How fleas are inferred in dogs: tips for dog breeders

How are fleas removed in dogs

In autumn, dog owners complain more often to veterinary clinics that their pets itch and bite themselves. Doctors sometimes even see the fleas on the skin of animals with the naked eye and advise the owners to remove them. If you don’t want these blood-sucking parasitic insects to attack your dog, it’s worthwhile to figure out how fleas in dogs are brought out.

Antiparasitic drugs

The most common flea protection product is a special collar. Despite the wide choice, they are all made according to the same principle: the active substance (chemical or natural) is applied to the tape from artificial material. Before putting on the collar, you must definitely stretch it several times. This is necessary in order to crack micropores, and the drug from the product could constantly come on the skin of your pet. When buying a collar, pay attention to the dogs for what weight and type it is intended. Since the dog’s grease is constantly produced, the inside of the product may become contaminated. This will reduce the effectiveness of the drug, so do not forget to regularly wipe the collar from the inside.

Flea leopard for dogs

Another popular remedy for fleas is drops at the withers. How can fleas be removed in dogs using this form? Drops should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions attached to the drug. You can apply the solution either in one place (most often this place is the withers of the dog), or along the entire spine. Using drops is very simple: spread the hair at the withers of the pet and drip the preparation onto the skin. It is quite difficult to make a mistake with the dose, since the product is in ampoules designed for a certain weight of the dog.

Flea spray for dogs

Next, we describe how fleas in dogs are treated with special antiparasitic sprays. They are used both for quick disposal of blood-sucking insects, and for subsequent protection. The spray needs to be treated the dog 1-2 times a week, applying aerosol to the paws, chest and tail, that is, to places that are most often infected with ectoparasites. Remember that when processing long-haired breeds, the expense of the product doubles, since long hair must be moistened to the skin. Now on the shelves you can buy the following aerosols: spray "Bars" from fleas for dogs of different breeds, "Front Line", "Bayer" and others.

Flea shampoos are effective if your pet already has parasites. Use it regularly when washing the dog until it is completely rid of blood-sucking insects.

Processing requires more than just a dog ...

But only 10% of the fleas are on the animal, the rest are in your apartment. Therefore, the room also needs to be processed. If you seriously want to know how fleas are removed in dogs once and for all, we remind you: some places in the apartment also need to be "neutralized", even if you do not see insects there. Be sure to apply the flea spray for dogs on the animal’s bed, treat his clothes and equipment (leashes, harnesses, collars, overalls, etc.). It will not be superfluous to prevent other domestic animals if they live in the same house as an infected dog.

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