Welsh Springer Spaniel: breed description

One of the oldest hunting dogs in the UK is the Welsh Springer Spaniel. With the participation of these animals several more English breeds were bred. After reading this article, you will learn about the features of the exterior of such dogs.

welsh springer spaniel

The history of the breed

The British have known about the ancestors of these dogs since ancient times. They were often used during the hunt. The Welsh Springer Spaniel, whose photo will be presented in this article, took up the game into the air, for which it was nicknamed the intimidator. Due to the fact that the main breeders of these animals lived in Wales, it is considered their historical homeland. Dogs, endowed with excellent working qualities, quickly gained popularity among English hunters.

As for their origin, dog handlers still do not have a single version. It is only known for certain that their closest relatives are cocker spaniels. They were singled out as an independent breed only in 1902. Their development was greatly influenced by the First World War, during which the population of these beautiful dogs was on the verge of extinction. Since 1923, with the joint efforts of breeders and connoisseurs of these dogs, she began to gradually revive. It is interesting that in our country there are no representatives of the Welsh Springer Spaniel breed. Why in Russia not a single animal is officially registered remains a mystery.

welsh springer spaniel photo

Temperament Features

These are energetic and very dedicated animals. The Welsh Springer Spaniel is very friendly to all members of its owner's family. He loves children and is able to get along with other pets. They greet uninvited guests quite wary, notifying them of their appearance with a loud, barking bark.

They are easy to learn, literally grabbing teams on the fly. However, with incorrectly organized training, the Welsh Springer Spaniel, whose puppies resemble a plush toy, is able to show unprecedented obstinacy. Usually great companions and fearless defenders grow out of them. Despite their small size, they boldly rush to the aid of their master if he is in danger.

welsh springer spaniel breed description

Welsh Springer Spaniel: breed description

These are compact, firmly built dogs with a slightly stretched body. They are ideal for strenuous, long-term work. The height of adult individuals ranges from 44-48 centimeters with a mass of not more than 20 kilograms.

The head of the animal is proportional to the overall constitution. On a straight, short square muzzle there is a dark or flesh nose with well-developed nostrils. The Welsh Springer Spaniel has low-set hanging ears that fit snugly against the cheekbones. They are covered with rather fine wool and are remotely resembling a vine leaf in shape.

The length of the muscular body with curved ribs and deep chest is proportional to the height at the withers. The whole body of the dog is covered with beautiful silky hair of a pure white or dark red-red color. As for the picture, everything is very individual here, since there is no clear standard in this matter.

welsh springer spaniel puppies

Maintenance and care

These hardy hyperactive dogs need systematic training. They perfectly adapt to living on the street. But they must have at their disposal a comfortable insulated booth. Welsh Springer Spaniels have a fairly long coat with hairs in the area of ​​the rear surface of the paws. Therefore, animals must be combed regularly. To remove dead hair, you can use a comb or brush. During molting, this should be done several times a week. Otherwise, all the wool will be on your carpets and furniture.

Another characteristic feature of these dogs is that they are prone to gain weight. Therefore, owners should carefully monitor their diet.

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How to feed such a dog?

The basis of the diet of the Welsh Springer Spaniel should be natural nutrition. Experienced dog handlers do not recommend giving them dry food. It is advisable that the daily dog ​​menu contains low-fat raw beef, vegetables, and dairy products. Cereals can disrupt the intestinal microflora, so it is better to exclude them from the list of allowed ingredients. You can add a little bran to vegetable dishes.

Several times a week, a dog can be offered fish, which will be a good alternative to the meat component of the dog’s diet. However, experts do not recommend fully translating the Welsh Springer Spaniel into seafood.

Training Features

These smart and enthusiastic dogs are easy to train. Despite the fact that they quickly memorize teams, they are distinguished by a very independent and stubborn disposition. Therefore, if handled ineptly, the process of teaching the Welsh can turn into a real test. They need solid training, a true leader should be engaged in their education. Otherwise, the animal will cease to obey at all.

Before each training session you need to stock up on enough of your dog’s favorite treats. Do not forget to encourage her efforts and do not skimp on praise. Try to make your classes short and not boring. Do not forget that representatives of this breed do not tolerate rough treatment, they can not raise their voices. In order to achieve the desired results, in the process of training you should show maximum perseverance and patience.

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