing with. Compaction in the mammary gland and its necrosis can also occur when oncology has nothing to do with it. Therefore, it is important to choose a good clinic where doctors have the opportunity to conduct high-quality diagnostics. It includes:
- Complete chemical blood count.
- Microscopic examination of blood.
- Analysis of urine.
- X-ray of the chest and abdomen to detect metastasis.
- Tumor biopsy to determine its properties.
What are the forecasts
This is the most difficult question that every doctor must honestly answer his patient. How many dogs with a breast tumor live, it is impossible to say in absentia. Both the prognosis and the course of treatment will depend on several factors. This is the type of tumor, the condition of the animal, the capabilities of the owner, including financial and temporary.
Of course, the presence or absence of metastases will be crucial. If the tumor has a benign character, then the prognosis is favorable, despite its size. Malignant tumors of small sizes, up to five centimeters, allow a cautious prognosis. If the size is larger, then it is unfavorable.
The only measure available today is the removal of a breast tumor in a dog. Moreover, this decision can be made in the case when it is benign, just in this case, the chances of recovery are much greater. However, the neoplasm must be excised. But how this process will proceed depends on the age of the animal, its physiological state and constitution, as well as on the neglect of the process.
Based on this, the operation will take place in different ways. A dog’s breast tumor can be excised by itself, or with it, the doctor will remove the muscles of the abdominal wall and mammary glands completely. As a rule, you have to immediately remove the ovaries, so as not to provoke serious problems on the hormonal background.
Drug therapy
There are no special tablets or drugs that would completely neutralize a breast tumor in a dog. In addition to surgical intervention, the veterinarian will decide how to treat the animal based on the examinations. As a rule, all drugs used are very specific and expensive. Nobody will sell them anyway without special purpose.
It is very difficult for a doctor if a malignant tumor penetrates deep into the surrounding tissue, and sometimes grows through vital organs that cannot be completely removed. In this case, the surgeon tries to maximally clear the cavity of the tumor cells, after which long-term chemotherapy is prescribed. We emphasize that today a breast tumor in a dog is considered. Treatment of cancer of the intestine and other organs can take place in a slightly different scenario.
So, chemotherapy can take a long time, it is it that is designed to prevent a relapse of the disease. However, in an adult dog, only complete excision of the tumor gives a pronounced positive effect. And in this case, the body experiences tremendous stress from the operation, which is subject to aggressive drug exposure. The immunity weakens so much that it may simply not be able to withstand oncology in the early stages of therapy. That is, until the moment when it gives results, the dog simply will not survive. The approximate period when it will be possible to talk about successful treatment is 6.5 months.
Postoperative period
After the breast tumor has been removed, a long-term rehabilitation will be required. The duration depends on the quality of the operation and the condition of the animal. But be that as it may, on the belly of the dog flaunts a seam that requires constant attention. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate and brilliant green - these are the most necessary preparations today. Every day, morning and evening, it is necessary to carry out the treatment of the suture and make sure that there is no inflammation. The first 5-10 days you need to take to the veterinarian every day, then you will already have your schedule. Most often, a consultation is prescribed every 2 months in order to use X-ray to trace the condition of the body, namely, the absence of metastases. All other drugs, including painkillers, should be prescribed by your doctor.
If the tumor opened
This happens, and quite often. Especially in the case of malignant tumors, when they sometimes grow in a few weeks. Or the opposite situation. The bump for years was the same size, not a disturbing animal. However, suddenly a breast tumor in the dog opened. What should the owner do in this case? First of all, show the animal to the veterinarian. If this is a malignant neoplasm, then the pet experiences severe pains, to which constant discomfort due to a festering wound is now added. Is it worth prolonging this torment? Only on the basis of the tests done, the doctor can recommend what to do next. If the animal is over 12 years old, then the success of the operation is in question, because the heart may not be able to withstand such a load. However, everyone should have a chance at salvation.
First aid
Until you get to the doctor, you need to treat the opened abscess. For this, hydrogen peroxide and a bandage, cotton wool are useful. Wash the blood and pus, make a sterile dressing and apply to the wound. In order to stretch the inflammation, streptomycin ointment can be applied. However, this is only a single exposure, so as not to aggravate the situation with a bacterial complication. Next, the doctor must assess the condition and prescribe treatment. This is not an easy test for every host. A sick pet must be taken to the clinic several times a day, asked for leave from work, and agreed with taxi drivers. In addition, veterinarian services are very expensive today. But what can you do, because we are responsible for those who tamed.
Instead of a conclusion
Any seals and bumps on the body of your pet is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Not the fact that this is deadly, but you can’t drag it either. The clinic must be chosen very carefully, today many offices are opened where one doctor works, often not the most experienced, without any diagnostic equipment. And of course, he is ready to accept any shaggy patient, as well as conduct a course of treatment for all diseases. Run away from such doctors. You need a good clinic where the oncologist surgeon works, and there is a modern laboratory. If you are a busy person, then find out immediately whether there is a hospital at the clinic where your pet can be left for a day for examinations and necessary manipulations, as well as for the night after the operation. Only in this case, your pet has a chance to live next to you for many more years.